Ok so same thing four games in a row and getting pissed, here is the deal. Pangea, Small, Prince, Epic. Ok so early expansion is crucial so i pretty much get as many good cities as possible (never make a city just for the sake of having it, needs resources or strategic position) this usually kills the economy. But thats all good got the librarys built and got the scientist going in every city making good research progress with slider at 10% because of it. Cant afford many units or strike will just take them away so i defend with what i can which aint much. Now comes code of laws, COURTHOUSES!!!! ready to get the whip cracking and get this economy back on track. I got my neighbors pleased with me by giving them free resources cause lord knows i cant goto war. And now the economy is fixed, My empire is set up well and ...... BANG!!!! One of the two neighbors that is pleased with me (not one negative remark) and recieving free resources from me attacks me just as im about to gt me army going now that I can afford it. FOUR GAMES IN A ROW!!!! why have diplomacy as a option in the game if they will attack you no matter how pleased they are with you. PISSING ME OFF!!! ok i feel better now, had to vent to people who understand me, my girlfriend cant understand how I can get so pissed at a game. if she only knew.
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,