Needed for Game Start


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
We need some things for the game start.

For the game itself, we need a password which is difficult to guess. I'd prefer it also be easy to remember :old: but that is not a requirement.

Previous teams I have been on have used gmail accounts for formal diplomatic communications. The gmail accounts have advantages of being able to store vast amounts of information, and the ability to forward everything it receives to multiple other addresses. For example, if we set the civstats registration email as the gmail, then it can send us all the turn starting messages. You can also cc the gmail when sending a diplo message, or set it up to forward outgoing.

If we use a gmail, then we'll need a username and password for it, and someone to register as its owner.

The team name decision needs to be nailed down so that Thunderfall doesn't get annoyed with us wanting to name our forum at a different time.

We should designate who is going to be responsible for ensuring our turn is played, if we're going to have a turnplayer.

After the first 1-2 turns, there will be 8-15 where most (or all) teams are just exploring and letting their builds tick over. What do you think about organizing a turn party and delegating authority to play on to the designated turn player until some criteria is reached?
A gmail-address sounds good. I haven't used gmail to forward messages, but if that is possible, it seems to be the best choice.
(We can set up an email-list later on, so everybody who wishes to receive the mail can get it. Nevertheless diplo-messages should be posted in our teamforum asap.)

If we are going for a scientific team name our password could be like 31N5T31N.

Maybe it it is best if we assign a turnplayer for a certain amount of time (i.e. 10-15 turns?) to make sure our turn is played (according to our discussion before).
I don't like the idea of a turn party too much since we can not use those turns for finding the best strategy for the following rounds. (but we can certainly play these turns quite fast...)
gmail is a good idea, and I think a must for communication with other teams.
A fixed turn player now is not necessary. Today we 've enough player.

Another question:
1. we will we decide the turn. Followes is used to me.
A player played turn 3, he post his actions in a turn fred (For rule reasons we need a detailed record), then opens a fred for turn 4, with all his informations, like the graphics etc, all member discussed the turn 4 and decide the turn, when we at turn some player played the turn and post his actions in the turn fred, opens a fred for turn 5 etc.

If a player see a new situation, he decide to reopen the discussion or not, dependent at the situation.

There are also freds for lontime decisons and the communication with the other teams.
I can set up the gmail account (since I've already got gmail :))

As for passwords, I prefer simple - so it's easy and quick to type, and not tough to remember. In a game like this, the password is really only serving to keep an accidental misclick from allowing a different team to open our game.

Proposed password: #5

This has the added advantage of requiring the shift key ;)
It's a bad idea to use anything other than alphanumerics in passwords. International keyboards might generate slightly different encodings for similar but not identical characters. We also had a statement from Sirian when the ISDG was created that Civ4 might not like special character passwords.

I'm also not sure we should be so cavalier about security. Sure, in theory cheating should be very unlikely, but you never know.

I suggest number5 as an alternative. Or if we want it to be even longer, number5alive.
number5 is good, but perhaps "numberfuenf " will be better; the second half is german. I don't know, can you memorize it good enough?

yes you are right, security is important.
i say numberfuenf may be better makes it alittle harder just incase. and also sorry for my recent, prolonged absence. Extremely busy at the hospital as soon as it snows it seems
numbercoig? last half in Gaelic :D Im just being different. I really dont care what the password is since I wont be turnplayer or anything but I can remember long numbers very easily so dont worry about me.
I suggest we just stick with number5 and not go overboard with ways to make it more complicated :p
OK guys, which is it gonna be:




:hammer: I honestly don't care one way or the other, as long as the first turnplayer tells us what he chose ;)

Speaking of which, we also must choose the first turnplayer :eek:

I'd like HUSch to take the first turnset. He's been active in the Starting Position thread, and he's already told us he's able to be turnplayer. He's got a deep understanding of the information that can be gotten from the Demographics screen, and he's proved himself to be an able micromanager. Our young nation will be in capable hands if he is making decisions on our behalf :salute:

Perhaps we should ask him to play the first 20 turns?
We're going to have Ginger_Ale sign in for each team and set the password before the game is advertised as being open. That lets him check to see if the save is set up properly. So we can't just leave it to the 1st player.

I'd like to press on with number5. Hopefully there are no objections.
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