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New 21st century/ww3 scenario!!


Oct 28, 2005
I created a 21st century scenario insired by muffins ww3 2015 but on a smaller map called "HOT 140x140" The second file is the same but with locked wars added.

These haven't really been tested much but they seem good so far feedback would be appreciated.

12 playable civs
Latin America
East Asians-locked America
North Korea-locked China
Isreal-locked America
Canada-locked america

All militarys are based on the real world strehgnths


  • Keith ww III.zip
    78.8 KB · Views: 695
  • Keith 21st century.zip
    78.6 KB · Views: 605
I don't usually download a scenerio without a screenshot. I don't like getting fooled. Could you post a screenie?
Yeah here are a few.

I hope they work never made screenies before.

Oh and these are all made in the editor.


  • Russia and EU.JPG
    Russia and EU.JPG
    422.9 KB · Views: 1,028
  • China.JPG
    391.5 KB · Views: 788
  • India and Arabs.JPG
    India and Arabs.JPG
    413.5 KB · Views: 722
pyonyang looks cool (109 units? :s )
i'll download it ;-)
Yeah my formula for militarys was 1 unit for every 10,000 soldiers in real life so..........lol
one thing, Brussels is way off :p (more south and, not next to sea)

but i have no time to play today
looking forward to the korean battle btw :D
Ok I'll check Brussels
and does Eroupe need more cities?
well Australia has more cities than germany,france and england together dont u think something is wrong with this?
Yes but Australias cities are much smaller I'll try and add more cities to Eruope anyway though. Should I do same for the Latins?
OMG :D please change the characters names :D
only AL Gore :p

i'm fighting against clones
I don't know why that happend but I'll try an fix it. I'll have a new version with that and Eruopes cities fixed up later today.
well... i dl it and looked at it on the editor. i found everything pretty good except that Canada didnt have enof cities so i jus made some more and moved Montreal north west and made it a metro since it is in real life. also, i may have to delete settlers since im wondering if America is gonna try and settle the Canadian artic. i also moved London west but other than those two things i didnt tamper too much. anyways that was my nationalistic Canadian pride thing.
EDIT: oh yea and i changed most of the leaders since Czarina Catherine died a long time ago, that sorta thing. and im pretty sure GWB is pres of the US, not Al Gore, lol.

anyways, the game is just loading now so ill take a quick peak before bed. looks good:D
oh and if you want to change the leader's names, go into player properties>players and then delete the name given to each civ.
then go into edit rules>civilizations>and then go thru each civ and give them the titles and names you want.
here are the names i gave to the leaders:
Canada: Prime Minister Stephen Harper
America: George W. Bush
European Union: Chancellor Romano Prodi (Italian dood)
Russia: President Putin
Arab Alliance: President Mohammed Ahmedinejad (Iranian dood)
Latin America: President Hugo Chavez (Venezualan dood)
China: Chairman Hu Jintao
N Korea: President Kim Jong-il
Africa: President Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwean dood)
Israel: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
East-Asia: Prime Minister Takahashi (some made up horsehockyfaced dood)
all of those people are the real leaders of countries in the world today except for the East-Asian guy because i couldnt remember the Japanese Prime Minister's name.
Guys stop pressing him .
Morphiling , Okay now let's just forget for a moment that what you said is fact in realife , because we are'nt in realife we're at Civilization . I don't think it worth to fill Australia with all their cities , I don't know why but I think you from there right ?

Well I'm from Israel , Israel has much cities and much more than every world scenario included . but it does'nt make any of sense to fill in every country all their cities .

nc-1701 nice scenario for 1st time , you just need more info about the world mate .
but everything is just cool , I hope the scenario will up fast on my Comp , because I saw there are many units , and that means slow loading for me :D :D
by the way , what is the difference between the attached files ? ww III and 21st century ?

edit : I just took a look on Keith ww III , and I really think the map is too small mate , and it does'nt allow you to locate more cities .
The_Godfather , it's not Ariel Sharon anymore , Ariel Sharon is "dead" but in Israel the law says you can't "disconnect" a plant-human . I don't know how to explain it , but he's only kinda "alive" , the medicine holds him with machines etc ..
Well my map of the world says Canada has 30million people in it I translated that into 15 city sizes which I tried to spread out as much as I could (I ran into the same problem with Russia) As for the Eroupean cities I looked at my worldmap again and they all seemed ok ig you could give me something specific that would help. I made Gore president of USA since this is set in 2010 or so so it can't be Bushand I didn't think Hillary/Rice/Jeb Bush were likely.

WW III just has locked wars added to it. As for map size my comp can't load anything bigger so I make do.;)

I'll have a new version up soon with Brest (france) added settlers deleted and more leader names changed.

Amazingly it loads fast cause few cities the units make the first few turns really slow though.
I completely underestimated this! Looks brilliant! I'll donload first thing when I get home. Thanks! :D
yea i heard about Sharon, hes in a coma from stroke but i couldnt remember the deputy prime minister so i just put him in instead.
yea i placed Edmonton, Calgary, Halifax, and St. John's. im also gonna make it so that the food consumption is only 1 food per citizen so that cities can attain proper sizes.
conquer_dude said:
I completely underestimated this! Looks brilliant! I'll donload first thing when I get home. Thanks! :D

I didn't expect a response like that for my first scenario! lol hope you like it

How do I change the food consumption??
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