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Louis the XIV

Sun King
Jun 23, 2020
Court of Versailles
I'm Sorry to announce that I have given up this mod, also after the 1.4 Update it has a lot of the civs don't have UU's because of a bug. If anyone wants to use anything from this mod they are free to do so.
If you are interested in another project by me check out Rhye's and Fall of Spain. Of you where only interested in the new Civs you can go to this link Where you can request your own civ.

Hello everyone! I have created a mod called Historia Vincit as you can see here. I have been working on it for months and It has a lot of new features.

Basically this mod adds a bunch of new units, civs, and many other things and lists a wide variety of historical scenarios.

Current Version 1.4 ADDED 40 LEADERS!

Spoiler Scenarios :
Spoiler Earth Evolution 2 :
Map: I added a map called Earth Evolution 2, you might know it since I use it in a lot of my other scenarios but this one is a bit different. I added all the civs in Historia Vincit to start where they should, for example if you play as the Yakut you will start in Siberia, or with the Mughals you will start in Delhi and you choose how many civs are in the game.

Spoiler Alexander the Great :
Map: map of Alexander's conquest created by me. Civs: Macedonia, Athens, Sparta, Mycenae, Thrace, Selucids, Scythian Tribes, Persia, North India, South India, Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt. Playable Civs: Macedonia Year: 400 BC

Spoiler Rise of Rome :
Map: Tiny Europe by @Rhye and @Fierabras Civs: Rome, Carthage, Greece, Ptolemaic Egypt, Aechmid Empire, Scythian Tribes, Gupta Dynasty, Hispanic Tribes, Celts, Gallic Tribes, Germanic Tribes, Dacian Tribes, Kingdom of Geloa, Byzantines (will appear once the Roman Empire becomes very unhappy) Huns (appear in 300 AD) Playable Civs: Roman Empire Year: 320 BC

Spoiler The Rise of Islam :
Map: Middle East by @sr Civs: Abbasid Caliphate, Umayyad Caliphate, Byzantine Empire, Kingdom of Makuria, Great Seljuk Empire, Western Turkic Khagnate, Islamic Empire of Persia, Eastern Turkic Khagnate, Himyarite Kingdom, Chalukyan Empire, Chandraguptan Empire, Sassanid Dynasty, Hephthalitian Empire, French Crusade (If you want to play the French Crusade under Baldwin II you will need to keep pressing End Turn until the year 1000 AD) Playable Civs: All Year: 750 AD

Spoiler 1000 AD Medieval Era :
Map: Earth Evolution 2 Civs: All except Argentina, Columbia, and Canada. Playable Civs: All except Brazil and U.S.A. because they will spawn later in the game. Year: 1000 AD

Spoiler 19th Century Age of Revolution :
Map: Earth Evolution 2 Civs: All Except Sumer and Babylon Playable Civs: All Year: 1800 AD

Spoiler Earth 2020 AD Modern Age :
Map: Earth Evolution 2 Civs: All Playable Civs: All Year: 2020 AD

Spoiler Earth Evolution 2 :
I added a map called Earth Evolution 2, you might know it since I use it in a lot of my other scenarios but this one is a bit different. I added all the civs in Historia Vincit to start where they should, for example if you play as the Yakut you will start in Siberia, or with the Mughals you will start in Delhi and you choose how many civs are in the game.
Where the new civs I added will start:
-Qing Dynasty: Manchuria (Northern China)
-Indonesia: Kamaro Island (an island under Singapore)
-Mughals: Delhi
-India: Pataliputra (Patna)
-Safavid (Iran): Tabriz (a few tiles up of Persepolis)
-Yakut (Sakha): Siberia
-Romania: Eastern Europe (close to Ukraine)
-Mamluks: Egypt (Cairo/Memphis)
-Egypt: Under Mamluks (Upper Nile)
-Moors: Cordoba (Southern Spain)
-Celts: Edingburgh (Scotland)
-Tibet: The Karakoram West Tibetan Plateau
-Native Americans: Colorado
-Canada: Montreal
-Columbia: Venezuela (Caracas)
-Brazil: Rio de Janeiro (I know their capital is Brasilia)
-Argentina: Buenos Aires
-Poland: Warsaw (West of Belarus)
-Congo: Coast of Congo
-Austrohungary: Vienna (Central Europe)

Spoiler Civilizations and Leaders :
Only listing the Leaders and Civs I added: Arabia: Harun al Rashid AustroHungarian Empire: Franz Joseph Argentina: San Martin Brazil: Pedro II Canada: Sir John Alexander MacDonald Columbia: Bolivar Congo: Nzinga Mbemba Gotruk or Turkic Khagnate or Seljuk Empire: Tong Yabghu Qaghan Indonesia: Dharmasetu Italy: Lorenzo de Medici Moors: Tariq ibn Ziyad
Qing Dynasty/Jurchen/Manchuria: Taizu of Jin and Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty
Mughal's: Akbar
Poland: Sobieski Romania: Carol I Safavid: Ismail I Umayyad: Baibars Tibet: Songtsen
Yakut/Sakha Tribes: Tygyn
America: G.W. Bush, Obama, Reagan
Arabia: Ibn Saud, Hussein
Aztec: Topiltzin, Atotoztli
Babylon: Nebuchadezzar
Byzantium: Theodora
Carthage: Dido
Celts: Vercingetorix
China: Taizong, Wu
Egypt: Nefertiti, Cleopatra
Ethiopia: Selassie
Germany: Hitler
Inca: Pachacuti, Pinochet
Japan: Meiji, Hirohito, Jingu
Khmer: Pol Pot, Hochiminh, Mongkut, Trung
Korea: Kim Jung-un II
Mali: Sundiata Keita
Maya: Smoke Jaguar
Native America: Logan
Netherlands: Vanderdonck
Turkey: Ataturk
Persia: Ahmadinejad
Portugal: Henry the Navigator
Rome: Marcus Aurelius, Caligula
Russia: Lenin, Putin
Spain: Charles I
Sumer: Sargon
Viking: Gustav, Harald
Zulu: Nelson Mandela, Idiamin, Mobutu, Cetshwayo

Spoiler Religions :
Religion: Tech that founds it Voodoo: Pottery
Druidism: Animal Husbandry
Pesedjet: Priesthood
Hellenism: Writing
Toltec Faith: Iron Working
Zoroastrianism: Monarchy
Orthodoxy: Music
Catholicism: Theology
Protestantism: Academia
Shinto: Civil Service
Aesir: Compass

Including Original Religions. Removed Christainty.

Spoiler New Wonders and Buildings :
All Saints Church: Protestant Holy City
Big Ben: Carbon Steel and Protestantism
Chain Bridge: Steel and Catholicism
Great Cothon: Coast and Sailing
Hagia Sophia: Orthodox Holy City
La Mezquita: Islam and Alchemy
Machu Picchu: Corn and Construction
Saint Thomas Church: Protestantism and Academia
Oxford University: Education and Protestantism
Moai Statues: Coast and Sailing
Silk Route: Currency and Silk
Temple of Kulukan: Toltec Faith and Iron Working
Grand Canal: Buddhism and Compass
The Ise-jingu: Shinto Holy City
The Sphinx: Pesedjet Holy City
The Necromanteion: Olympic Holy City
Pool of Balance: Druidism Holy City
Temple of Adur Farnbag: Zoroastrianist Holy City
Temple of Freyr: Aesir Holy City
Tomb of Ansyen Bon: Voodoo Holy City
Tower of Pisa: Catholicism and Drama
Trajan's Column: Orthodoxy and Metal Casting
Also edited a lot of the current wonders, for example you need Catholicism for the Apostolic Palace
Sewer: Steam Power and Aqueduct
Park: Biology
Well: Pottery obsolete: Computers
Fountain: Engineering
P.S. Moai Statues and Oxford University are now wonders.

Spoiler Techs :
Fire Arms
Steel is now Medieval Tech and Carbon Steel is Industrial
You need Military Tradition for Nationalism now

Spoiler Units :
Hunter, Heavy Swordsman, Heavy Spearman, Lancer, Musketeer, Arquebusier, Dragoon. Removed Musketman, Shaman, Camel Gunner, Galleas, Bombard, Torpedo Boat, Hunter + 17 Missionaries.

Spoiler Unique Units :
Aztec Slave: Aztec, Worker
Slave: Congo, Worker
Javelin Thrower: Mongolia, Spearman
Eurasian Spearman: Russia, Turkic Khagnate, Spearman
Portugese Explorer: Portugal
Ballista: Rome, Catapult
Aucac: Inca, Swordsman
Pombos, Cong, Zulu, Ethiopia, Swordsman
Mounted Swordsman: Mongolia, Horse Archer
War Galley: Indonesia, Trireme
Arbalist: Italy, Crossbowman
Chevaulegere: France, Lancer
Mamluk: Umayyad, Lancer
Keshik: Mongolia, Lancer
Khampa: Tibet, Lancer
Lansir: Turkic Khagnate, Lancer
Hoplitoi: Byzantium, Pikeman
Longboat: Vikings, Caravel
Albion Legion: Columbia, Rifleman
Qizilbash: Safavid, Arquebusier
Fusilier: Germany, Arquebusier
Brederode: Frigate, Dutch
Jezail: Camel Gunner, Arabia
Cambusa: Italy, Galleas
Asian Cannon: China, Korea, Tibet, Japan
Ulan: Romania, Dragoon
Hussar: Poland, AustroHungary, Dragoon
Light Dragoon: England, Dragoon
Gendarme: France, Dragoon
Militia: U.S.A., Canada, Musketeer
Great Bombard: Ottoman, Bombard
Speed Boat: Canada, Torpedo Boat
Khas: Moors, Privateer
Okhotnik: Yakut, Hunter
Eight Banner: Qing Dynasty, Dragoon
Not Including the Original Unique Units.

Spoiler Difficulties and Civics :
1 New Civic and 2 Edited Civic:
Colonialism: No Maintenance Cost for number of cities and for distance from palace. Prereq Tech: Colonialism
Paganism: Unhappiness from state religion present in city.
Bureaucracy: 1 Unit of the current era appears after building a fort.

Spoiler Civil Wars and Historical Spawns :
Civil Wars:
If a city get's 3:mad: more then :) and there are less then 50 Civs then 3 options will appear:
1. Pay 350 to mercenaries to kill the rebels. Nothing Happens except you lose 350 gold.
2. Leave the Rebels Alone. The city as well as the units in the city become an independent civ that you are not at war with.
3. How dare they! Bring me their leaders head on a pole! The city as well as the units in the city become an independent civ that you are at WAR with.

Roman Civil War: only gives you 1 option and the new civ is Byzantium.

P.S. The new civ get's all the techs you have.

In the 1000 AD Scenario civs will get units based on the current year. EX: Spain will get 5 Conquistadors, 3 Galleons, 1 Settler, 2 Explorers in Mexico in 1492 AD, and many other things like these.
In the Rise of Rome scenario the Huns will spawn with this feature in 300 AD.
In the Rise of Islam scenario this is how you will get the crusaders after clicking end turn until 1000 AD with the Crusaders.

Spoiler Dawn of Man :
A lot of the civs have a unique dawn of man text for each scenario though I couldn't finish all of them,

I am still working on this Mod and really want to add spawns like in RFC but don't really now how so if you have any idea please contact me!

Credits are in a txt document file in the mod.

Special Thanks from me to:

@Fullerene for the Earth Evolution 2 Map
@Leoreth cause I used a lot of unit art from his mod
@Spillsandstains helped me understand python a lot more
@The_J and @platyping used a lot of their python scripts
All other credits are listed in the txt document in the mod, if you think that I missed anyone it is possible so tell me.

Known Issues: If the game has very many civilizations and you open World Builder the game will crash! You can try but I recommend you give it a save before you do that. This also applies to hack Ctrl+X. Just press save game before you do it.

DOWNLOAD LINK: Download Link
Update Patch: Patch

Also I have not done a lot of testing so if you find any bugs tell me:)!
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This looks super interesting! I'm curious why you chose this revolution mechanic instead of the RevDCM system though. Could you say?
Yeah but I also added a ton of new units and civs so I don't think it will work with RevDCM.
P.S. From all the scenarios in this mod Earth 2020 took me the most to finish.
Yeah but I also added a ton of new units and civs so I don't think it will work with RevDCM.
P.S. From all the scenarios in this mod Earth 2020 took me the most to finish.

RevDCM is very flexible. I can show you the files to edit to add new civs to it.

I've added new units to mods with RevDCM without apparent issues, though now I'm wondering if some of the bugs I've seen could be caused by me not realizing that there are changes required for units... Anyone with RevDCM experience know if any files need to be edited to include new units?
I know how to add new civs, I added like 20 to my mod. but anyway I don't want to because I also did some python in the event manager to make the Spanish declare war and get a stack of units in Mexico and many other things. So if I merge it with RevDCM I will also have to merge the event managers. And I don't want my mod to be merged with BUG.
But If you want to know I always work on scenarios for mods I like, so I already almost finished and Earth 1000 AD for RevDCM and 1000 AD for Realism Invictus with the normal map. (not the upside down one)

Please share this map - 1000 AD for Realism Invictus with the normal map. (not the upside down one)
And believe me, merging python files is incredibly hard. I had to choose the main interface file in between Inquisitor or Scrolling score board. I chose the score board. But in the next update I will try to merge them and add religious victory and Inquisitor

Platy has some excellent python tools that should help with any merging's you may want to do. I use quite a lot of his stuff when making custom scenarios for my boys and myself. You may want to take a look and see if that will help you out.
Thank you, we will wait
I'm currently to busy to work on this map anymore:( especially since I'm working on an RFC project which is very time consuming so here is the uncompleted map.
I couldnt do the following:
-Add units and cities to the civs in the Americas
-Still need to add a couple of civs in Asia
-Didn't built any improvements and roads

I stopped at Ethiopia so if you want to continue thats from where you should start.
If I have time I might work on it again but for now I'm sorry.


  • RI 1000 AD.zip
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Played a decent amount as the Moors; the game crashed every time I tried to build a lancer. Otherwise was fun.
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