
Feb 14, 2019
What are some threats and or storms you would like to see implemented into the the game?
I would like to see a lot of new things but to start lets begin with new storms. Desertification, asteroids, meteor showers, super volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and rogue waves are the some ideas I've thought of. Here are my thoughts on how they could be implemented in game.
Desertification could start after a certain stage of global warming and or after a tile gets hit by a set amount of sandstorms and droughts. Perhaps to counter/reverse or to use the effect of desertification for your benefit a new tech could be made like terraforming.
Asteroids could be a cool aspect of new DLC so they need to be pretty awesome. They could be used in the science victory, maybe as weapons, but mainly to just drop out of the sky and mess things up but it adds science, culture, faith and maybe production to the effect impact location. (Maybe make them raze a city if one is hit directly by a threat 6 asteroid.) They could also produce relics, science, or culture boosts. Asteroids could have a threat scale 1-9+. The lower the threat the more likely it will burn up on entry, provides less yields, lower chance for relics and boosts the higher the threat of the asteroid the less likely it will be for it to burn up, it will provide higher yields, the chance for it producing relics and boosts also goes up. The level of global warming could also be made so that the higher its level is the chance for asteroids to burn up in the atmosphere will be higher. I would also create some sort of defense against asteroids as well as integrating threat level 8 and 9+ asteroids perhaps lower ones too, to the global threat thing for the world government summits so the world can work together to try to stop it or perhaps you want it to hit regardless. Maybe there could be world and city projects to destroy or capture asteroids for resources, science, culture, tourism, faith.
Meteor showers would probably closely resemble the asteroid but it would have different area of effect patterns. Meteor showers could provide a science, culture, and faith bonus. It would only damage things in the space above the affected tiles. Perhaps a chance for a relic, science, or culture boost.
Super volcanoes could also be a new awesome add on. They are rarer than volcanoes maybe the amount that can spawn is limited to the map size and that the player could toggle in pre-launch settings. They go off far less than normal volcanoes but when they go of the effect should depended on map size but it should be a lot of tiles. With the adding of super volcanoes all volcanoes should be made to provide culture, faith, science, gold and tourism later in the game maybe even production in the future era. Geothermal fissure should be coded so they are highly likely to spawn in by volcanoes and will always spawn near a super volcano preferably in clusters. New resources could be added like chemicals and gases for new units, chemical weapons/missiles, and buildings the spawn more by volcanoes to give more incentive to settle by volcanoes. New tech could be made to help predict when a volcano will go off maybe even a future tech that allows you to build some Geo-magma plant on a volcano to "irrigate it" for production and power.
Earthquakes are another thing i'd like to see. They could function as triggers for other storms like tsunamis and volcanoes the higher the scale the worse it is. Earthquakes will also have a scale 1-9+. 1-2 earthquakes wont do any damage to builds will hurt units they will just proc the likelihood of some other storms 3-6 will pillage tiles damage units not cities and districts. 7-9+ could damage/kill units pillage tiles, districts and cities. +9 earthquakes might be able to create rips in the land razing whole cites maybe even great a mountain or a few. Earthquakes shouldn't just take so, I think they should create hills and provide production to affect tiles even possibly adding resources to tiles. Earthquakes can rise and lower coastal tiles. Earthquakes should be rare but become more frequent as a large one or The Big One gets ready to go off.
Sink wholes and earth fissures are caused by earthquakes and drilling can be repaired builders and the like. Perhaps the sometimes they provide fresh water and in the late game a tech could be used to us them for housing, culture, tourism, faith, (if you haven't polluted that area)
Landslides happen to tiles next to mountain tiles sometimes, normally during or after a major storm event that hits the tile or is near by. Provides production and food to tiles. Damages cities, districts, and improvements
Tsunamis and rogue waves not much to say on this one. Tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes volcanoes and landslides. They travel along a path (can track with satellites tech) they stop/split once they hit land. The land is pillaged unless it is protected. Tsunamis can quicken coastal flooding in effect area if tiles are low enough. Tsunamis should also have a scale 1-4+. 1-2, 3-4, 4+. Rogue waves are more frequent and happen do to hurricanes, tornadoes, whirlpools, strong wind and ocean currents. They damage units and improvements. They tend to dissipate before hitting land and they normally form in deep ocean tiles. Rogue waves only take one tile. Tsunamis can be a tile to three tiles large.
Whirlpools damages units and improvements. Provides food and production. Can spawn any where in the deep blue sea. Two kinds of Whirlpools stationary and mobile.
Storms are an amazing feature I think they only have room for improvement. With the addition of even more storms players will need better ways to protect their assets. I think new policy cards could be made along with new buildings and city projects to protect building and tiles from storms possible even be able to negate or even circumnavigate storms.
Other threats that aren't storms would be a pretty cool addition. Some Ideas I've had rogue animals, extraterrestrial extra-dimensional encounters, rogue states.
Rogue animals there could be a number of different kind of animals. Some giant animals and animal packs I think you could use apes, giant crocodiles, giant squid, giant octopus, rogue shark, big cats. I think a scenario or just in the game have a toggle-able option for rogue animals to turn into giant monsters.
Extraterrestrial and Extra-dimensional encounters (E.E.E) also called and known as other worldly encounters (O.W.E) E.E.E are broken into two categories extraterrestrial encounters (E.T.E) and extra-dimensional encounters (E.D.E). They both are pretty much the same but E.T.E is alien as not being from this world and E.D.E is dimensional in nature. E.T.E tend to provide free tech but also sometime provide a free civic instead and E.D.E are the other way around. They can provide boosts. They can come by and mess up your stuff pretty much at any time until end game where you find ways to end E.E.E interference. They can be a blessing or a blight perhaps a menu is in the settings that lets the player pick the intensity of the O.W.E
Rogue States could be what barbarians turn into after they are not dealt with. Perhaps the player can influence the rate at which barbarian camps by letting settlers and builders be captured maybe even having a spy mission that helps a barbarian camp turn into a rogue state faster. Rogue States are hostile to every one. Spies can be used at rogue states to preform special missions to get rogue state to target certain civilizations, give it nuclear/chemical IBM capability. They could make a few new animated leaders made for rogue states. The leaders could be based of real rogue leaders.
What are some thing you want to see added in Civ 6? What would you add to Civ 6? I'll make another thread about new policy card, religious beliefs, tech, units and building ideas.
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