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New Unit: Japanese Kamikaze


Jan 21, 2002
I've tried posting images before, and can't seem to get them to work, so as usual, I can't give any previews. So, if I could beg a favor upon any of you that have seen my other units and like them, post a preview for me, or tell me how to do it, so I don't have to keep doing that to everyone.

Anyhoo, this one uses the A6M5 Zero as the base plane, which was used at the end of the war, in addition to all other types of planes as kamikazes. It's not very animated, except for the attack animation in which the plane dives in, like the cruise missle. The death animation is just the cruise missle one. There's only one sound effect, and it will only play when the plane attacks, it's the original fighter run. wav sound.

This one is a bit tricky to implement compared to my other units, if you want to make it work of course. What you'll need to do, is create a new unit called "Kamikaze" with the civ3 multi-tool, and be sure to copy the cruise missle. Then this is where it gets tricky, go into the civ3mod.bic file, and scroll down to the kamikaze. Tag it as an air unit, not a land one. Tag the "Immoble" option. Take away it's bombard ability (just a checkbox) and instead give it the air missions bomb, and re-base. Then you can tweak the cost, prereq. reqiured resources, bombard strength etc to your own hearts content. Basicly you can just copy the cruise missle and go with it, but it'll be a land unit that can move all around like a normal land unit, and it'll only have a range of 2, and it'll be able to be attacked from by land units in the open, AND, most importantly, it won't be able to go on carriers, or attack ships, unless of course they're right up against the shore. With my way, it works, that's what I've been playtesting all night.

New Version, more accurate Dark Green model, as before, the rising suns on the wings and body of the plane will remain red no matter what color you are, when using this unit.


Here is a preview of run


  • kamikazerun_w.gif
    3.1 KB · Views: 5,691
Thanks DS!
Hey TVA22.

Would you like to join the WW2 MOD crew?

You would be "Head of ships" I guess, but you are welcome to make any kind of unit... but I have noticed that you are a great ship creator.

So far the team consists of: (If someone can come up with better names then "Head of..." please tell me, I'm out of ideas)

These two will take care of some History correctness
- Shaitan
- tcwonder3

Head of Unit Creation (Not existing yet)
- Dark Sheer (If he wants to, I have PM'd him)

Head of Tanks
- Kentonio

You could take this assignment, but I have heard that havelock is a great plane-units creator, so It shouldn't be necessary...
Head of Planes (havelock is a candidate)

and then you that I hope can make some ships (I'm not sure if We will need any more ships but then you can take airplanes or nothing specific...)

Happy Modding!
Well, to be honest, I don't know if I'd have the time to join any kind of an organized team, what with work and school and all, but if any of my units help get a ww2 mod on its feet, by all means use them!
Thanks to you!!!!!! I've added the kamikaze unit in my mod since the beginning of it. But I hadn't got customized graphics for them !

Great great work. Many thanks.
I'm on the verge of finishing a Japanese Imperial Marines Unit, all I have is a few more rows on the death animation, but I'll be stretched for time for a few days, when I post that, I have new graphics I've made for the Kamikaze. This is the generic color everyone is used to seeing in civ games for zeros, but I redid mine so that it's now in shades of green, like the real A6M5s were, it's very attractive, compared to the original white, which I think is sort of blah.
I'll post those new graphics on this thread and bump it in a couple of days, when I finish the Imperial Marines.

Glad you liked it, I was beginning to think no one did but me... :(
You are not the only one. Be sure of that. I am too interresting.
By the Japanese imperial marines too...
Great work. Continue...
Originally posted by TVA22
I'm on the verge of finishing a Japanese Imperial Marines Unit, all I have is a few more rows on the death animation, but I'll be stretched for time for a few days, when I post that, I have new graphics I've made for the Kamikaze. This is the generic color everyone is used to seeing in civ games for zeros, but I redid mine so that it's now in shades of green, like the real A6M5s were, it's very attractive, compared to the original white, which I think is sort of blah.
I'll post those new graphics on this thread and bump it in a couple of days, when I finish the Imperial Marines.

Glad you liked it, I was beginning to think no one did but me... :(

Can't wait for that Japanese Imperial Marines Unit:)
Keep up the nice work!
If anyone is interested, I've posted a new version up top, it now is colored the correct way to be an A6M5 Zero, shades of Dark Green. Just a more historically accurate model, and it's less blah than the original white and grey you see in Dark Sheer's preview animations posted for me. Otherwise the animations are the same.
The plane that you refer too when you say "kamakazee" is actualy the Japanese zero. these planes would dive down on to enemy ships. of course they would :die: die
Stop spamming - if you have additional comments to make minutes after your post, edit your initial one. I suppose I could put this down to you not being able to find the Edit button, but really it's because you're annoying little spammer...
Quote from Monty Python,
-"Blaah, I don't like SPAM!"

Oh yeah like SPB-kNITE said, Kamikazi are just an ordinary zero plane that has run out of ammo, so the pilot decides to crash the plane into the target.
Sometimes, but there were a lot of cases were they just decided to crash their planes into the enemy for their country. There were Kamikazi squads in the Japanese army as you said, Steph. But the Kamikazees did usually fly Zero planes.
That's incorrect.
Kamikazes were first used in the philppine campaign against US ships. The policy became official then, and any planes that crashed into US ships before that were simply coincidental. They were at first outdated Zeros, yes, but towards the end of the pacific war, when kamikazes reached their highest level of ferocity, they were comprised of many different types of planes, from bombers to transports to old WW1 vintage planes to civilian aircraft. A Kamikaze plane was a plane that took off with every intention of never coming back, the famous ones on camera are zeros, but most often they were not. Any other crashes were just a regular pilot being shot down. A big reason for the use of kamikazes was the lack of good pilots after the horrendous losses for the IJN at the battles of Midway and Coral Sea.

It's an important distinction to remember that Japanese pilots weren't always suicidal, and didn't just decide to become a kamikaze on their own whim. To say that would be saying that any time an American pilot was going down, and decided to ram into an enemy ship rather than be captured, was also a kamikaze. They represent a very special corps of pilots.
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