New Unit Killer Hornet and Hornet Nest Wonder - March 8, 2009

...or a giant sandwich. When I was little one of my very favorite books was The Giant Jam Sandwich which the people made to solve a hornet crisis (all the buggers got stuck). I'm told I memorized that book.
...or a giant sandwich. When I was little one of my very favorite books was The Giant Jam Sandwich which the people made to solve a hornet crisis (all the buggers got stuck). I'm told I memorized that book.
againsttheflow... Well then , That settles it!... we are off on the Quest to find the Giant Jam Sandwich Weapon of Doom now :eek: :lol:
...a little Peanut Butter would go well with that weapon :)
...a little Peanut Butter would go well with that weapon :)

I believe you've just hit it! As I recall the happy ending is all the happy people of the town eating all the leftovers. Something tells me though, their kids might not have thought too highly of p,b&j in the "ever after". :lol:
Thanks Pounder, Glad you like the unit :) ... I might make a Multi Unit of Hornets when I have the time. To do a Good Job it would require a tremendous amount of work.
I had thought about making this Unit a Multi Unit but because people seem to want the CIV Colors on units, and I understand that, a Multi Unit would be too small to show CIV Colors.

Personally, I prefer this "Killer Hornet" without Civ Colors because they detract from the natural appearance. When only one "CIV" has this Unit, CIV Colors are not really needed. This is why I uploaded the No Civ Color Version for anyone who prefers it.
Vuldacon, I agree with you about Civ colors; they can be unnecessary, and detract from the look of the unit completely. It seems some unit makers never stop to think: unless I'm dressing a super hero or a chorus line, yellow boots will not look very good on this unit. On the other hand, some things lend themselves to Civ color: a shirt, a label, a flag, a car.

Of course, Hornets do come in different color schemes: check out the cool detailing on >these< Giant Asian Hornets, for example. Sorta looks like yours, only more orange....

All credits go to ... Vuldacon


The files:
View attachment 207166

Unit_32.pcx and ReadMe.txt included

Have Fun !:lol:
EDIT: Changed preview image

General 666

I have already uploaded a MUnit here. If you don`t like it as it is ,you find a Settings.txt in the rar. So you can easily adjust it by your own ...:)

Link to post#51
Balthasar... yes, the "Killer Hornet" is the Vespa Mandarinia Japonica.
It was made Much Larger of course :lol: It does have a variety of color shade differences and I set the Orange as more Yellow Orange in order to have it show better.

Many people fear insects in general and certainly Huge insects that can Sting... Hornets in general are Good insects and basically want nothing to do with Humans. They would rather avoid Human Contact and will not aggressively Attack Humans as Red Wasps will for example.
Honey Bees should be VERY Afraid as just a few Vespa Mandarinia Japonica can Wipe Out an entire Colony quickly.

Hornets are important insects that have become endangered. Unless one finds themselves on "Paradise Island" facing an "infected" Killer Hornet, there is no need to Fear Hornets... Respect, Yes :)

Pounder... using a large frame, the unit can be the same size for 3 hornets as General 666 put together. I would like to see a "Swarm" where each Hornet attacks a little differently and Buzzes around the enemy differently. Like Making 3 to 5 separate animations and putting them all together as one. This unit is very large and a swarm might look better if the unit was made smaller.

I remember some discussion about making a Nest that is tossed at the enemy. When it breaks open, a Swarm would attack the enemy. That would certainly be effective in either driving the enemy away or "distracting" the enemy to allow other weapons to be used against them more easily. That was probably actually used in early history... why not :lol:

General 666... You did a Good Job of making the Multi Unit. There are some areas that would naturally be better IF they were animated specifically for a Multi Unit but over all good Job putting it together.
I remember some discussion about making a Nest that is tossed at the enemy. When it breaks open, a Swarm would attack the enemy. That would certainly be effective in either driving the enemy away or "distracting" the enemy to allow other weapons to be used against them more easily. That was probably actually used in early history... why not :lol:

Balam Agab did make a "Mayan Beehive Thrower" (that incidentally looks like a demented neighbor I once had). To make the idea more universal, you could make a nest along the lines of your rolling barrels, that would "explode" into a swarm of hornets. Yikes.
Yes, I recall that "Mayan Beehive Thrower" Unit now.
...The main problem with Units such as an Oil Barrel or in this case a Hornet Nest, is Delivery. Having them Roll alone is a way but can seem strange :)
Bombardment could be used showing a catapult or some mechanism launching a Nest and if not used for any other unit, the Bombard FX could be made into a Swarm Animation.
The problem with that would be because it is Bombardment, the Hornets could Destroy Improvements which would be strange.

It would be Great to have a Unit that used a single Attack in the course of a battle that showed the unit Tossing a Nest and hitting an enemy once then showing the animation of the Hornets swarming as the Loop until the battle is finished. As it is, Cruise Missiles are generally used for such Units.

Problems with Naval Mine Delivery and use and other different Units we would like to use are not supported so we improvise some method to be able to use them at all.
Friends :)
there is still need for a swarm?
It is tested on a world:D

I can send these images as a multi
Here a moving picture:)

With best regards,
Wotan49 :coffee:


  • Multi_killer_hornet.gif
    229.6 KB · Views: 465
  • KillerHornetAttack.jpg
    18.9 KB · Views: 82
Wotan49... I can see that you put some work into it :) ... I believe it would be even better if the Attack and Death was staggered with different timing for each Hornet so Not all so much in Unison. This is what I meant when I said it would be best to make separate Hornets to add together Collectively for a Multi Unit. Slightly different angles of attack for each Hornet as a Swarm would do.

Because you are using the same Hornet animation, I think this is a good job for another Hornet Multi Unit.
I see that there are a few Light Colors that got placed in some of the Wings before the Attack. Those should be changed in any case.
Excuse me
The points were not shown on the map!
The graphics have been with Civ3FlcEdit, SBB and GIMP collected.

(I wish to take the sample picture from the server)

with best regards
Wotan49... What Points are you referring to?

One of the problems with making a Multi Unit from a single Unit that actually Hits the enemy Unit during the Attack is unless each unit, Hornet in this case, is adjusted, most of them will miss the enemy and in this case, sting the air rather than the enemy.

I must accept the
This multi is not to do with my own means! :)

with best regards,
Wotan49... What Points are you referring to?

One of the problems with making a Multi Unit from a single Unit that actually Hits the enemy Unit during the Attack is unless each unit, Hornet in this case, is adjusted, most of them will miss the enemy and in this case, sting the air rather than the enemy.

That should not be a problem when the enemy Unit is a MUnit too. At least I have designed all my MUnits assuming a invisible enemy MUnit.;)
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