Here is a warhammer fantasy unit: Kislevite Kossar. Due to their looks, they could also be used as some slavic archer/axeman. Enjoy
Here's some civilopedia from the Kislev rulebook (by games workshop):
The Kossars were an Ungol tribe who worked as mercenaries against the other Ungols at the time of the Gospodar invasion. They had adopted a very unique style of fighting with bow and axe, which they then went on to teach the Gospodar warriors. Nowadays, Kossar regiments are a combined force of Ungol and Gospodar soldiers, trained and kept by the Tzairina as a standing Kislevite force. They are well drilled, able to both attack at range with their bows, and meet the enemy at close quarters with their axes.
Here are the files:
Kossar (~614 kb)
Here are previews of some animations: fidget, run, fortify, attackA, attackB and victory.
Attached is a civilopedia preview.
Here is a warhammer fantasy unit: Kislevite Kossar. Due to their looks, they could also be used as some slavic archer/axeman. Enjoy
Here's some civilopedia from the Kislev rulebook (by games workshop):
The Kossars were an Ungol tribe who worked as mercenaries against the other Ungols at the time of the Gospodar invasion. They had adopted a very unique style of fighting with bow and axe, which they then went on to teach the Gospodar warriors. Nowadays, Kossar regiments are a combined force of Ungol and Gospodar soldiers, trained and kept by the Tzairina as a standing Kislevite force. They are well drilled, able to both attack at range with their bows, and meet the enemy at close quarters with their axes.
Here are the files:
Kossar (~614 kb)
Here are previews of some animations: fidget, run, fortify, attackA, attackB and victory.
Attached is a civilopedia preview.