New Unit Preview - Balloon


Jan 25, 2002
United States
Here is a preview of my next new unit. Requested by Kal-El for the Double Your Pleasure mod.

It is a hot air balloon.
This unit is designed to be a pre-cursor to my blimp unit.
It will be primarily used for re-con purposes.

Or perhaps this idea:
with RADAR ability (see's 2 spaces instead of 1)
with a move factor of 1 or 2
This is a great ideas, Any idea when baloons were actually first used? I like the land unit idea, wouldn't work very well as a plane, well I mean it would work, but if it was only recon you would only ever see it sitting in cities. waste of good artwork!!!

These would be cool floating around the edges of ones nation as early warning sentries. And when one gets bored plkaying they can take a quick trip into the wild blue yonder with a picnic lunch, a bottle of champagne and their favourite partner! Oh wait... its just a game. dangit. :D

Can't wait to use this one pesoloco.
I think they would make good scout units too. Just finishing up the death animation... hope to have another preview soon. Unit is almost done.

Here is a preview of the death animation. It plays faster in the game than in the preview.

Now I just need to do some testing on it, assign sounds, make the pedia icons and text, and create a units32 icon. Gimme another hour and it should be all done.
Its a bird, its a plane, no wait we haven't discovered planes yet, must be pesoloco's balloon!

Originally posted by Civanator
that was fast, a unit in almost 1 day!
I should've skipped the preview thread, but I wasn't sure if I was going to finish it right away or not.
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