Newbie Questions 2 - post them in THIS thread please!

Yeah only I seem to only have to buy like 3 and the rest I trade crappy ones for the better ones I dont have so it seems to work, I just wish theyd have enogh money to GIVE me in a deal
I'm sure this question has been answered somewhere, but I can't find the answer.

There is a screen that shows what percentage of your people are in war weariness (like a poll) when asked about their happiness. How do you get that screen to appear? What do you push?

If you click on one of the unhappy faces in the city screen, a box will pop up with the reason why they are unhappy. I don't think there is any similar box for all citizens in your whole civ. :(
Nope just the unhappy ones, and when they are 100% too crowded how to you make it better- Imean larger, less crowed, is it border expanding?
King_Lewis: That is the unhappiness because of size (after a certain size depending on difficulty level, all new citizens will be born unhappy in a city). This can be fixed by adding:

* happiness improvements (temples, cathedrals, colloseums)
* military police (units, depends on government)
* luxuries, effect is increased by building a marketplace
* adjusting the luxury slider
* happiness wonders (eg. Oracle, Hanging Gardens, JS Bach, Sistine Chapel)

Making the border expand has no effect on happiness.
When I capture an enemy capital, another one of the enemy cities instantly becomes their new capital.
Does this mean another palace instantly springs up (ie. without having to manually build a new one) ?

If so, is the location of the new capital random or does the game use some sort of reasoning to pick the spot ?

And would this same process apply to me if I lost my capital ?
Originally posted by Dran
Does this mean another palace instantly springs up (ie. without having to manually build a new one) ?

If so, is the location of the new capital random or does the game use some sort of reasoning to pick the spot ?

And would this same process apply to me if I lost my capital ?
Yes, no, and yes:).

The location is USUALLY the next largest city, but that sometimes varies.

As to applying to you, yes it does. Some people use this as part of their strategy. They build the Forbidden Palace close to their capital since it's easier to build in a less corrupt city. Then, they disband their own capital, and allow the Palace to skip to another city in their empire, and rebuild the disbanded city. You lose the culture bonus of the Palace, but gain a more centrally located palance.
Originally posted by billindenver

Then, they disband their own capital, and allow the Palace to skip to another city in their empire, and rebuild the disbanded city. You lose the culture bonus of the Palace, but gain a more centrally located palance.

This is a very good method if

- your capital is only good for settler creation (little production and long term growth potential

- you will not go to war often, thus will not get leaders a lot

- you make sure that the city you want the Palace in has by far the highest number of happy/content people of your nationality :D
Originally posted by algore
When one selects Random for Civ choice does it include none? Thanks in advance!
No, I am near positive that it doesn't.
When you mod the game, (not a scenario) do you clik edit or mod
(Referring to when you load the Civ III folder in your conputer

Say what? Modding not a scenario? Like diplomacy remarks or something, or games?

I read in the Military Academy that Explorers rarely get asked to leave, as in the link "Using Explorers Revealed." And they can pillage, too. But when I built and Explorer, I was asked to leave! Um, any answers? I run 1.29.

Also what's the point upgrading Scouts if they do the same distance as Explorers? And if they are YOUR people then why don't they add a pop? I am curious to know...
Originally posted by hbdragon88
I read in the Military Academy that Explorers rarely get asked to leave, as in the link "Using Explorers Revealed." And they can pillage, too. But when I built and Explorer, I was asked to leave! Um, any answers? I run 1.29.
I think they mean that the other civ will never force you to automatically leave; instead they will just "ask" you to leave, which you can just ignore without them really getting that mad.
Originally posted by hbdragon88
Also what's the point upgrading Scouts if they do the same distance as Explorers?
Scouts do not treat all terrain as roads, but explorers do.
Originally posted by hbdragon88
And if they are YOUR people then why don't they add a pop? I am curious to know...
Why don't scouts add a pop? Umm, well, they don't take away a pop, do they? And why should they? Other units don't, and they too are your people.
Aeneas of Troy - If you want to make permanent changes you would click on mod. Civ3edit is for making changes for a scenario. Make sure you save a copy of the mod file if you make changes in it, otherwise you might have to re-install the whole game if you screw something up and can't figure out what you changed.

hbdragon - But the explorer has the 'use all terrain as roads' flag, so crossing mountains and jungle would only cost 1/3 of a movement point instead of 1. With v1.29f scouts and explorers are asked to move more often than in previous versions. This was done to try and prevent the 'scout resource denial' exploit. You can't add them to cities and get additional pop points because they didn't cost you a pop point to make them. Think of it as a settler is an extremely large group of people (10,000), but a military unit is a much smaller group (a few hundred or a couple thousand) so they wouldn't be represented by a full pop point.
How do you disband cities
Originally posted by algore
When one selects Random for Civ choice does it include none? Thanks in advance!

sadly, it doesn't. At least, you can have the world map size random, by clicking beneath the lowest button so that none is checked.....

either click right on the city and choose abandon (no settler or worker)

or build a settler (in a size 1 or 2 city) or a worker (size 1) and make sure the town has no growth. You then get a window asking you what you want to do, choose disband.......

isn't this in the FAQ?????
I have all the normal techs, but now I'm getting future techs. What do they do?
they give you 5 points to your score. usually, it is a lot more effective to put the money into luxuries, since happy people count a lot more.
OK, thanks! Although I'll probably put the money in my tresury so I can hurry some Modern Armours along for a war.
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