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Yes, it's not years, but turns. However, it's commonly called years since by the time it's built you tend to be (but not always are) in the 1 year = 1 turn mode.
Great! Now I actually understand something I should have known earlier.

Thanks Shabbaman and Turner for the help. and BTW, I saw a new poster called Shabbabaram. If he/she becomes a common poster, we could have a little confusion here...
I think I accidently automated a worker who is now going around and irrigating all the land that I built mines on. This isn't totally a problem since I can see what land he has done afterward and that sometimes he (seemingly purposefully) hides himself in a stack of units working on a road or a mine. Is there some way that I can track this rascal and other automated workers down when I have gobs and gobs of workers without clicking on each worker?
Originally posted by Guacamole
I think I accidently automated a worker who is now going around and irrigating all the land that I built mines on. This isn't totally a problem since I can see what land he has done afterward and that sometimes he (seemingly purposefully) hides himself in a stack of units working on a road or a mine. Is there some way that I can track this rascal and other automated workers down when I have gobs and gobs of workers without clicking on each worker?

Click (right hand) fortified all and click again (right hand) unfortified all.
When you draft, does it make one citizen go from happy to content or content to unhappy or does it varry? Also, you lose 1 person each time you draft right?

I haven't had to draft in a really long time, hotseat games will make you
When you draft, does it make one citizen go from happy to content or content to unhappy or does it varry? Also, you lose 1 person each time you draft right?

It makes 1 citezen Unhapphy no matter what, and yes, you lose only 1 person each time.
If I leave science minimal, at 10% so that it takes 40turns initially, and get 5 or 10 "free turns"and then increase to 60% or so, will it finish the research for less gold?
Vincenzo, could you rephrease your question?

From what i understand, no. in alot of cases it will take you longer to research something if you do it that way. If you start off at 10%, then you should go all the way like that.

EDIT: WF, i just understood what you said :lol:

In the initial Civ3 (before 1.29) you actually got 'given' 1/32th of the beakers for the tech each turn (that was when techs has a minimum 32 turns, not 40). This meant you could turn up research and get it quick.

In Civ3 1.29 and PTW you now get only the beakers you actually put in, so with a scientist and 0% tech you would get 1 beaker per turn. There is a seperate counter that counts the number of turns you have been researching a tech, and when this gets to 40 it is yours, even though you may only have 40 beakers. This means turning up the tech rate is wasting your 40 turn research.

The reason for the long winded explanation is that when you trade techs you don't get a 75% discount from the AI when you have done 30 turns minimum research (unlike in the initial Civ3 where you got it). This means if an AI beats you to a tech after 30 turns of min research you have to 'stick it out' and wait to research the tech at min research, or lose out the min research you have already done and buy at full price (minus your 30 beakers).

LOL, could I make it any more complex... :crazyeye:
Originally posted by Shabbaman
Ah, good question, and I was expecting that one. Honestly, I don't know, but I believe it's 10 years or something. According to the FAQ it's 20 turns.
The UN vote is most definitely *not* every 20 turns. It is based on turns, but is more like every 11 or 12. I saw the exact number referenced within the past month on a post in the GOTM forum where timing of multiple victory conditions was discussed, but I read that forum very sparsely and without the search I have no chance of finding it again.
Hi, what's GOTM?? I saw it on the front page and I'm curious. Is it like tournament maps?

Also I noted that the GOTM advertised right now seems to have a bunch of new resources, presumably all fleshed out with civilopedia entries etc. Can I get these for use in my own scenarios? Do any of the other GOTMs have this stuff? Where do I find them for download?
GOTM is Game of the Month which is a kind of contest. Basically, every month a 4000BC save is posted and everyone is free to play it and see how they do compared with others. I think the real value of GOTM is in the discussions of why different people chose to play how they did and it is the fact that I don't have time to participate in that discussion to the level I would like that mainly keeps me from playing in it nowadays. For more information, see the GOTM Forum and the GOTM section of the website. It is run by cracker so specific questions on using resources and such would best be sent to him if you can't find answers at those links.
You'll also find the GOTM a great learning tool. Looking at the games played by SirPleib, Moonsinger, etc will show you how to build a settler factory, keep up with the AI on Diety, you'll probably lose a couple of games (I lost 3 of my first 4), and you'll find out that the more you learn the less you know, anyway, come on over an get ready for the July game. It's at the Monarch level and has a newcomers level (conquest) to help out those new to the game.




PS: You might as well kiss sleeping and any personal life goodby for a couple of months

:lol: :lol: :lol:
UN Vote

I believe that there are two different timings running for the UN vote.

Immediately the UN is built, a vote may be held. If the option to hold a vote is declined, then the option is repeated every 20 turns.

If the vote is held but fails to produce a clear majority winner, then the vote can be (is?) reheld after 11 turns.

I'll go check that now :)

OK, in GOTM-15 (Russia) I had 3 attempts to win by diplomacy, which all ended in stalemates - 1782, 1804 and 1826 (after which I gave up on world opinion :)). At that point it's 2 years/turn, so it's definitely 11 turns after a stalemated vote.

I'm also pretty7 sure about the 20 turn cycle if you just decline the vote.
I am playing on a small map with 11 civs. It is clear I will need allies, something that has not been an issue before.

Are certain civs more trustworthy than others as allies? I clearly do not trust the Babylonians or the Persians, they have made demands already. I am considering the Japanese, French, Aztecs, or maybe Greece. Or do I need to be cautious with all?

How do I go about making allies? ROP? Trades? GPT? I have read here that MPP's are risky, so I am leery about that.
Oh, on the research question. Since research is never more than 40 turns, it seems you are getting some free research if you continue to lower your science even more. So I thought about lowering it way down, getting a few turns free, then raising science.
Originally posted by vincenzo
How do I go about making allies? ROP? Trades? GPT? I have read here that MPP's are risky, so I am leery about that. Thanks
Remember that MPPs last 20 turns, so if you make peace after 10, you can be dragged right back into the war on the next turn, ruining your reputation.
Originally posted by vincenzo
Oh, on the research question. Since research is never more than 40 turns, it seems you are getting some free research if you continue to lower your science even more. So I thought about lowering it way down, getting a few turns free, then raising science.
Think of science this way: you are researching a technology that requires 100 beakers. Assuming you can afford it, at full (100%) science you make
10 beakers per turn, meaning you will research the technology in 10 turns at full science. By running 10% science you make 2 beakers, so it will take 50 turns to finish research, but since the maximum research time is 40 turns, you will essentially get the last 10 beakers for free. If you start at 10% and go 3 turns like that, you will have accumulated 6 beakers. Switching to 100% will then give 10 more per turn, but you still have to get 100 beakers. See what I mean?
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