in short:
-going communist probably was a stupid idea. Feudalism keeps your core intact. transition was painful that way.
-no idea whether i started the pop rushing early enough / too early. definitely never went too close to the dom limits as i did not want to wage another war nor have the hassle with the tile counting...
-my notion that i could theoretically reach the Internet wonder for so much more extra culture was probably bs. did not even get close to it before my economy was drowning in the costs of all those culture buildings.
-thus: probably no good date at all, compared with the 100k experts.
i am sceptical about the description of this game and the huge amount of land it offered. but sure it was a nice idea, and thank for setting the game up and the thoughts you put into this!
the full info load...
Early moves:
Fog-gazing tells me there is wheat 47 of the starting position. However, I wouldn´t see the advantage of walking towards it, thus:
Worker to game, settle in place.
Wheat turns out to be a bonus wheat! But I cannot see to which advantage… no good combo factory seems possible.
Early builds: 3850 warrior, 3750 curragh (with chop… worker has to pause 1t; 1t on the fish), 3450 curragh, settler, warrior, settler…
Early Research: Pot or Writing??? Hm.
With a curragh in a few turns and a prebuild available, I dare to go for Writing first!
Huts give: 25g
3750 scouting warrior finds 2 more food bonuses + a lux
3700 curragh already sees borders after moving 1N!
Warrior finds even more food… not sure about the granary in the capital anymore – i change plans towards „settler first“
3650 ultra-early contact with the Iros. BW+6g yields me POT! (i would have needed that in the last game…)
3550 curragh finds wine to the north
3450 hm, what I thought would be a rather small, cold island so far turns out to be fertile rather big lands… what about the game description?
IBT 2nd curragh, to go to the E/S
3300 2tile island with 2 luxes in the north
. Iro island seems to be rather big or long
3250 red borders in the SE
3200 even before I meet Egypt in the north! I abstain from possible trades so to keep Alpha as little spread as possible.
3150 meet Rome! Pot for WC+10g. now also Pot+WC for Mas+10g with Egypt.
3050 settler for designated pop pump 1.
2900 find 3rd lux on continent-like island. Use +5fpt for the first time
2850 found 444, hut gives gold
2nd curragh finds orange borders
2800 trade with Iros: Mas for CB+51g
2750 meet the Dutch. Trade CB for 35g
2590 settler for designated pop pump 2
2430 found 4111
Meet Japan. Trade Mas+19g for TW (made a minor mistake here for not contacting France first :-/)
Meet France. Trade Pot+CB for IW+10g. give IW around for whatever i get for it.
2350 a few turns out of Wri, I make the deal with Egypt: Alpha for Myst. Gift Myst around.
2230 survive first barb galley attack, usually I am less lucky
2150 Dutch have Wri 1t before me L. I decide to still risk the full sling
2070 1st granary finished
1725 found 7777
1600 Dutch already have MM
Found 5th town
1550 6th town
1525 the biggest surprise of all – meet Ragnar ON OUR OWN CONTINENT!!! They still even lack Pottery. But they do have Writing!
I establish an embassy… and stand amazed how the game description and this actual game fit together.
1375 first to Philo? Yes. Even though I again make a mistake and lose a turn for 2 beakers… but: Revolt for 5t anarchy
1350 IBT Pyramids go somewhere else
1275 IBT establish Republic!
1175 IBT give in to 2 demands for Philo as a war would not be convenient in that very moment
1150 IBT horses connected, first bib completed (wasting 40s for being incompetent at this game ;()
Rome finishes ToA
1125 bad luck with barbs has returned soon enough… lose my single hoplite on hills against a single horse! This costs me a worker and quite some money again
French build TGLight
1100 Japan demand rejected for Lit – war
1050 1t workers from pop factory 1 start
1000bc stats:
34 pop; 1 city, 9 towns
1 Settler, 15 worker, 4 warrior, 2 curraghs
Republic, know all civs, WH from Japan
Know all AA techs except Con, Curr + Mon
Iron, horses, 1 lux connected
1 rax, 1 temple, 1 lib, 2 grans; FP in the making
182 culture
497 gold
950 IBT 2nd lux finally connected, 3rd to follow soon
900 research Curr + enter MA
Draw Feud
590 finish FP, research Mono
570 unexpectedly early (after i started some cultural pressure against them) the Vikes make a demand and declare on me after i refuse. They immediately trigger my GA against my only hoplite around… with a rather strange move for an AS. Hm. Never mind, this goes as planned in principle, just a bit early, so hopefully it works out. WE´RE OFFICIALLY IN OUR GOLDEN AGE!
IBT: quite nice to see… FP town manages 1t-horsemen
510 IBT never had that before in all my civ years: on defense, my first elite unit (of only 2 elites so far), that hoplite that already triggered my GA, spawns an MGL on my first e victory, ON DEFENSE!
But alas, also they mustered quite a stack to my hardly defended flank
430 circumnavigation of our *huge* continent finally finished
410 temporary peace with Vikes, breaking my reputation
370 Education
310 finally some AS has Eng! Trade for it
290 as chance arises i already restart war against Vikes, while preparing the first war against Iros… very good results with my horsemen at start, sure enough that changes soon with my overextended forces
190 so i end this war again… and start a new one, mostly phony i hope, against Rome. So to keep the Vikes employed, I get them. Best would be, they drive Rome off our continent, and I take them out soon afterwards.
70 my plan to have the Iros give me WH from a combined PD really takes on my patience… i renew it and get some WH from the Dutch in the meanwhile, who do not offer anything else anyways
I probably waited too long with my attack on the Iros, as now they muster pikes.
50 finally: Iros make peace with Japan and DoW me! Obviously this also cuts some trade routes? Cause i also lose the luxes i import from Egypt. That was undesired… L
Nothing too bad happens though, with enough WH no cities revolt. And while not the best initial results, I still can take the closest land to my capital from the Iros in the first turns
30 finally, one of the culturally pressed towns „pledges allegiance“ to Greece. J
70 sloppy playing costs me an outlieing town
But i also spawn another MGL with my 28th e victory. This one transforms into an army, but it will wait for cavs for the real wars to come!
90 four (4!) naval invasions in my lands by 3 nations. They also do not seem to follow the usual pattern, where they always aim to a certain square next to your capital. Wow, i´m impressed.
110 attacking the main invasion stack with my only available 5/5 MI, i spawn yet another MGL! J build another army to be filled with cavs soon.
Unfortunately see pikes now in the Iro town where my last failed attack only saw spears. :-/ won´t be able to make any progress here and take out the 4 strong Dutch units that landed there at the same time, so i deal with the unexpectedly strong naval invasion first. Relatively high losses, hm.
IBT Dutch land another force, this time also comprising of a SM
130 the 5* MI solves the problem. But altogether i am running out of units. Those 2 cav armies will come in handy! 3 more turns till MT…
210 finish Cope´s. Dutch invade with 5 units at once, well done.
260 another city joins our cause bc of culture
270 somebody managed Physics? That would be a surprise. Maybe i didn´t mm well for the last turn. Never mind… i will have to shut down research and rush some units anyway…
Refuse to give MT to Egypt and now am at war with everyone but France!
280 another MGL
300 finally see the world map, more or less.
Damn, I overlook that Peace with Netherlands means war with Vikes. Stupid templar… well, I call off the war against Iros for the moment and turn them against Egypt, since they are coming with loads of knights. They´ll crumble, but i buy some time…
380 Iro lands are conquered, they are not out yet, but i make peace to get rid of the WW and leave them with their 1 faraway town for now.
420 Vikings finally gone! Lots of WW vanishes.
IBT ToG in, can trade for MAG – and lucky me draws Steam as my free tech! J i hope i can use a tactic from that for my last big war, against mighty Egypt.
500 IBT Egypt takes Japan out – not good for me, as they have been delivering my WH for hundreds of years without posing any serious threat ever
ELE in, RP next
get beaten to Newton´s by 4 turns L
550 on higher levels, always start a war when you don´t feel ready for it… so, war against Egypt starts! Get everyone in, but for a hefty price.
IBT Rep in!
One of my cav armies lost LL. I pushed too much, silly mistake that will surely cost time now.
580 IBT
Egypt finally takes out Iros on their §%& 2-tile island
IW and MilAcad in (the latter maybe nonsense, but maybe 1-2 extra armies will help my progress)
600 IBT Ind in
610 i accidentally gift Ind to the Dutch… not intended at all LLL
640 after quite some progress, I nearly lose a near full-strength cav4-army against a reg rifle! Which does not get a scratch!!
650 WW rises again, so I make the move I have delayed for so long and revolt TO COMMUNISM. 5 turns anarchy… I hope it will pay off.
700 enter Communism, maybe the first time ever in my c3c-career (not too sure about it!)
Running through my towns, I kind of get the impression, that I should have rather chosen Feud. Hm. Well, too late now, and maybe I should have tested Communism in another game than an XOTM first. ;D
With all the pop-rushing, the game finally starts to feel a bit like 100k… but I am still not at the dom limit, still quite some fighting going for the rest of the Egyptian land.
750 IBT/760 something strange happens in the game. First, on town build the Heroic Epic, which I am quite sure I never started as a build. ??? then, I guess I saw the „submarine bug“, but with privateers, which I had in a port without a land unit… and the Romans seemingly attacked that with a frigate and started a war with me out of nowhere. Well, let that be. And then, for good news, i manage to gather all 8 luxes for the first time in this game.
770 Egypt is gone, cpt > 800
830 railing and irrigation of the starting continent finished
IBT stupid me went <8 luxes by repositioning a town of which the culture secured the 2nd source (one traded away)
lots of riots.
860 check culture, now exceeding +1000cpt, Netherlands only about 240cpt, so hopefully no new wars
960 more or less all the land optimized, not very close to the domination limits!
970 IBT lose Hoover Dam by 1 turn, that was unexpected
1080 with all that culture, this IBT sees its first cultural flip in ages!
1200 one last whipping round. AS researches Combustion, but it is way too late.
1250 100k culture reached, with about triple the culture of the 2nd civ.
E vics:
I on defense MGL in 510bc 1st
II 110ad 3rd
IIIII II 280ad 4th
I 300ad 5th
I 750ad 7th