Since this was I think my 2nd 100k game ever, I really do not have the feeling for that kind of game. When to switch, where is the breaking point, etc.
With my start and the wars going quite well, I thought, *maybe* I could uphold research up to the MA... and be really lucky with the right free MA tech and the Internet wonder. Now I am convinced, that under no circumstances whatsoever this could turn out better. But it made me stay a Republic for very long, ready to switch only after the practically useless AIs finally researched Communism. Which was another goofy idea I regretted instantly: very clearly Feudalism would have been the right choice (but not in combination with my idea of a prolonged science game of course!).
So... yes, I assume switching earlier would have cut down a few turns. Not nearly enough to come close to your great date, though! For that, I would have also at least have had the will to maximise land up to the dom limit. And maybe more... see below.
Sounds like you've had built lots of culture rather than resorting to pop rushing as well.
A bit. Of course you cannot compare it with the loads of culture originated from TGPo (The Great Poprush).
Good luck with early MGL on the first elite win!
Afair, it was a first in my whole civ career.
Felt a little bit ashamed for that outrageous luck. Really only a bit.
Who built the Pyramids in your game?
It was the Japanese
, one of the worse places possible. BUT, the incredible thing is, that I didn´t realize the extra importance of this essential ressource for my game until I read your post! How very 100k noob-ish!
Sure, that delay in getting hands on the Pyramids effect felt unfortunate...