No settlers

Do you think we could have spells that transform ressource nodes?

Like, Earth 2: Alchemy

Transform Copper in Iron. Iron in Mithril.
Silver in Gold
Nitpick, but there are some complicated alchemical principles that make it so that you can transmute iron into copper, but never copper into iron. :crazyeye:
I love the "no settlers" options and use it in all of my games, even if I enable the "one-city-challenge", which is also one of my prefered ones. In addition I enable raging barbs, barbarian world, rising difficulty (on immortal), aggressive AI, no tech brokering, no vasall states, advanced start and heap more civs than normal. Sometimes "barbarian world" is kind of lame, because AI attacks immediately barb cities... and you have exactly, what you wanted to prevent: an overcrowded world with stacks of doom and no wilderness. I usually play on erebus continent or wild erebus, wm modmod. In current beta the "no settlers" option is missing - and being missed a lot.

MOC's suggestion of making settler being born like great people is - great:goodjob: Please release it via patch!


I tried no settlers/barb world. It was very fun for a while, actually. I dislike that settler squatting faze. Even though nearest barb village was the dragon one. And even though I had no happy res anywhere nearby. But then just when I got things going and started capturing villages, 22 pyre zombies came. Was I too slow, or it's just RNG hating me?
Neglected defense maybe? 22 zombies isn't that bad really. You definitely want to set up a solid defense anyway, both with units fortified in the ccity, clearing of adjacent forests, and ideally a forward point defense group with roads maybe a fort, good river location and desert, tundra, or grassland ambush tile. Mounted units work great obviously, but I usually just get by with archers for a bit. Sorry if I missed the point of your question though, 22 zombies doesn't sound like a lot to me, and isn't very hard to defend against. Maybe without much happiness and no hills your production was abysmal? Even then with a pagan temple and maybe god king you should still be able to pump out a decent, or at least working, defensive force in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh whoops, too slow? Either yes too slow or try a lower difficulty maybe. At the highest levels you can get outteched ridiculously fast and the challenge is in overcoming civilizations way more advanced than your own.
did you settler in units said what is cost
my xlm units file settler unit does not have a cost
to do cost -1
civ v

Probably way too late to throw this in here, but here's a translation of Pablod's post:
In your Units (xlm file), does it say what the cost is?
My xlm Units file settler unit does not have a cost. [Perfectly clear once the context is established.]
[Not sure about this line. Could be:] I want to make the cost -1.
[Gawd, I hope he's not saying this is a question related to Civ V!]

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