Nobles' Club 322: Pericles of Greece

It's odd how micro-intensive this game is
It's very difficult to have workers on site. I mean : to have coverage. It doesn't help that the capital is on hills.
This is a thing that does create a worker shortage (forest spam, scarce city locations).

All agreed.
I have no further thougths. I, too, like Fippy's plan.
Spoiler T106 :

T90: rallying up. Had enough workers for chops after all.

T101: I go straight for Delhi, but it's hard fighting. Well worth it.


Look at this wonder stack!

T106: I take the holy city of Bombay, leaving him with 2. I think I have to take this deal...and possibly take another deal later? He's researching Civil Service, of all things.

Economy is in acceptable shape. With Pyramids, can grow cap to size 13. Have 3rd scientist in 5 turns? Probably reasonable to gamble on another scientist from Delhi.


I managed to improve my opening to something more satisfactory - T87
Spoiler :
First Checkpoint (Writing T60) : Slightly ahead of Carpool in terms of science but backwards in production/growth.
Please notice my proud road :smug: to India and Corinth.

Now building the army.
All cities have Odeons and Barracks and Librairies.
Gandhi has built the SOZ to make things tougher :lol:

Currency is good to research ?

Update T94
Spoiler :
This turn Gandhi gets longbows.

Let's throw the towel :whew:
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I think i would want the river green hill to mine so i would probably spend the 1T to move, but I'm not sure where to. Probably just 1N so the worker could still farm the wet corn quickly.
I think i would want the river green hill to mine so i would probably spend the 1T to move, but I'm not sure where to. Probably just 1N so the worker could still farm the wet corn quickly.
Lose a turn and a forest for a green hill... Very unlikely that it could be worth it.
I managed to improve my opening to something more satisfactory - T87
Spoiler :
First Checkpoint (Writing T60) : Slightly ahead of Carpool in terms of science but backwards in production/growth.
Please notice my proud road :smug: to India and Corinth.

Now building the army.
All cities have Odeons and Barracks and Librairies.
Gandhi has built the SOZ to make things tougher :lol:

Currency is good to research ?

Update T94
Spoiler :
This turn Gandhi gets longbows.

Let's throw the towel :whew:

Spoiler :

Yeah that seems a bit cursed. I wonder if buddhism --> Priesthood --> Oracle --> Monarchy means a higher likelihood of Feudalism for the AI.

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