Nobles' Club 370: Napoleon of France

Spoiler Playthrough T92-118 :

T96 - captured barb Warrior is chopping Monument for 6th city, blocking Greece from North. Another Settler is almost complete, Ragnar occupies land on the East. Need to send scouts in East & North directiomn to reveal the map. Lack Workers, Currency is 9T away, slider is 30%, research is 34bpt, expanses are 32gpt.

T103 - got Currency, nothing to trade for. Montesuma got Austetics. I'd like to compete for 2 wonders & GA. Founded 7th city NE of the capital on the river. I claimed almost all usefull land near the capital.

Vikings are plotting, they are my East neighbours... There is a barb city on the way, IDK if that buys more time for me... None of my cities has Barracks.

Slider is 50%, Research is 54bpt, expanses are 40gpt. New Settler & 3 Workers are on the way.

T108 Vikings are at war with Greeks, I'm safe )) Could go for GA & wonders.

T110 Montezuma is plotting and he managed to sneak 11 units stack to the borders on my capital, I expect DOW next turn. Directing defenders to the capital. His stack will die and reinforcementy is far away (behind Ragnar's land).

T115 - Montezuma crushed against my capital - 7 dead units from his sde, he flees with 5 units. He want Currency for peace treaty...

T117 - Montezuma moved the rest of the army to non-forested grass & I wiped his army, got GG for supermedic. He threatens another city with 2 Axes, his country is behind Ragnar so it is the time to stop fighting and start wonder-building instead, he gives me 5 gold for peace treaty ))

Holy Rome asked to convert to Buddism and it alighns with political situation - Greece is in it, and I'm against Ragnar who is in Hinduism.

I'll use my army against 2 barbs cities while recover economy.

T118 - i lost Great Lib to Montezuma on turn 1. So Parthenon is going to failgold...
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