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Nobles' Club CLXV: Saladin of Arabia

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I gave it a shot with Camel Archers, but Camel Archers against Pikemen is no fun. If I had made this plan earlier, I could have hit him before Engineering and it would have been fine. I'm going to reload to my decision point and try Rifles(+Trebs) next. It'll be slow, but it'll work.
Saladin has a resourcless UU and +2 strength. Knight the world yeah?
Camel archers have the same strength as knights; did you mean something else? It also has 15% chance to withdraw, which the Knight doesn't.
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I've seen the comments that we don't have horses nearby, so if I had time to play this I might try to prioritize Guilds. Not sure what I'd skip to get there, though. The Music GA is very tempting, as is Edu/Lib, both of which I usually go for before Guilds.
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Indeed draft rifles worked better than camel archers. At least I used the protective trait! Knocked out Zara, next target is Augustus. All AIs have been in various wars since the middle ages and their tech pace is very slow. I'm currently teching to Infantry and I don't think they'll ever research something to counter that. I haven't got Mil Trad yet, but I'm planning to set up captured Aksum as a mounted unit producer, because drafted units only makes the conquest slow. After Infantry, I'm not sure if I need more tech, but I think I'll get airships just because I can. They're nice for rolling up backwards AI.
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Slugged through the Roman empire with Rifles. In the end, Napoleon declared war on me while we were both fighting Rome. He then knocked out the last Roman city and occupied it with a stack of knights, I had a stack of Rifles next to it :) Economy is a bit sinking, getting to Infantry will take a long time. Rome had a 5 settled Great General city, I'm planning to make it my Globe Theater city, drafted Infantry with two promotions out of the gate!
Hey guys. This is my first one of these. I wasn't planning on posting so I didn't really take any screen shots until late last night.

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I'm playing Immortal, Normal Speed. Before my three year hiatus I used to play emperor a lot on big maps with no tech trading which can actually be pretty hard but since coming back about 2-3 weeks ago I've been trying a more traditional play style with tech trading. Picked up some nice hints watching a few of AZ's games on YouTube. Anyway since coming back I'm running about 60% win percentage on Immortal which I'm happy with but I'm still picking things back up (you'll see what I mean).

My game: I started by moving my cap 1N to get 3 more river tiles. I'm not sure that it was quite worth losing a turn but I don't think it hurt me really.

AC started plotting on me early on but by switching to Judiasm and begging 10 gold I was able stop that. But 15 turns later he came back with praets and catapults. Two turns after that Zara declares too. Noticing that both of my neighbors were salivating to attack me earlier I had built up quite a stack of axes. I was able to withstand both initial attacks and get Zara to peace out quick. I then turned towards AC and just threw my axes against his praets and longbows to take two of his cities.

I peaced out for a tech as I was kinda of far behind and I was about out of axes. About 10 turns later Napolean declares out of nowhere and nearly takes Cumae on the first turn of the war (thank you protective). I'm able to peace out of the war with the AP which I took from AC.

So this is the situation at 1170 AD. Tech has been slow with the constant warfare between about everyone.

So this is where the rustiness comes back. I didn't realize I could make the camel archers without horses, but when I could, I said well I'll just make a bunch of those and, since they're mounted, I'll just upgrade them to currs. Well as soon as I saw how stupid I was, I declared on zara to try and get his iron and horses.


So you managed to axe rush and take a few cities from an AI with Praets and longbows? You had catapult support I would assume?
Another first-time participant here. And also one of my first few games on Monarch, a level on which I'm still struggling. :mischief: What better place to learn, though?

First session, turns 0 - 63. No huts.
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T0 – Settled in place. The capital looks very fertile indeed, even though neither corn resource is naturally irrigated. Research goes into Agriculture. Mecca builds a Worker.

T5 – First contact already! Zara Yaqob's scout appears to the north-east of Mecca. His Creative cultural pressure will have to be dealt with.

T9 – The finest minds of semi-nomadic Arabia invent the tortilla. Research goes into Mining next.

T12 – The starting warrior suddenly finds himself next to a stray lion and is promptly snackified on the interturn.

T14 – Buddhism founded in a distant land, which seems rather late – did nobody else start with Mysticism?

T17 – Hinduism follows suit. On the same turn I finish Mining, but unwisely decide to research Animal Husbandry next, even though Bronze Working first would have allowed me to double-whip a Settler at size four. :crazyeye:

T29 – Mecca hits size four and builds a Settler; research on AH completes, and I pursue Bronze Working, already having realized my mistake a few turns ago. Zara Yaqob revolts to Slavery.

T38 – Settler finished and on the way. I discover Augustus Caesar's borders in the northern jungle and glare at his double ivory camps.

T40 – Medina founded 3W of Mecca. Production goes into a Monument, which will bring the food resources into play. I loathe Monuments.

T42 – The first Worker, now having farmed both corns, mined two grassland hills, and built a road on the southernmost corn, adds a farm 1NW of Mecca to his oeuvre. The city hits size five on the same turn, and works all the improved tiles to build another Worker, which will be double-whipped on T44 for huge overflow. Good thing Saladin is Spiritual. Indeed, this may be the only good thing about him.

T44 – Bronze Working, and thus Slavery, arrive at long last, also revealing a riverside grassland copper resource right next to the capital. Praise be to Cypris! :lol: I crack the double-whip, and plan to invest those 28 overflow hammers into another Settler, as the first one was so unnecessarily delayed, and I need to claim land in the east before Zara makes himself too comfortable there. The planned city site is situated 1W of the wheat on the southern coast. À propos coast: research necessarily goes into Fishing.

T45 – The Workers build a mine on the copper and a pasture on the pigs, respectively. I might have mined the pigs instead, had I not planned Medina to serve as my Great Scientist generator for the time being.

T48 – A warrior stumbles into a barbarian city's borders, whose name is „Carib“, and what a fine city it is: fish, pigs, double sugar, river access, six tiles of grassland as soon as the jungle is cleared – what's there to complain about? (That is, apart from its placement on the wrong side of the river.) It's rather close to Augustus, unfortunately, but seeing as there are warriors, not archers, defending the city, I might have a chance to smack them good with a lone axeman.

T50 – Fishing is done, and on the same turn, Medina grows to size 2 and whips a Monument. Research now goes into Pottery.

T51 – Medina puts its production, and thus its whip overflow, into a Worker for a turn.

T52 – Finished the second Settler in Mecca, who heads for the eastern wheat/fish/cows/whale city site. Medina swaps its production to a work boat.

T53 – Mecca's six overflow hammers go into a warrior, whom I'll take off the queue next turn to put 4 hammers into an axeman (this is why I love myself at least one grassland mine in food-rich cities). A road now connects Medina to Mecca, apparently designed by someone who really loved maccaroni. Zara Yaqob, as it turns out, is already running three cities: his capital, then one by the pigs and floodplains east of the central desert, then another one by the double wines. I have only had visibility on Gondar, though.

T54 – Both workers move into forests. As planned, Mecca puts a turn into an axeman (growth to size 4 in one turn). I found Damascus, my third city, at the intended location, which grievously forces me to build a Monument and run 70% on the research slider. Pottery now takes an additional turn.

T55 – Mecca double-whips the axeman to 64/35 :whipped:, and swaps its build to the 6/15 warrior. The axeman will be banked for a few turns. Medina grows, working the pigs and a mine, and will finish the work boat one turn before its borders expand so that the clams can be hooked up immediately.

T57 – I move the warrior in Medina onto the grass hill 2W of the city and find that there is a clam resource right by the shore, to go along with those fish in the ocean – I could have founded two cities in this area if only I had scouted this tile earlier! The resources are now out of range for any possible city, unfortunately. Both workers chop forests for Mecca; the warrior is now finished.

T58 – Mecca grows to size 3, and swaps its build to a worker (4t with overflow). Both workers move into forests again.

T59 – Pottery finished. Research goes into Writing. Mecca reconfigured for maximum hammers (11/turn) at stagnant growth (copper + 2 grassland mines), and swaps its build back to the banked axeman (64/35).

T60 – Mecca puts its overflow into a Worker (1t). Medina's work boat is finished, and moves on top of the clams.

T61 – Judaism is founded in „a distant land“. Two chops and overflow go into a granary in Mecca (1t). The work boat improves the clams. Medina tastes the whip, in love not given lightly, to produce a Worker.

T62 – The „distant land“ of Kabbalist lore turns out to be right next door as Zara Yaqob embraces Organized Religion, despite not having chosen a state religion yet. :smoke: Mecca starts to build another Settler, working both corns and the copper again. Medina grows to size 2, and begins work on a granary.

T63 – And now Zara Yaqob acknowledges his heritage as a member of the Thirteenth Tribe, and coverts to Judaism. I also remember that the axeman could be useful in capturing Carib, and send him off to that city; ten turns until he arrives at his destination. My four workers are farming the wheat, mining the grass hill 1SE of the pigs, cottaging 2N of Mecca and moving towards the wheat in Damascus, respectively. The worker that's moving towards Damascus is losing some turns, but I'd rather get to the wheat slightly faster.

The Above in Pictures

These are images of Arabia on turn 63, the barbarian city of Carib (guest starring Zara Yaqob's northern borders), and a Demographics screenshot. Zara Yaqob has twice my GDP :eek: , I sure hope that a lot of it results from Judaism and getting Creative culture, not from gold or gems! He has also barely overtaken me in Food and Production over the last few turns, although whipping down Mecca undoubtedly had an effect on this. I'm on the verge of seeing Augustus' demographics, and have allocated all my espionage points (all four of them) towards him.

Carib would have been an even better city if it had been placed 1W, but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless; after all, a free Settler is a free Settler. The place in which my warrior is standing seems fit for another city. The planned fourth city will grab cows and stone to the north of my position, and I can found a „filler city“ in the river delta north of Mecca to work grassland tiles and two clams. It will also be able to mature cottages for Mecca thanks to overlap, and I think this capital will prove a Bureaucratic monstrosity to rival those imagined by Kafka.

A save is attached, even though I find my backward position quite embarrassing. :lol:

Almost needless to say, help is always welcome!
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A quick look at your save. The most important thing for you to improve when moving up levels is worker management. Workers need to be focused on what you need. For example, Mecca is building a settler at pop 3, happy cap is 6, yet it has 7 improvements and 2 more being built. In the meantime, Damascus was founded 9 turns ago, but you still haven't got a worker there to improve the wheat. Neither is it connected for trade routes.

When founding new cities, the ideal would be that you have roads ready for connection to trade network before settling. Not always doable, but quite often it is. Also, if it cannot work some shared improvement that has already been built, then a worker should be there and start improving the new city immediately. A city with no improved tiles and no traderoutes is usually nothing but a drain on your economy until those are in place.

Overall you should be keeping an eye on your cities, how big are they and when are they about to grow. Workers should be predicting this and make sure that whenever a city grows, there is an improved tile to grow onto.

One other thing, Medina would be much better 1SE. Now you have killed the clam and the fish in the west. No city will ever be able to work those tiles, which is a big shame. 2W of your current Medina would be a quite strong city for GP production, but that cannot be built anymore.
Spoiler :
A quick look at your save. The most important thing for you to improve when moving up levels is worker management. Workers need to be focused on what you need. For example, Mecca is building a settler at pop 3, happy cap is 6, yet it has 7 improvements and 2 more being built. In the meantime, Damascus was founded 9 turns ago, but you still haven't got a worker there to improve the wheat. Neither is it connected for trade routes.
The mine being built is technically for Medina, and I figure that Mecca can work corn/corn/copper/mine/cottage at size 5, but you're right that neither is actually needed right now, since Medina will work the wheat before the mine, and size 5 in Mecca is some time away, and this is labor that could have gone into roads or that eastern wheat farm. There is a worker right next to Damascus, but I agree that it's too late. The two workers were busy chopping four forests to get out a worker and granary, and thus I thought that I had no worker labor to spare, but maybe four chops were excessive. I don't quite remember the details, and my notes aren't clear about all the production numbers.

But now that you mention it, I think Mecca should rather grow than building the settler just yet. Two drycorn, copper, a grass mine, and the city tile would yield 15 combined surplus food/prod per turn, and I could double-whip again, so I really only need three turns. The question is, how quickly does Mecca grow? If there's at least two food in the box, at 8 surplus, I'm good - not only will that save a turn, but I can grow and produce something else for 15 hammers! If not, I can work the farm for 9 surplus and still finish the settler earlier, but without being able to produce anything much.
When founding new cities, the ideal would be that you have roads ready for connection to trade network before settling. Not always doable, but quite often it is. Also, if it cannot work some shared improvement that has already been built, then a worker should be there and start improving the new city immediately. A city with no improved tiles and no traderoutes is usually nothing but a drain on your economy until those are in place.
Yes, I really need to get roads up earlier in general. :lol: I still need to road three tiles to Damascus.
Overall you should be keeping an eye on your cities, how big are they and when are they about to grow. Workers should be predicting this and make sure that whenever a city grows, there is an improved tile to grow onto.
That's why I built that now-unnecessary farm north-west of Mecca, since I couldn't see the copper yet on T42 (growth to size 5) due to that silly mistake of not getting BW before (useless) AH. I was actually proud of finishing the best possible improvements just as Mecca grew to the cap, then copper pops up two turns later. :crazyeye: I am indeed always keeping an eye on my cities and workers; I did, for example, time the work boat so that it finished 1t before Medina's growth and border pop, just in time to pick up the clams and work them. But I'm still making many errors of judgment that I need to avoid in the future.
One other thing, Medina would be much better 1SE. Now you have killed the clam and the fish in the west. No city will ever be able to work those tiles, which is a big shame. 2W of your current Medina would be a quite strong city for GP production, but that cannot be built anymore.
My thoughts exactly, but I had tragically failed to scout the grass hill 2W to see the western clams in time, and ending the starting warrior's turn to a lion out of nowhere hindered my early scouting. See above, T57.

I'll move that one worker off his nonsense cottaging and have him lay down a road, but the mining next to Medina will continue so that I can slow-build two turns of a granary with two grass mines at size four (six turns from now), double-whip, overflow into a library, do two chops or pre-chops with both workers currently mining/farming and run two Scientists soon (that's not a plan yet, just an idea - I'll have to do the math before I continue to the next session, clearly).

Edit: Turns out there's only one food stored in Mecca :rolleyes:, so one turn of 9 surplus is necessary to grow in three turns.

Thank you!
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T63 – Keeping elitetroops' advice in mind, I first cancel the worker's cottaging to the north of Mecca. He'll move into the forest 2SE and road it next turn, so as to establish a trade route to Damascus.

Then I swap Mecca's build to an Axeman. This will actually speed up the Settler, since Mecca can grow in three turns if I spend one turn working the farm instead of the copper, then put 15 combined hammers and surplus food per turn into a settler, allowing me to double-whip it six turns from now. Sounds like a plan!

I also crank up research to 80%, which causes me to lose 1gpt, but crucially speeds up Writing by a single turn (7t from now). I have exactly eight coins in my piggybank, and I'll use up every last one of them for my madrasa plan.

T64 – Worker #3 does something sensible by roading moving into the aforementioned forest. Nothing else happens.

T65 – I have Mecca work a farm for a turn, as planned. Damascus grows, and I whip a Monument. The worker next to Damascus starts to farm the wheat, eleven turns after settling that city. Better late than never... :mischief:

T66 – Wheat farm and mine at Medina finisned. Mecca swaps its build to a Settler, still as planned. Medina grows to size 3 this turn, and works all the food tiles including the newly-improved wheat. Damascus puts 24 overflow into a granary.

T67 – Both workers at Medina move into the forests adjacent to the city. Worker #3 continues to work on the road to Damascus 1NE of the forest he just roaded.

T68 – Swap Medina for an axeman for a turn to ensure that the granary (28/60) can be double-whipped. (Can't swap to worker, since I need to grow to size 4 right this turn.) Both workers at Medina chop their respectively assigned forests. Mecca double-whips the settler.

T69 – The settler heads out of Mecca and onto the tile 3E of that city. Thanks to the new roads, he gets there in a single turn. Better yet, the city will be connected to my trade network instantly and can work a farmed floodplain/two grass mines/grassland cows for the time being, leeching off Mecca's mines, which the capital doesn't really need anyway, since it can steal the mines from Medina, which will be busy with Great Scientist farming. I love overlap. :lol:

Medina grows to size 4 and thus unhappiness (two turns of whip anger still), but I simply double-whip the granary in the queue (88/60). Working the clams instead of the wheat, in addition to the pigs, is just enough to put me at -2gpt, which is all I can afford, and grab Writing on the next turn.

T70 – Writing finished. Sailing is up next, oviously – I want to make use of my rivers and coasts for easy trade access. Both workers chop at Medina, and combined with the overflow from the granary, the madrasa is already at 72/90. Damascus grows in 3t, so I send both workers to farm 1NW of the city, and together, they'll finish it just in time.

I found Baghdad 3E of Mecca. Research is stable at 60%, thanks to the trade route. Augustus plants a city exactly where I wanted one, next to grassland copper, bananas and cows, but it's located way up north by his borders, and would have been impractical to found. I guess I'll just have to take it from him.

T71 – I open borders with everybody, which I should have done a turn ago, but it doesn't have any immediate effect, anyway. Augustus apparently has a spare source of gems, which I offer to trade him clams for, and he accepts. Not that he needs either the health or the happiness bonus, I suspect. :crazyeye:

The workers at Medina congregate on the silk tile and road it jointly, so that they can move E-NE next turn and road another tile. I will also find it easier to put a mine on the grass hill west of Medina later on.

Augustus' foreign aid allows me to whip the madrasa in Medina, then grow to size 3 and employ two scientists, which is exactly as fast as not whipping but also gives overflow, so I'll do just that.

T72 – Mecca finishes the axeman it's been working on while growing, who is ordered to move into Baghdad. I swap the copper tile for a grass mine again and put a turn into another axeman at 4 hammers per turn – having an axeman in the queue ready to be double-whipped will speed up the next settler, I think. It can't hurt, at any rate. The workers at Damascus are finished with their farm, but I decide to whip the granary in Damascus instead, rendering the farm rather useless at the moment. :smoke: At least the city will have high-food tiles to work at size 3, since I plan on giving the cows to Baghdad, but I could have done something else with the workers – or better yet, not whipped the granary until size 3.

T73 – Mecca grows to size 4 and swaps to a worker (4t naturally). The farm near Damascus is finished. Worker #4 can still move, and roads 1N. An axeman attacks Carib on this turn, winning to nobody's surprise. I don't want to take the city before I get to Sailing, though.

T74 – Worker #4 roads, and worker #3 goes to improve the floodplain, and again I've made a bad decision since I could have swapped the workers' actions and have worker #4 already make progress on a farm. What better way to end this turnset than another instance of worker mismanagement. :smoke:

In better news, Medina starts running two Scientist specialists and work a clam for maximum research. The Academy will be installed in the capital before T100, so there's a disaster averted. Damascus slow-builds a work boat, and will grow in four turns, when it can put the farm to use, at least.

I'm ever more annoyed at not having scouted the grass hill before I founded Medina. The pigs, mines and wheat are wasted now, which they would not have been if Medina was 1SE and another city was on the grass mine; this has been mentioned twice already, but it really cannot be stressed enough. The lesson to take away from this: scout every single tile around your planned city sites.

I have plans for the workers around Baghdad: Worker #3 will farm the floodplains, while worker #4 chops the forest east of the city. At size 2, I'll work a grass mine, whip the granary with the box less than half full, and when Baghdad regrows, the cow pasture (Damascus' culture will pop in two turns) will have been hooked up. Another plains mine and the city is fully prepared for size 5 for the time being, and can produce military or workers/settlers.

I could also cottage the farmed floodplain later, since two grass mines (2) + a plains mine + floodplain (3) + grass cow (4) + city tile (2) equals 11 food per turn. For now, I find it more important to grow as fast as possible.

Arabia on turn 74.

T74 Demographics. Somehow I am third in GDP, but not by a large margin. From the graphs I know that both my neighbours are far ahead of me in that regard, and Augustus has double gems, which explains a lot. More importantly, I'm still competitive in Food and Land Area, but Food is shaping up to look lacklustre, although Medina not working its high-food tiles makes it look worse than it could be.

The all-important Food graph.

So you managed to axe rush and take a few cities from an AI with Praets and longbows? You had catapult support I would assume?

No catapults. I had like 15 axes left after fighting off the attacks so I I just threw them at the cities. They only had like 3 defenders each so I was able to take two. I think I got pretty lucky too. I didn't think I'd be able to take one city but I was going broke and thought what the hell.
This is the final screen.

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Took a dip victory but only Augustus was left and he would have been cake. After capping Zara and getting Iron/Horses I was able to immediately turn towards Shaka cap him and then wipe a 3 city Elizabeth, but 15-city Napoleon had an enormous army and taking him right then would have been nearly impossible so I waited until tanks.

I have a strategy I like to use when go cottage heavy throughout my core cities and don't have a lot of workshops for state property. I try to get to Railroad pretty quick and create Mining Inc., use the corporation + universal suffrage to help build all the factories and coal plants quickly (plus and health buildings I need) and then rush for tanks. As soon as I tech industrialism, I pop a golden age and the cities just start pumping them out. You can get 3-4 tanks per city in those 8 turns to build up an initial force and just roll.
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No extensive notes this time. I founded three more cities while teching to Alphabet, which Zara and Augustus had already researched :eek:, got Iron Working from Elizabeth for Alphabet, built an army of City Raider axemen and attacked Zara Yaqob, who had just hooked up iron and lacked copper altogether, around T110, capturing the iron city (Addis Abeba) on the second turn of war. The war took too long, I think – twenty turns and then some – but I managed to reduce him to two cities and then demand Metal Casting in the peace treaty. He won't survive the reprise, seeing as he can only build chariots and archers, both of which suck against swordsmen; the one problematic unit he can field are defensive catapults.

In other news, I researched Maths in three turns at 100%, burning through all my spoils of war, traded something for Meditation, and bulbed Philosophy with the second Great Scientist. I haven't got any returns out of that yet, since Augustus, the clear tech leader, refuses to trade me anything of note (Civil Service or Calendar), and Pacifism is more harm than it's worth right now.

Arabia has expanded. Lizzy has just traded me dyes, which means that no city is currently growing into unhappiness; Kufah is set up to triple-whip the forge at 21/120 in three turns by employing two priests from the madrasa, while Damascus will grow as whip anger subsides. I'm not sure if courthouses are the way to go, but I'm building them throughout the eastern half of the realm, along with madrasas and forges – I definitely want to support a specialist economy off my vast crop yield. The western half produces wealth while growing, and employs scientists.

Napoleon is top dog according to score, but Augustus, who has Praetorians online and researches uncannily fast, seems far more dangerous to me. I'm pondering an elepult attack, but Augustus already has Construction himself, with HBR on the horizon, which I still require.

You can see that Napoleon is pretty much everybody's „worst enemy“, which certainly befits a Napoleon. He's very backward in tech and entangled in a war against Elizabeth; I don't think he'll remain in first place for much longer.

Demographics. The GNP leader is Augustus, and he concerns me. I should probably try to get cozy with Sitting Bull soon. Augustus is certainly not „Rival Best“ in Food, though, resulting from his low count of cities. I suspect that Napoleon is behind that number instead.

Technologies. Liz has Feudalism, but not CoL. It irks me that nobody wants to trade anything useful. Zara seems advanced, but he's researching Aesthetics in 13 turns.at the moment, and he's doomed to die soon. He got CoL and 160 gold in a trade from me right after the war, in exchange for Compass, on which he had held a monopoly.

I'm not sure yet when to swap to Caste System; my new cities still need the whip, and three more will have been added once Zara Yaqob is gone.
Finished with 1705 AD conquest. Got to use the protective trait, two opponents capped after throwing their main stack against my protective rifles/infantry.
Not a fast finish at all, but I achieved a Domination victory in 1888 AD.
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After forcing Rome and Native America to surrender their sovereignty, I found the game rather dull as I slogged through Napoleon and Shaka, and stopped caring about city build queues and workers, since victory was clearly on the horizon. The last few remaining enemy AIs managed to research Rifling in time to slow down the inexorable advance of The Doomstack - well, Napoleon not so much, but Shaka definitely tried his best, even building a silly airship to take the occasional snipe at some of my infantry. :lol:

I've made several mistakes along the way, the most egregious of which include several incidents of worker mismanagement, as well as my negligence to prioritize Bronze Working over Animal Husbandry with no immediate need for the latter, and my failure to thoroughly scout the environs of Medina, which cost me a strong city site in the opening. Conquering more of Sitting Bull's lands would have made me attain Domination sooner, and I consistently underestimated Shaka's strength, with his armies always halting my advance at Ulundi, and fierce counterattacks to follow.

Nevertheless, this particular world is my oyster now! :king:

The attached savegame is from 1886 AD, although it's only enclosed for posterity. Press Shift+Enter to win the game at once. Alternatively, you may marvel at my automated workers, or at half my cities building Buddhist Temples and Banks for no good reason. Apparently, I couldn't even be bothered to Alt-click Infantry in every city at the end. :mischief: Not that it mattered much.

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