Northern Europe map changes

About the fish , it could be placed 1S of Copenhagen so it will be workable by both Hambuf and Conpenhagen but not Amsterdam

If the resources stay like that , the city 1SW of Krakow could be a potential supercity

IMO Vienna is too weak , with this current placement of cities it doesnt have many resoucers only 1 coal and 1 pig
Helsinki would still be too close to St Petersburg. Maybe take Vienna 1E, so that it still gives Italy some more room? Poland will go for Warsaw anyway. Hopefully. Other than that, it seems nice, the rework in general. Will you rework the Mediterranean as well? Just wondering.
Helsinki would still be too close to St Petersburg. Maybe take Vienna 1E, so that it still gives Italy some more room? Poland will go for Warsaw anyway. Hopefully. Other than that, it seems nice, the rework in general. Will you rework the Mediterranean as well? Just wondering.

St. Petersburg was made to collapse the Swedish Empire with its closeness. So it is appropriate.

ALSO! Leoreth, another note. On the 600 AD map, please make Crete and Sardinia improved. AI will never improve them.
New map looks very good. Some suggestions for Finland:

-Marshes are good, but maybe there could be forests on them? Although marshes/swamps/bogs couldn't be farmed or urbanized, they usually provided timber or peat.

-There could be horse in South Finland. Because of Finnish light cavalry Hakkapeliitta and Finnhorse. &

- Maybe another deer in northern Scandinavia to present huge amount of reindeer in Lapland.
Are these map changes already available in the current SVN version?
No, it doesn't make sense to release them before adjusting spawns and settler maps and city name maps, and I cannot start making them before the map changes are final.

As mentioned earlier, I really likes these changes, a huge improvement over the current map and way more realistic - especially the Luleå-area is way better now. Only issue I can think of is Stockholm not really being worth settling - 1S seems to be better, in combination with Luleå, but I can't think of a solution for it, and I may be mistaken. Oh well. And the placement of Bergen is quite weird, given that in reality it's basicly on a straight line west of Oslo - but I guess there's not much to do about that as well.
1S of Stockholm would also be Stockholm, I even considered making this the usual spot. You'd choose between deer or fish as a food resource.

Bergen could just be me mixing up the city names ...

I believe pasturing cows provides a production bonus, whereas pasturing pigs doesn't. Denmark needs all the production it can get IMO.
That's the idea.

Helsinki would still be too close to St Petersburg. Maybe take Vienna 1E, so that it still gives Italy some more room? Poland will go for Warsaw anyway. Hopefully. Other than that, it seems nice, the rework in general. Will you rework the Mediterranean as well? Just wondering.
I don't think the Mediterranean really needs it? And the AI will always found on the spot where it spawns.

- Maybe another deer in northern Scandinavia to present huge amount of reindeer in Lapland.
Deer is a food resource though, and large cities that far north would be wrong.

I wrote this down quite many times already, but please hear my advice. Budapest should be named Buda and only in 1873 (source: or when you research industrialism should it be renamed to Budapest.
This is already the case?
Improved deer on tundra hill gives only 3 food and 1 hammer (2 hammers if forest), which isn't very much if every else land tile is tundra.
About placement of Stockholm, isn't the tile 1N Stockholm as well? I didn't know 1S was too, but yeah it could just as well be there for sure.

About the eventual second deer, I don't think it would be an issue since the Luleå-area now has that much tundra. It could be 1E of the aluminium.
I'll have to change the city name map anyway. It can be whatever I want it to be.
How about Finnhorse/Hakkapeliitta? It could be on spot where Helsinki is now or 1E to also give production boost to Sankt-Peterburg. I would like idea to Sweden have access to horses -> cavalry units, only when they control Finland.
Looking really good!:goodjob:

- maybe Vienna 1W?
- maybe wheat, cow near Amsterdam should spawn later?
- move Hungarian iron?
- additional resource for St. Petersburg? maybe move cow near Riga there
- maybe deer north of St. Petersburg?

I'm still unsure about the points with question marks. Comments welcome.

-Vienna 1W would make room for Budapest and slightly balance the possible super Frankfurt, so 1W sounds good.
-These tiles are heavily contested and most likely to be often raced, so it doesn't really matter, if you want to take the time I guess
-Hungarian Iron could become Austrian iron, 1S of the new Vienna tile?
-St. Petersburg should have Rigan cow in its reach and an additional food resource spawning at 1700

How about Finnhorse/Hakkapeliitta? It could be on spot where Helsinki is now or 1E to also give production boost to Sankt-Peterburg. I would like idea to Sweden have access to horses -> cavalry units, only when they control Finland.

Finnish horse would be quite historical and the Swedish Empire really needs it, especially in the 1700 scenario. It could be 1W or 1NW of Helsinki; or even on the Helsinki tile to be in reach of St. Petersburg, if Helsinki isn't present.
Vienna 1W would look really ugly and geographically wrong. No matter how you look map Vienna is east from Berlin, not in west. Instead move Prague to 1E and Warsaw 1N. To Balance out Frankfurt France should found Strasburg.

And tundra in Eastern Karelia should be replaced by grassland all the way till Lappland. No matter how you look map it is not Siberia ice waste but forest covered green land.
All cities can't be on their exact locations compared to others, it is impossible.

Yeah, at least the Finnish Copper tile should be grassland.
Berlin is too far east to give Germany some space.
Don't think Vienna should go 1W, putting it above the Alps would just be wrong.

If anything, Budapest should go on the oil, as Pest was always the larger part of the city, with Buda largely being the fortress and administrative buildings. Pest is 2/3 of Budapest, so it makes sense to put the city where most of it is relative to the river. Budapest is also directly south of Krakow, so that's geographically accurate on the map.

The iron could then stay where it is, as Austria will have iron from Frankfurt until 1700AD, and should have plenty of time to capture Budapest by then. In the 1700 scenario Austria can start with Vienna and Budapest, thus also having the iron already. The oil can move 1SW to reflect the Nagylengyel oil field which was the first one discovered in Hungary:

I agree that the wheat and cow near Amsterdam should appear in 1500AD, to prevent super Frankfurt.
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