Before the map changes, Colenhagen was settled in almost all of my 600 AD games.
And people: enough with the supercities, all the ingame supercities, are supercities because they cover several nations (like Amiens covering France and the Netherlands). The earlier discussed supercity of Amsterdam+1NE would require the destruction of hamburg. Please, netherlands + north germany + northsea resources, would IRL be an insane city.
1NE of Amsterdam is not possible because of Hamburg, destroying Hamburg changes everything and your not going for realism anymore. Just like Amiens without Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, would represent a huge part of western europe.
There's iron on the Swedish-Norwegian border.
Maybe I can get to changing the Caucasus too before release.
There's iron on the Swedish-Norwegian border.
Maybe I can get to changing the Caucasus too before release.
I think it should be a clam resource in Caspian Sea near to Volga estuary in order to make more attractive Astrakhan spot.
Tried 3-4 games, AI Germany and Polish settles in ugly spots: former Hamburg(on horse) and Gdansk, now inland and only 2N from their capital. Germans also settles Dresden(2N from Wien), another ugly spot.