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NQ-Multiplayer Video 2: Songhai Redemption?


Apr 4, 2012
I announced this over at the Let's Play forum but thought I'd put this here too. Not only is it multiplayer vid, but features some fixtures from the civ community.
Player 1 is fredodo_502
Player 2 is KiffeLesBiffles
Player 3 is NQ-DerWolfmann
Player 4 is Sah.
Player 5 is NQ-kdjd
Player 6 is PrimEvalCIV
Check it out:
I enjoyed it, look forward to seeing more :)

I tried an NQ game today for the first time, was good fun, 8 hrs straight is tough going though :D
no wonder games take like 8 hours with all people playing like that.

imo u played very bad - expanded WAY too slow but as all other play the same slow, boring style it kind of works out.

really cant say something else - all I know is that one can very easily have double your stats (and with good play like triple yours).
And in 99% of games the one with biggest stats will and should win
imo u played very bad -

That wasn't necessary. Not everyone plays like you and not everyone wants to play against you for reasons like this quote.

It meant to be fun. That's all. Of course he didn't play like a god. But...who cares?

One thing is sure is that his videos are much more entertaining than yours ;)
Hey tommynt, the purpose of my vid series is not to show off that I am "the best" at civ. I am not. What I want to do is show people what multiplayer games are like, particularly with NQ. I think I definitely accomplished this with you :goodjob:

Now as for rapid expansion. There are many times when that is the most powerful and best strategy. I am not experienced enough to say exactly when rapid expansion is best, but I am happy with my decision not to in this particular game. An expansion towards China left of the mountains and Ragusa would be very hard to defend against China and the Netherlands. Expanding early towards north to the Netherlands might mean claiming a little more space, but in the end I took that land anyway by capturing Nijmegen. Had I pumped settlers early instead of going GL+NC I would have had less science, but the same territory. Expanding toward to the right, to grab lux's I would need to settle very close to kdjd's capital and would have locked us into an early war. Weakening us, and me in particular to the Netherlands.

kdjd plays a lot like I do, happy to tech up on a smaller empire if space is not available. I would guess that Fredodo and Kiffe played more like you would, and indeed they did have 2-3X my stats. But kdjd killed Kiffe, and I could have killed Fredodo if I was not worried about an attack from kdjd.
That wasn't necessary. Not everyone plays like you and not everyone wants to play against you for reasons like this quote.

well I just dont see the point of a "bad (it wasnt very bad) gameplay video", if u want see rnd gameplay you can watch how ai plays ..

And donnu if u watch for example my a duel video from me it should be way more entertaining and action packed as a occ for 2 hours.

My point is that game is now 2+ years old and after so much time to learn the game I am just expecting (maybe hoping) to see people do overall better gameplay.

Thats like when I watch a kid doing sports, I dont expect a 10 year old to dunk the basket but after 2 years of playing it should have SOME skill adding to the fun having in playing and get some throws in.

And I enjoy also watching more NBA and NFL as college sports, even when I could "learn" something from collegeplayers aswell maybe.
well I just dont see the point of a "bad (it wasnt very bad) gameplay video", if u want see rnd gameplay you can watch how ai plays ..

And donnu if u watch for example my a duel video from me it should be way more entertaining and action packed as a occ for 2 hours.

This video can be seen like a ''story'' instead of ''how to play efficiently''.

What i call by entertainment is that he actually put some vocal infos of why he did this and that. But also because there is a lot more civs involved where a kind of diplomacy can be implemented.

Duels are just the barbarian way to play this game. You put some good duel vids but it projects only a single part of the whole game.

About your wish to see better gameplay videos, well we are discussing if we can make a (super)video where every players will record their games when playing against each others. This...would be awesome.
Your video's are great. Not only are they very interesting but they also work as great marketing for the NQ MP community - Which is the only high trafficked place you can play Civ5 online to it's full potential with very nice people - That I have come across.

Also I have been missing an initative like this as a point for discussion. Not because we want to turn this into a competitive league or anything alike, but because it is fun to develop your own game based upon the different views of others.

So allthough I certainly don't agree to everything you do, I do develop as a player by looking at them, and you have already taught me a trick or two.

I hope TommyNT for once can show of some of his skills in NQ. Because I do understand what you are trying to say but see very few players consistently following the direction you advocate. As i see it, Civ is very situational and every game can go in all kinds of directions. Aggressive expansion is for sure something which works in certain situations, while it is suicide in others.

I hope to CIV you soon, TommyNT.

I hope TommyNT for once can show of some of his skills in NQ. Because I do understand what you are trying to say but see very few players consistently following the direction you advocate. As i see it, Civ is very situational and every game can go in all kinds of directions. Aggressive expansion is for sure something which works in certain situations, while it is suicide in others.

I have tried these "NQ" games once every 2 weks or so - but every game ends kind of like same (if it even makes it past turn 5):
At turn 75 or so i m having double point, science and production of 2nd, some1 dies or quits and all other want to "scrap" ie quit and in fact me too

and about alying 2 or 3 vs1, most times people dont even try and apart that - if I d want play 1 vs 3 I d call the game 1 vs 3 and not FFA
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