NukeNes IV: Age of Discovery, 1492


See ya! It has been a fun decade!
Jan 27, 2006

Welcome one and all! It's that time of year again, where Nuke Nes starts. However, this will be quite different from the last ones. For one, it is going to be realistic, and hopefuly better than all the rest combined. I have borrowed most of the rules from Birdjaguar, as well as the map and Ideas.

So, before we begin, there is a few things that need to be cleared.

There will be 7 year turns. Why? Well, 5 is to short for colonial years, but 10 is to long for Europe. 7 makes it balanced for Land and Sea players

There are lots of nations and upon request others can be added. In the Americas I have placed the following as player choices: Incan Empire, Aztec Empire, Cahokia in the Mississippi Valley, Calusa in Florida, the Iroquois Nations in the northeast, and Pueblo Indians of the southwest. In Asia choices are: Persia, Mughals, Rajputana, Ming China, Japan, and a variety of other small Indian states. Other nations are possible, just ask. The Mongol tribes and Golden Horde are the decaying remnants of the Mongol Empire. A great leader could attempt to resurrect them, but warfare has changed in 400 years and their time of glory may have passed forever. There is room for those who will want to build a land based European empire without colonies in lieu of the overseas conquests common to the time.

Also, to add to the spice, natives won't die from new diseases. Just to add to fun.

I will honor all previous sign ups untill Monday. If you see an Npc nation you want, post for it.

That pretty much covers it. I hopw you all read the rules, and choose a nation to play.

Do not post yet
Key Stats:

Population: This approximates the number of people in your nation when compared to other nations. A larger population means more trade and higher costs to improve things like Education and infrastructure. Improvements in Agriculture and infrastructure can influence how quickly your population grows. Population also affects the size of your standing armies.

Economy: this is the number of Economic Points (EP) a player has to spend in a turn; it is calculated from five other stats and special events (Trade + Net Econ Freedom + Wealth Transferred – Total Army Upkeep – Events). Unspent EPs may be banked up to a total of 12.

Culture: culture represents how influential a nation is with neighbors and colonies. A high culture score will result in a nation having a strong influence on its neighbors that have lower scores. A low culture score can make a nation subject to the outside influences from strong cultures. It is calculated from Education level + Religion + the number of religious centers (RCs)

National Confidence: this score will contribute to a nation’s domestic economy. A high national confidence will mean more EPs to spend and less chance of your nation being influenced by other nations or going into revolt at bad news. High national confidence means a stable nation and strong local economies. It is calculated like so: Civil Leadership + Education + Infrastructure + Agriculture.

Players cannot spend EPs directly on any of the stats listed above. Spending in the areas listed below will influence the four primary stats.

National Stats:

Players can spend EP in a variety of ways. They are listed below. Each stat level has a number associated with it; some are positive and some negative. These numbers are what go into calculations for the primary stat scores. In most cases it will take 1 EP per population point to raise a nation to the next higher level. Only one level change per turn is permitted. Many improvements may be paid for over consecutive turns if desired. Those are indicated by a 0/5 notation to the right of the current stat. The second number may not be a five, but will be your current population level.

As a nation makes progress, there will be times when it outgrows its current infrastructure or tops out its education levels. When that happens players will be told and infrastructure will be reset to (0) or Education to (+1). War and other events could also create unexpected changes in stat levels.

Civilian Leadership measures how well you run your nation and its adjoining conquests. Civilian Leadership will influence both Culture and National Confidence scores. It costs 3 EP to raise this stat one level. Levels: Corrupted (-2); Incompetent (-1); Poor (0); Average (+1); Good (+2); Very Good (+3); Excellent (+4).

Military Leadership Good plans and high leadership scores will create victories. It costs 3 EP to raise this stat one level. Corrupted (-2); Incompetent (-1); Poor (0); Average (+1); Good (+2); Very Good (+3); Excellent (+4).

Colonial Leadership is the effort you put into running your colonies well. Colonial Leadership will affect the amount of wealth that is transferred from colonies. Each time you create a new colony, this stat drops by 1. It can be raise by spending 1 EP per existing colony. Nations begin at level zero (0). This stat cannot go higher than +3

Education is how well a nation’s people are schooled and the degree to which a scientific approach is applied to the study of things. It affects both National Confidence and Culture. Levels range from (-2) to (+5). Changes cost your population level in EP.

Infrastructure is everything related to roads, bridges, harbors, storehouses, water, sewer etc. The higher a nation’s infrastructure level, the better your nation’s National Confidence and Domestic Economy. Levels: None (-1) through a (+5). Infrastructure changes cost your population level in EP. Colonial populations are not included in this calculation. If a country grows substantially in size its infrastructure level may decrease. Changes cost your population level in EP.

Agriculture: is all about farming and animal husbandry. Improvements here affect your National Confidence and encourage population growth. Levels here range from (-1) desert to (+5) rich, skilled farming tradition. Changes cost your population level in EP.

Armies & Navies:

Armies & Navies are used to fight wars, quell rebellion and threaten other nation. Troops are bought with EP at the rate of 1 EP for 5 standing divisions or any type squadron and 1 EP for 8 divisions of Mercenary or Professional Army troops. Troops are bought at the prevailing quality level and appear at a nation’s capital unless otherwise designated. Ships appear at the port nearest to the capital. The type of troops and how long they are available for will be determined by time period and technology levels. Prior to the establishment of standing armies in Europe, armies will be bought for campaigns and go away after the war (or turn) is over. Hired armies will need to be paid for every turn you want them available. The list of “Troops in use” show what types of units are in your army. Unless you specify otherwise a mix is assumed. If a player has a particular war plan that is based on a specific unit type, then they should say so in the orders and those preferences will be used to resolve battles.

Purchasing Troops: This is a bit different then from Birds. All nations have a standing army. you can buy 3 Divisions for 1 ep, or 1 Squadron for 1 ep. If you have reached your limit, or you need more troops in a pinch, you can hire 5 Mercinary divisions for 1 ep. They are well trained, but they must be rehired each turn. Make sure they have a ride home, or it will get messy for you.


Trade Centers (TC) represent important cites that affect ones trade. One TC adds one point to a nation’s Trade stat. TCs cost 4 EP to create, reasons supporting the expenditure must be provided. Wars, conflicts and revolutions can delay or interrupt the creation of a TC. Colonial Trading Posts can be upgraded to TC status or a city can get the upgrade. Capturing a TC will add it to the captor’s TC list for as long as it is held. War and other events can reduce a TC to a regular city. TC cities have a red ring around the outside.

Religious Centers (RC) are like TC, except that they add to culture. They also cost 4 EP and can be created in cities, EC or TC. Reasons or a story need to be provided. A single city could be the nation’s capital, a TC and an RC. Should it be captured, the losing nation would lose the influence of all three. Capturing an RC of a different faith does not provide any benefit to the captor. If the RC is of your faith, then you get a new RC. A nation with secular as its religious state cannot build or benefit from RCs.

Voyages of Discovery: (VoD) are the way nations explore the world and find places to establish Trading Posts and Colonies. VoD cost 3 EP and only one may be funded in a given turn. VoD represent the mapping of unknown coastlines and perhaps contact with the local residents. A VoD may not carry explorers. They could be sent the following turn to establish a new Trading Post. When Explorers are used to open overland trade routes, it represents sending them into “unknown” lands to make contact with the locals to establish trade connections. Explorers can explore both backward undeveloped regions like central North America and well developed regions like central China and central Europe. When discovered, new VoDs are added to the lists in the stats and trade benefits may ensue. Explorers cost 1 EP. Explorers can only explore from a known place into an unknown place. Voyages of Discovery require an appropriate type of ship for exploring the oceans. Here are the possible VoDs

Spoiler :
Voyages of Discovery
Northwest Europe NWE
Mediterranean Sea MED
East coast of N. America ENA
Mexico & Caribbean MC
East coast of S. America ESA
West coast of Africa WCA
East coast of Africa ECA
Indian Ocean Sumatra IOS
West coast of S. America WSA
West coast of N. America WNA
Northern Pacific NP
Southern Pacific SP
China & Japan CJ
Indonesia & Philippines IP
Australia & New Zealand ANZ

A nation may buy or sell the results of any VoD or OTR to another nation for whatever price both agree on. For a VoD to be useful it must be connected to another VoD that is closer to the home nation. For instance, buying the West Coast of S. America VoD would not be useful to Spain until it had made the East Coast of S. America VoD. Nations cannot send explorers to land unless they have made VoD to that part of the world. VoD and OTR are not necessarily successful; some could yield partial results or ships could be destroyed on either the outward or return legs of the journey. Once a VoD has revealed new lands, then Explorers may be sent to build Trading Posts.

Circumnavigation of the world may be attempted in a single turn for 4 EP:
--From Europe traveling west once ESA is known or traveling east once IP or ANZ is known
--From Asia traveling west once ESA is known or traveling east once WNA or WSA is known
--From the Americas traveling east or west once IOS is known
--From Africa traveling west once ESA is known or traveling east once IP or ANZ is known
The final route taken and lands discovered will be up to the vagaries of fate. A skilled captain and crew will improve the odds of success.

Explorers and Colonists are unit types related to building a colonial empire. They cost 1 EP each. Explorers are built and sent out at the same time in a player’s orders. They are sent to explore an identified area that you already know exists. They carry with them the makings of a Trading Post or in the case of developed areas, trading contacts. Explorers can travel over land or water. Explorers will “discover” an area of land. Later explorers can expand that area and set up new TP in a chain. A TP can be upgraded to a TC with appropriate supporting reasons and payment of 4 EP. Military force may be needed to set up and defend a TP.

Sometimes a player will want to establish a colony on foreign soil. Colonies require more land than a Trading Post. That land must be either given by the current owner or taken by force. Sending colonists costs 1 EP and lowers the nation’s Colonial Leadership level by one (zero becomes -1 etc. Colonial Leadership may be improved in subsequent turns. Once an area is colonized, then in a subsequent turn, any trading posts in that colony may be upgraded to TC at the rate of one TC per turn. Explanations/stories are required to support changing a TP to a TC.

Trading Posts (TP) are the first stage of colonization. They are automatically established when a nation sends an explorer unit to make new contacts. TP are usually subject to permission of the resident player or NPC, but may be established by force of arms. TP may be upgraded to a TC for 4 EP plus reasons or story in any turn after it’s is set up, if both nations agree. Military force can be used to influence a nation to agree.

Colonial Empires

Colonies are a nation’s overseas sources of economic growth. They are established by Explorers and Colonists. The success of a colony may be determined by its location and activity of neighbors, but players do have some control on how a colony contributes to their economy. Colonies have three stats: # of colonists sent, the accumulated wealth stockpiled in a colony and the untapped resources of the colony that can be converted to wealth. The mod will determine the area of a colony and how many colonies are in an area based on the resources of the area and the stories by the player.

Colonial Leadership has a direct effect on how much wealth is transferred from a colony to the home country. A nation’s culture level will determine how quickly local people are assimilated into the ruling culture and their tendency to rebel. A strong culture in a land of weakly cultured people may help enlarge the colony quickly without war. The nature of the terrain of a colony can affect how quickly land is absorbed and what resources are available and how quickly those resources can be converted to wealth.

Colonies may be started in any place not controlled by another player, in an NPC nation with permission of the ruler if you have a trading post there; in an NPC nation after conquest of some territory and after you set up a trading post via an explorer; in a grey area of the map after conquest or where you have a trading post; and in an area conquered by conquistadors (no TP needed).

How to create a colony:
First, discover new lands by way of a VoD. Once you know of land suited to colony formation, you can send an explorer to establish a trading post, or you can use conquistadors to conquer the new land and establish a TC through their victory, or you can send an army to conquer the land and then send an explorer to set up a TP.

Once a TP or TC is established, in the next turn, you may send colonists to establish the colony. The mod will determine the area of a colony and how many colonies are in an area based on the resources of the area and the stories by the player.

A nation’s culture level will determine how quickly local people are assimilated into the ruling culture and their tendency to rebel. A strong culture in a land of weakly cultured people may help enlarge the colony quickly without war.

Every colony, when founded, gets three stats: number of colonists in the colony, a wealth value and a resources value. The first number is a running total of the number of colonists sent to this colony; the second number, wealth, is the number of EP that can be shifted from the colony to the home nation in the next or subsequent turns. The third number is the current resource value of the colony; it represents undeveloped wealth.

Investing in Colonies
Investing EP into an existing colony will do one of three things:

1. EP spent adding colonists (1 EP each) will increase the land area of the colony and may increase the colony’s resource number. No more than 1 group of colonists can be added to a colony in a turn.

2. The posted resource level of a colony is the number of resource EP that can be converted to wealth. One EP spent on resource development will produce some multiple of EP increase of new resources. No more than 1 EP per turn may be spent developing resources

3. If a colony has a resource value, for 1 EP those resources may be extracted and converted to wealth. The rate that resources are converted into wealth is determined by the Mod, but usually it will greater than 1:1 ratio. Converting resources to wealth reduces the resource value. No more than 1 EP per turn may be spent converting resources to wealth.

Adding territory to a colony by conquest may increase the resource value of a colony. Stories and reasons given by players will influence the resource values of colonies. Over time as technology and needs change resource values may increase above any initial caps. Resources in a colony may become completely depleted over time.

Wealth Transfers from Colonies to Home Nation:
In any orders after the orders that established a colony, the home nation may transfer some or all of a colony’s current wealth home (as EP) that will be added to the nation’s stats at the end of the update (i.e. it cannot be spent in the turn it is ordered to be sent home). When that transfer takes place, the wealth stat for the colony is reduced by the number of EP transferred. The number of EP transferred from a colony is changed by the value of the nation’s Colonial Leadership value. If Colonial Leadership is -1 then, 1 EP is taken from each wealth transfer made from each colony. If a nation’s Colonial Leadership is +1 then 1 EP is added to each wealth transfer made from each colony. The Colonial Leadership value represents the level of corruption etc. that exist in a colony. It costs 1 EP x the number of colonies to raise the level of Colonial Leadership by +1.

If a colony is conquered in a turn (that means the port city, trading post or other significant city is captured) then the wealth and resources of the colony are no longer available to the original home nation. Any wealth transfers scheduled for that turn do not take place. Contingency orders will not work to get the accumulated wealth out. The captured wealth is now controlled by the conquering player.

Example: Portugal establishes a colony in Ghana; it has an initial value of 2/5 (wealth /resources). The next turn Portugal spends 1 EP to develop resources there and the colony’s value changes to 2/9 (2/5+4=9). The following turn, Portugal spends 1 EP to convert some of those resources into wealth and the values change again to 6/5 (2+4/9-4). Then in a following turn Portugal brings 4 of those wealth EP home for spending and the colony’s value is now 2/5. This example assumes that Portugal has a colonial leadership value of zero. If it were -1 then when 4 EP of wealth were sent home, only 3 EP would arrive. If the Colonial Leadership value was +2 then 6 would be transferred.

Summary of the effects of the colony creation process:
1. Every colony needs a name. Players may assign the name. The name will be listed in a nation’s stats.
2. Each colony a player establishes will reduce their Colonial Leadership stat by 1.
3. Every time wealth is shifted from a colony to the home country, the value of colonial leadership is added to or subtracted from that transfer.
4. It costs 1 EP x the number of colonies to improve colonial leadership 1 level.
5. TPs located in a colony can be upgraded to a TC for 4 EP and thus add further income to a nation’s economy. TCs will not reduce the resources or wealth of a colony. A colony though does not need a TC to transfer wealth.
6. Armies based in a colony do not count as “overseas” for army upkeep purposes as long as they are at peace. But if those troops attack an existing player or NPC nation from that colony base, then overseas upkeep must be paid to support those efforts in that turn.

There are some limitations and restriction on Colonies. Explorers and colonists may be sent to any grey areas on the map (excluding Europe) and establish TPs and colonies in those areas. Colonies and TPs may be set up in colored areas of the map (named nations) by conquest or agreement. Colonies must have a reason for existing and being valuable. The mod will be the final arbiter of what constitutes a colony. Nations must have a VoD that includes the coastline of the area to be colonized and explorers or Conquistadors must begin the process of settling grey colored areas. Only European nations may buy conquistadors (see below).

Economic Freedom will be an important factor in driving the pace of change in a nation. The more economic freedom, the faster the pace of change and the more new discoveries a nation will make. But it brings a price. The more economic freedom in a nation the greater the possible unrest if stability is upset or the government gets too controlling. Similarly, if a very controlling government is in charge, adding economic freedom may create instability and unrest as the people clamor for more freedom. Economic freedom can bring economic bonuses to a nation. Players will characterize their nation’s level of economic freedom from none to high. Changes can be made any time, but may cause unintended side effects. The scale is a 0 to +5 scale where 0 is little to no economic freedom and +5 is lots of freedom. Players may only move their level of economic freedom by one level (in either direction) each turn. It costs 3 EP to change this stat.

Government control represents how repressive and controlling your government is. Players may move Government Control one or more levels in either direction in a given turn, but a move of more than one on the scale per turn may cause unexpected side effects. Stories, reasons, etc. may mitigate these side effects. More repressive governments will slow the pace of change and technological advancement in a nation and perhaps stir rebellion should opportunity appear. The scale is from 0 to +5 where 0 is least repressive (a republic or democracy) and +5 most repressive. It costs 3 EP to change this stat.

A nation’s government control level will affect the domestic economy (a higher number reduces it). A nation’s net economic freedom level will affect available spending. If government control approaches zero unrest or other ill effects may occur.

Stories are encouraged. If in a story, you create a named sea captain or general, then I will track that personage though the game and they could gain status and skills to become “great”. This “greatness” will improve their successes in voyages and war. Of course, they can also die during such endeavors and will die after some number of years anyway. Nations can have only one named sea captain and one named general at a time.

Projects are possible, but less important than in an Ancient Age game. Let me know what you want to do and the effect you are looking for, and I will let you know the cost and time.

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Warning! I reserve the right at any time to change these rules

Order format example:
Spoiler :

List Stats first (copied from page 1 is fine)

Spending Summary
3 EP to improve Education
1 EP to Rome to support Catholic efforts in Europe
3 EP for a VoD to ESA
1 EP for 5 sqds

Goals or priorities for this update
1. Defend homeland if attacked
2. VoD
3. Use sqds to blockade Genoa
4. Everything else

Turn overview is a short description of what you are trying to achieve this turn. This section is usually only necessary if your orders are very complicated or involve a war with another player.

Order details
1535 events or actions:
1536 events or actions
1537 events or actions
1538 events or actions
1539 events or actions
1540 events or Actions
1541 events or actions

General descriptions of what you are doing in each year and where are usually sufficient. I do not need extreme detail unless the particular operation can happen/will happen regardless of what the enemy does. “Lay siege to Vienna,.” is insufficient. Give me enough information so that I know you have an understanding of war and how it was fought. Think about distances and what was actually possible in the mid 16th C. If you plan a campaign in the Ganges valley that depends you’re your musket troops to easily beat a less advance enemy and then tell me it will take place in August (in the middle of the monsoons), you might be sorely disappointed in the results.

What I should do when things go awry.

Warfare concepts

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Overview of new concepts for War and Technology

Warfare will change as nations make progress in technology and tactics. Warfare will be shaped by combinations of dominant tactics, recruiting practices and technology. In general, each “continent” (Europe, Asia, Americas, Africa) will move along its own warfare path until everyone learns to fight the same way with similar weapons. The pace of change will depend upon game play.

Type of warfare/dominant tactics are meant to reflect the typical style of warfare in an area at a particular time. Player orders should reflect the type of warfare currently being used n your area. Inappropriate orders may be ineffective. For example if your area’s warfare type is siege, and you command your armies to attempt a double envelopment of the enemy on the battlefield, more than likely it will not work.

Melee warfare was mostly organized groups of men banging away at each other with edged weapons and pointy sticks. They were set piece battles with few changes in deployment or plan once the battle begins.
Siege warfare dominated 16th century Europe and parts of Asia as heavy cannon came into general use. There were fewer pitched battles on open fields and losers could hide out in fortified cities.
Tactical maneuver appeared in Europe in the 30 Years War and shifted military thinking away from siege warfare to battlefield maneuver. It became more effective to destroy the enemy army rather than capture his cities. This change coincides with the first standing armies in Europe and more mobile artillery.
Strategic maneuver: this logical extension of tactical maneuver shows up as battlefields grew from small patches of land to “theaters of war”.

Army Types: National leaders used different methods of raising armies in the years from 1500 to 1800. Those changes will be reflected in the game as different stages of recruitment practices. These stages will change over time and alter how armies are used.
Mercenaries: governments hire mercenaries to fight their wars. These troops are hired for a war (turn) and “disappear” when the war (turn) is over. Generally they are experienced soldiers, but can be bought by the highest bidder. They may not be reliable and can cause economic and social unrest as they pillage the countryside for booty.
Professional armies for hire are a step above mercenaries. They also are hired to fight a specific war and disappear unless rehired the next turn. They are better quality than mercenaries and less disruptive to the social order.
Small standing armies first appeared in Europe at the end of the 30 Years War as kings decided they were good insurance.
Large Standing Armies show up in the 1790s.
Garrisons: All nations will automatically have garrisons for borders, forts and important locations. They will not have to be purchased, but they will be limited and not sufficient to withstand a major attack.

Navies will not disappear after the turn in which they are bought. The conditions of warfare will list the types of ships available for purchase. Galleons and better ships can reduce a coastal TC to zero value for a turn through cannon fire. Pirate ships are always equal to the best available level of a nation and can be used for formal naval activities when not attacking trade to steal EP.

Technology will also make progress as the game moves along and introduce new weapons and troop types. When one nation in an area develops a new technology for war, it will quickly spread to other nations in the area. Secrets do not survive the first battle where they show up, but money must be spent to develop the new technology and ways of production. Contact via trade and conquest can introduce new technology into backward areas depending upon how fertile the ground is for change. Effective production of firearms for warfare requires a steady need, access to the production technology as it evolves, and financial resources to develop production resources and raw materials. The type of troops in use in an area show what the current armies are using in an area. Unless specified by a player, all armies will be a mix of those troops available. Players do not need to specify types when they buy troops or ships. Any specificity can be outlined in the orders if desired. Army makeup can be changed from turn to turn.

Melee troops are hack and slash of a wide variety and include archers and crossbowmen and are available everywhere.
Pike men—troops armed with long spears to fend off mounted troops
Mixed arms (1500 AD) like the Spanish Tercios combined pikes with early firearms
Musketeers (1600) firearm dominated formations that drove all other infantry weapons from the battle field
Line infantry (1660) flintlock weapons deployed in lines 2-4 mean deep
Riflemen 1840
Horsemen of wide variety armed with a variety of weapons; includes steppe armies
Knights—heavily armored mounted troops for shock and melee
Cavalry—light to no armor mounted troops of the post medieval eras

War galleys: Mediterranean and coastal vessels that cannot cross open ocean
Junks: Pre gunpowder ships in Asia with limited open ocean capabilities
War Junks: Junks armed with naval cannon; similar to galleons in use.
Galleons: Early sea-going ships armed with naval cannon
Warships: Armed with naval cannon
Ships of the line: Armed with naval cannon
Pirates: Privateers of perhaps undetermined nationality

Artillery is not purchased separately, but is embedded in the other troop purchases.
Siege cannon (1450)—made stone walls obsolete and forced a rethinking of forts and city defenses
Naval cannon (1500)—made ships an effective conveyor of military dominance to distant lands and enabled nations to protect trade routes
Field artillery (1625)—changed battle tactics and effective relationship between infantry, cavalry and artillery

Continental areas will have distinct levels of technology and warfare that change over time and as nations make contact. Game play will determine the pace and spread of these elements. For example, in 1500 AD this might represent the status of the four areas:

War orders
Spoiler :

Writing war orders can be a terrible thing. It is easy to spend hours and never know if any of the effort was worth it, or if half the effort would have produced the same result. I hope this will help you feel comfortable writing shorter war orders.

In a war situation this is what I generally already know:
Which side has more troops
Which as better military leadership
Which is better trained
Who has the most experience
Which has better weapons
If technology is changing and you can introduce a new weapon or use of old weapons, let me know.
Who has the higher confidence
What the terrain is likely to be

75% of what happens can be figured out from the above. It is very difficult to plan tactical situations when you only get to write one side of the story. Your brilliant river crossing idea may be a winner, but what if the enemy is not defending the river? Now if you know that the enemy will be in a specific place, details about how to put him at a disadvantage in that place may be helpful. Great imbalances in the items listed above are very difficult to overcome (re-read the Lhasan attack on Bengal in Update 10).

Here is what will serve you best:

Give me the big campaign picture; initial goals, secondary goals, points of attack, etc.
Tell me how many troops are where, doing what and if you have any reserves to be committed after the initial thrusts.
If your mix of troops is non standard let me know
If you plan on sieges, tell me
If you don’t want to besiege, but keep battles on the battlefield, let me know.
If you have a policy about how to treat enemy citizens or prisoners, tell me.
Outline your special tricks, the unusual, the surprises that will turn the advantage in your favor.

I don’t need pages of stuff. If I have questions, I will ask you.

I know enough military history from 500 BC to 1945 to fit tactics to the skill levels of your armies. Few battles are like Cannae; most are like Waterloo or Gettysburg. I need to know that you have thought about the war and where you are fighting and the realistic capabilities of your troops. Don’t plan to move 40 divisions across the Sahara from Mali to Tunis and expect many, if any, of them to arrive.

Do not post yet
Map, 1492
White rimmed cities: capitals
Red rimmed cities with black centers: Trade Centers
Black rimmed cities with red centers: Trading Posts
Black rimmed with green centers: Religious Centers

Most colored nations are considered sufficiently organized to be played.
Light grey areas: primitive tribes; poorly organized
Dark grey areas: Unorganized or very small states of more advanced culture and tech. (HRE; central India and SE Asia). Nations in these areas could reach critical mass and show up on the map
Golden Horde in decay: Areas once ruled by the Mongols, but now poorly organized. Strong leadership could build a nation within these bounds.
Mongol Tribes: Heartland of the Mongol Empire, now disorganized and weak. Gunpowder weapons have greatly reduced the effectiveness of the horse archer.
Tibetans: Unorganized peoples of the Himalayan Plateau with a strong Buddhist culture.

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Europe PC's

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Ruler/Player: Henry VII/germanicus12
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 2 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 4 (Leniant)
Religion Culture: 1
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): London
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE, MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/15
Army/Navy Quality: Militia/Elite
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Charles VIII/Lord Iggy
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/3/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 1 (Near Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 2
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Paris, Lyons
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE, MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 15/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Isabel I/Captain2
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/5/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 2
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Madrid, Brussles, Ampsterdam
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE, MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/10
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 0
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -5
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler: Agostino Barbango/Darkening
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Available Spending: 5/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 5/3/4
Leadership (max 4/4/x): 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education (max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 3 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Venice
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE, MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/10
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 5
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 4
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Kalmar Union
Ruler: Hans/The Loser
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Available Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/2/2
Leadership (max 4/4/x): 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education (max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 1
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Smaland, Coppenheagen
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 13/12
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 5
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 4
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler: Joao II/LightFang
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Available Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/4/4
Leadership (max 4/4/x): 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education (max 5): 2 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 1 (Near Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts 2
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Lisbon
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE, MED, WCA, ECA, IOS)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 4/15
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 2
Government Control: 3
Net Economic Freedom: -1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: James IV/e350tb
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/3/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Edinbourgh
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Religion: Orthodox
Population: 3
Available Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/2/1
Leadership (max 4/4/x): 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education (max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 0 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 1
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Moscow, Novrogod
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 15/0
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 2
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Middle East PC's
Spoiler :

Ottoman Empire
Ruler/Player: Bayezid II/Luckymoose
Religion: Sunni
Population: 4
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/5/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 3 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 5
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 1
Important Cities (names): Istanbul
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/40
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 20/10
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -2
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Quaitbay/Abaddon
Religion: Sunni
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 5/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 5/6/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 3 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 3
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 1
Important Cities (names): Cario, Alexandria, Jeruselum
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED, ECA)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/10
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 4
Net Economic Freedom: -1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Baisunqur/Silver 2039
Religion: Shiite
Population: 4
Avaliable Spending: 5/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/5/5
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 3 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Baghdad, Ajam, Hormuz
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (ECA, IOS)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/40
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 15/10
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -2
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

America PC's

Spoiler :
Ruler/Player: Ahuizotl/Erek Mosey
Religion: Sun Worship
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 4+2 from Vassals/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/4/7
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 0 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 1 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Leniant)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 1
Important Cities (names): Tenochtitlan
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery:
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 20/0
Army/Navy Quality: Militia/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Tupac-Yupanqui/Flavius
Religion: Sun Worship
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 5/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/4/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 0 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 3 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 1 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Leniant)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 1
Important Cities (names): Cuzco
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery:
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/0
Army/Navy Quality: Militia/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

South East Asia Pc's

Spoiler :

Ruler/Player:Te Rauparaha/HMS Vanguard
Religion: Shaminism
Population: 1
Avaliable Spending: 1/3 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 1/1/1
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 0 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 0 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 0
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Kaikoura
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (ANZ)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/10
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/5
Army/Navy Quality: Militia/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 3
Net Economic Freedom: 0
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Asia PC's

Spoiler :

Ming Empire
Ruler/Player: Hongchi/TerrisH
Religion: Confuciaism
Population: 4
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/5/5
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 3 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 3
Trade Centers 2
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Hadan, Nanjing, Guangzhou
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (CPJ)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/40
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 30/10
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 2
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 2 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -4
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Tsuchimikado/flyingchicken
Religion: Shintoism
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/6/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 2 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Harima, Hizen
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (CPJ)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/5
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 0
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -5
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Song-Jong/dldnjstjr
Religion: Shintoism
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 1/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 1/2/2
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 2 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 1
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Pyongang
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (CPJ)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/5
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Rabble
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 3
Government Control: 3
Net Economic Freedom: 0
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Europe NPCs
Spoiler :

Dual Kingdom of Poland-Lithunia
Ruler/Player: Kazmierz IV/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 4/4/1
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Near Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Warsaw, Danzig
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 15/5
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 2
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: 0
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Ferrante I/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Naples
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 4
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Papal States
Ruler/Player: Innocentius VIII/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 3/5 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/7/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 0 (Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 7
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 1
Important Cities (names): Roma
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 0/0
Army/Navy Quality: (Mercinarys)
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 0
Government Control: 5
Net Economic Freedom: -5
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Carlo II/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Peidomont
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery:
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/0
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/None
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 5
Government Control: 0
Net Economic Freedom: 5
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Gian Galeazzo/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/3/5
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Genoa
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery:
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Profesional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 5
Government Control: 0
Net Economic Freedom: 5
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Giovanni II/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/4/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 2 (Strict)
Religion Culture: 4
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Milan
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/10
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 4
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Lorenzo I/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/4/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Tuscany
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 4
Government Control: 1
Net Economic Freedom: 3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Freidrich V/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 4/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Vienna
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 20/5
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/Professional
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 1
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 1 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 4
Net Economic Freedom: -3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Lazlo II/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/2/1
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 2 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Budapest
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery:
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 15/0
Army/Navy Quality: Recruits/None
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 4
Net Economic Freedom: -3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Johann Cicero/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 3/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 3/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 1
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Bradenburg
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (MED)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/5
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 4
Net Economic Freedom: -3
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Vladislov II/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 3
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/3/4
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 1 (Near Theocracy)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Lausitz
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/30
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 5/5
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/Recruits
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 3
Net Economic Freedom: -2
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

Ruler/Player: Tagsatzung/NPC
Religion: Catholic
Population: 2
Avaliable Spending: 2/0 (Economy/Bank)
Economy/Culture/National Confidence: 2/3/3
Leadership: 0/0/0 (Civilian/Military/Colonial)
Education: (Max 5): 1 0/4
Infrastructure (max 5): 1 0/4
Agriculture (max 5): 0 0/4
Religious Freedom: 3 (Moderate)
Religion Culture: 2
Trade Centers 0
Trade Posts: 0
Religous Centers: 0
Important Cities (names): Bern
Trade Agreements: 0
Voyages of Discovery: (NWE)
Army Confidence/Max Divs: 1/20
Army (Divs)/Navy (Sqds): 10/
Army/Navy Quality: Professional/None
Standing Army/Fleet Upkeep: 0
Divisions Overseas: 0 (not in colonies)
Overseas Army Cost: 0
Total Army Upkeep: 0 (Subtracted from Economy)
Economic Freedom: 1
Government Control: 2
Net Economic Freedom: -1
Wealth Transferred:
Trading companies

This is for updates
This is for Wars, treaties, and the like
Itallics=Reserved Bold=Confirmed

World Powers *Need Mod approval
-France: Lord Iggy
-Ming: TerrisH
-Spain: Captain2
-Ottoman Empire: Luckymoose
-Venice: Darkening
-Portugal: LightFang

Independent powers
-England: Germanicus12
-Persia: Silver 2039
-Kalmar Union-The Loser
-Scotland: e350tb
-Papal States*

Minor Powers
-Indian nations
-Japan: flyingchicken
-Korea: dldnjstjr
-American nations
-Inca- Flavius Aetius
-Aztecs: Erik Mesoy
-Aotearoa : HMS Vanguard
This will be for the extra stuff
And now, you may all post! :)

Previous sign ups will be held untill Monday
lurking, not Mali-ing.

dont have time and such.

Anyways, gl with this.

Also, to answer your PM I live in Canada, in (near) Toronto, not Angels Camp. My profile is themed. Previously I lived in Arizona where the Superbowl is going to be, had an image of the broncos logo, and a title to match. Right now, my location is a chili peppers lyric.
Nk, you've used the 1505 map from in, the map after the first turn (1500-1505), making it a) a solid decade after you want this to start (assuming you really do want it starting in 1492), and b) already alt-historical, due to Austria invading Venice, and Poland taking two Ottoman vassals as Polish vassals, and probably other stuff.
Ugh, there was a reason I didn't join BirdNES. I thought you were going to simplify it! I don't want to be Portugal anymore. Just deciphering the rules will take too long. I withdraw my claim.
I took out all the hard stuff.

I don't see how this is difficult. 4 ep=a TC, which increases your economy by 1 point. Agriculture increases your population. 3 ep to get a VOD. Once you get a VOD, 1 ep to make a TP, and 1 more ep to make a colony. What do you not understand? I can help clearify things
Edited :)

I will give Lightfang exatly 12 hours to reclaim Portugal. If not, it is up for grabs
Europe PC's up. However, these will only be valid untill Sunday if people don't start claiming their nations :)
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