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Nuzlocke - Pokemon Emerald 386 run

3 months since the last update.. Wow..

As is probably becoming increasingly obvious, I don't have as much time for this as I used to.

I-I'm afraid I have to discontinue the series.

I'm sorry for all its fans, but it just isn't feasible anymore.

Sorry. :(

Here's some of my favourite screens to remember it by:
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Damn I love April Fools. :lol:

Seriously though, despite time-constraints (and the mind-numbing drudgery of grinding), i'll try to finish this.

Preferably before the 22 of July, because frankly it'll be just sad if I take over a year to succeed at a Nuzlocke. :p

But I aim to grind up to level 85 (or higher) before hitting the Elite Four, so i've got a while yet. (everyone's at 70)
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Keep subscribed, i'll try to get something out ASAP.
First i was going to mulder you for ending this awesome aar. Now i'm laughing because i know this day will continue like this.
So, as I said on the April Fools update, I was aiming to reach level 85 before trying anything.

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Yes, the spoilered part wasn't an additional fool.
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Though I do appreciate the concept of lies within lies.

Well, i've hit it. Despite Shalal's unholy slowness to level.

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However, I can't help but get the nagging feeling that it won't be enough.

At the same time, i'm aware that my schedule in the run-up to late June isn't getting any freer, and that would leave me in an awful hurry to get it done before my self-imposed deadline of the 22nd of July.

So.. What's the plan, guys?

Go in all guns blazing? Or prepare some more?

If so, how much?
Chuck Norris style: Roundhouse kick all the way!

uhhmmmmm.... pff, can you pick some wimpy horsehockey pokemon and try on the First trainer to see how strong they are? maybe that will give you some intel on how menacing it will be.
@ Jos - I don't particularly want to chalk up any more names on Page 4's wall of shame, let alone up to 6 at one go.. I guess i'll just have to move in blind.

@ Omega - Not while Shalal's dragging his goddamn feet (hooves?) so much. I'll just go in now. Death and Glory! Blood and Thunder! Victory at Sea!

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(Ok, maybe not the last two..)


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Chapter 40: Freudian Slips


Guess i'd better get registered if i'm gonna challenge the Elite Four..

"Damn straight! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Move, move, move!"
Damn it, Aaron, what's with your grumbling all of a sudden?
"Well, you're not the one who'd had to fight such inferior specimens all day" chimed Gozer, barely stifling a yawn.

Okay, okay, I get it.
'Scuse me, m'am? We'd like to register a challenge.
"O-Only if it's not too much trouble, of course, madam.."
Charles.. Not! The time!

"Okay, sir, could I just get your trainer ID number?"
"And name?"
All the pokemon were looking at me, bewildered now.
I-I mean, Stan!

But, it was too late, as made obvious by the scorched teeth rapidly leaving my mouth following a flaming roundhouse kick to the jaw.
While trying to get acquainted with my new best friend, the surprisingly clean flooring, my encounter was suddenly cut short by a sneaker's heel being brought down on my throat.
With a sickening gurgle.
"You sick piece of !" was screeched at me in a decidedly female voice, from what appeared to be the figure pinning me.
"D'you have any idea what you've put us through?!"

That damn Blaziken..
Uh- Hey, hey, May! Long time, no see!
"LONG TIME, NO SEE?!? Oh sure, STEVEN.. Or should I call you STAN?!"
Yeah, about that.. Well, Birch wouldn't give me a new pokemon, you remember, and so I needed a fresh start and -
Uhm. Yeah. :blush:
It's been six years, Steven...
How d'you think your mother took it?
Didn't you think of her?"
Of course I did. I was sorry for her all the time.
"Then why did you do it in the first place?", she growled softly, rising from her position and allowing me to breathe again.
I-I just had to, May. Believe me, I had to.
I had to get stronger.
"You had to?
You had to indulge your lust for power and adventure, so you faked your own death and ran off for six years, based all on a decision made as a ten-year old?"
It-It's more complicated than that.
I'm sure it is." she replied, with obvious venom and disgust.
"Look, I don't care whether you want to play heroes of the universe here or not.
I just want to see your mother smile again.
Just go now, visit her, show her you're safe by appearing in the flesh.
She never gave up, you know.
Please, just turn back now and be with your family again.."
"Than- Wait, WHAT?!"
I came here to win. I'm not leaving till i'm the Champion.
"And when you fail again?"
IF I fail again, then the shame of my existence with such dishonour won't be given a chance to infect mother.
"Y-You're not seriously-"
I faked it once.
The reality is only one baby step further on.
You're insane. You've finally gone completely insane!"
Have I, May? Have I really?
Or have I just gained the strength to take such risks at last?
No more fooling around.
You'll come back to Littleroot with me this instant, and i'll try to help you patch things up with your mother the best I can." she commanded firmly.
I could do nothing but remain silent.
Steven - If you go through those doors now and face the Elite Four, don't ever let me catch you around Littleroot again, no matter what happens.
Or I WILL kill you."
And with that, she stormed out the front door.
"So what name is this challenge for, again?" chirped the desk clerk suddenly with usual chintzy cheeriness.

Okay, guys.
Sorry i've been lieing to you for so long.
But, together we've grown stronger together and I know we can now win.
Of course, if you don't want to - after all this - then I understand.

Charles was the first to step forward.
"I'll stand with you to the end, if you need me, sir." he announced, in his most noble air.
"Starting a fight without me? Stevey, where's your manners?" bellowed Aaron playfully.
"I suppose it could be fun.."
Yes, Bella, it could. And the assistance of you in this means a lot to me. And the rest of you?
"Eh.. I'm good with anything, mon frere.." drawled Shalal, looking considerably too calm for his own good.
"You don't expect us to work, too much, do you?" queried Gozer, reclining lazily in mid-air.
No, no.. I'm sure it'll be fine..
And you, Vlad?
Stopping from circling the walls and ceiling for only a couple of seconds, he quickly blurted out "To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.", before carrying on his cycle.
I'll just take that as a yes.
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Guess we're as ready as we'll ever be..
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Good. We'll run the gauntlet.

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Okay, everyone!
Here's some Moo-Moo milk, make sure to use it sparingly.
We may never know when we'll need it.

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Let's hustle.

Chapter 41
Just read the whole thing, this is funny. Good luck
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Chapter 41: Shards of Fate

Running straight out the Challenger's tunnel, I was blinded by the sudden lighting..
And the noise! The constant, murmuring noise! It sounded like a city centre during rush hour..

After a good ten seconds of disorientation, my eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings, and so I spotted her.

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This must be the Ice Queen herself.. Lorelei.

So, Lorelei - You ready for the fight of your life?
"Well, aren't you a cocky one!
Let's see if we can't beat some sense into you, boy.." she cooed, in an oddly sinister manner.
I'm sorry, but we're about to put you on ice. So why don't you just chill while I cool the mood a little.
"Okay, seriously, that wasn't funny the first thousand times."

However, before I could again harm her ego with my devastating wit, the tannoy blasted into life.
"Hall 4: Challenger Steven Vs. Lorelei.
Round One -

Incandescent light filled the arena as we unleashed our first pokemon.

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Stupid Dewgong. Can't even talk.

Vlad! Shockwave!

Dewgong attempted to hurl it's enormous form out of the way, but was impeded by it's ludicrous amounts of blubber.
I swear to this day that I could smell some of its flesh roasting away as it fell.

"Slowbro, go!"

This poor 'mon barely managed to land on its feet, before it too was fried.

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Milotic came out next, taking another sharp crack of electrical force.
Watching the mighty sea-dweller collapse, quivering, was truly magnificent.
Until, of course, Vlad was slammed against the wall opposite by a burst of water.
Hydro Pump?!

Vlad, speak to me!
I could hear the gears whirring softly within his orb-like form, before he flatly replied:
"You must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place."
Just zap it already, I sighed.

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"It's not over yet! Walrein, I choose you!"

Vlad desperately tried to shock the beast out of fighting condition before it could strike back, but it was no good.
He flinched back, preparing for another Hydro Pump.

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Substitute? Really, Lorelei?
"Sh-Shut up! It's a good move, okay?!"

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Looks like you're down to your last two..
So, Lorelei, what's it gonna be next?

At which point another landing 'ball erupted a blast of colour, before it formed in on a decidedly gelatinous pink creature.

Oh, come on! Are you even trying anymore?!
Vlad, get back. I know just the one for this..

Moi, mon ami? Ah, merci!"
Yeah, whatever Shalal. Just end this.
Mind Reader!

As Shalal desperately squinted at his target, hoping to get some kind of focus, the beast erupted into a horrificly sweet lullaby.

Thankfully, its eyesight was just as bad as Shalal's, and it somehow managed to miss.

Okay... Now - Dy-na-mic Pawnch!

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As Wigglytuff's skull exploded under the force of impact, the final obstacle was unleashed.

I casually recalled Shalal, now clear of Wigglytuff grey matter, and returned Vlad to the field.

To face the monster ahead. A sea creature of great rarity.. Endangered, I believe.
I'd only ever seen one before.

As Vlad let rip, I felt a momentary pang of guilt for Lizzie's imprisonment in the box.
Only momentary however, as the one ahead stumbled back to it's feet while Lorelei, amazed she may actually manage another hit, screeched: "Lapras! Hydro Pump!"

I-I was too far to save Vlad, and I couldn't recall him now..
He'd just have to take the hit.

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Unless, of course, the high-pressure jet completely missed..

I simply smirked, as Vlad finalised the proceedings.

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Lorelei rushed forward to catch her creature, but it was far too late.

She sobbed violently over her lost companion, before bitterly hissing these words at me:

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The tannoy crackled slightly, before erupting with noise:
"Hall 4, Hall 4!
Challenger Steven has defeated Lorelei!"
As they sent out a wave of applause like the opening of floodgates, I noticed for the first time the packed crowds lining the stadium.
They were all cheering. For me.

Lorelei, however, was back on her feet, and said with notable spite:

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As I passed forward towards the doorway, drowning under the celebrations, one thought alone came to mind.

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I certainly hope you're right, my dear..

Chapter 42
YAAHAA, now refresh your pokemon and beat them all!!
You can't. Once you pass the door to challenge the first Elite 4, you can return until you beat the champion or you lose.

I know, I was referring to the usage of potions, full heals etc.
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Chapter 42: Fighting the Good Fight

"Now entering Hall 3, Challenger Steven.
Repeat, Hall 3 for Bruno Vs. Challenger Steven."

This arena was much like the last, but far rockier.
Any falls here were going to hurt..

And across from where i'd entered:

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Never thought i'd be this eager to fight a mountain of muscle..

You're mine!

For a brief moment, he seemed genuinely stunned.
Then burst out laughing.
You?! Seriously?!
Look, listen, kid. I know you're buzzing after beating Lorelei, but if I had a penny for every cocky challenger I made eat the dirt..."
You're right, Bruno, I am getting cocky.. And i'll be even more so after you've taken a fall!
Okay, you clearly aren't listening.
You'll have to learn the hard way."

A squeal of static filled the stadium for a second, before:
"Hall 3, Hall 3.
Challenger Steven Vs. Bruno.

Bruno gave one last smirk, before digging his bare heels into the cracked earth and taking up an offensive stance.

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I have to say, I was surprised by his first fighter..

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"Steelix! Iron Tail!"
Oh no you don't..
Gozer, get back.

"You can't keep your 'mons off the field, challenger!
Someone's gonna have to take the hit!"

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I think I can handle that.
Bella, Earthquake.
"I thought you'd never ask!"

The ground was shattered directly beneath the beast, making it fall with such force that the iron snake's body itself began to fracture.

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"Why, you!!
Donphan, Go!"

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Unfortunately for him, it was despatched before it could land a hit.

"Grr.. Armaldo!"

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Man.. Donphan AND Armaldo..
Both beaten so easy?
Guess Charlie really don't surf, huh Bruno?

"Oh, wiseguy, eh?
Let's see you drown this!"
Gozer, Psychic.

Yawning slightly, she calmly shut her eyes as the Hitmontop leapt forward to attack with a ferocious kick.
And passed gracefully through her shadowy form, suddenly made stiff as a post.

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Uh.. Hydropump!"
Too slow..

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Man, Bruno, you're easymodo.
"You think i'm on the run do you?!
Well, we'll show you!"

A ferocious 4-armed giant leapt forward to challenge Gozer.
But, once again, the distance was too great.
It's apparently a lot quicker to break someone's mind than run up and punch them in the face..

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And break it's mind she did as it was downed, the small nosebleed the only external sign of the fatal haemmorhage it was now suffering.

It was only then that I realised Gozer hadn't opened her eyes since attacking Hitmontop, and was gently snoring.
Whatever gets the job done, I guess.

Meanwhile, Bruno was freaking out.
"Wha- No way!
This can't be real!"

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"Y-You must have cheated! Yeah!
I'll beat the snot out of y-" he roared, approaching menacingly, before the applause reminded him of the watching audience.

He froze where he was, before visibly relaxing somewhat.
His next words would have cut like a hot knife through air:

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Would, that is, if I hadn't just won such a crushing victory in front of all these people.

Waving to the crowds, I left Bruno to sulk as I made my way to the next doorway.

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Chapter 43
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Chapter 43: Spirit of Victory

So, who's next?

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What the-
Y-You're old!
"Oh, thanks for not rubbing it in.
Brats these days.."
Are those giant tombstones?!
Lady, you are nowhere near young enough to pull off the whole goth thing.
"They're symbolic of our inherent mortality, you dunce!"
Like I said. Too old.

I don't know why Oak chose you.."
You know the Professor?!
"Of course!
He was legendary, in his time."

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"And he really knew how to please a woman.."

Thankfully, the battle was started before my brain could completely purge itself, giving adequate distraction.

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Shedinja, huh?
Bet you think you're pretty clever..
Well. In Hoenn we know how to deal with you..
Gozer, Shadow ball!

The gelatinous blob of darkness slowly glided across the room to the shell, tracking it's movements with an eerie awareness. Eventually it caught up, and collided hard.

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Clever girl.
Well, it's your move. What now?
"Swords Dance!"
And here I was thinking the Elite Four were remotely competant trainers..

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Not bad, Gozer... Keep this up, and we'll be champs in no time..
"Whatever. Just let me nap when it's done, okay?"

However, the next monster was a being of pure nightmare.. One who I had learnt to fear...
Those powers..
That strength..
That nose!


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Oh, I-uh-I mean, I knew you could do it Gozer!
"F:):):) you too."

Before she could sulk, however, she was distracted by a very annoying purple object, hovering just over head.
"Hey there.
I'm the Batman."
Gozer, see if you can break it's mind any further.

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Well, that worked.

Screeching with fury, a Sableye took it's place.
Gozer, try a Shadow ball..

While it certainly hit and damaged, it seemed far less effective than it had against the other ghosts.
So much so that it stood long enough to shoot a ball of the midnight-black goop back at Gozer, which hit hard.

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Finish it!
"I'm trying, goddamn it!"

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The hit hadn't done any serious damage, but part of Gozer's shadowy form had lost enough density to be burnt away by the powerful stadium lighting..

Nonetheless, she held in there.

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"I must say.. Your Gengar is quite something, child..
Sweeping my team under the rug like that..
But let's see how it handles this!"
As the final 'mon emerged, Gozer's expression changed from mild disinterest to sheer disgust.
"I'm to fight THIS pretender? Oh, i'm not holding back this time!"

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Agatha, for a moment, was left speechless at how her companion had been downed with a single Shadow ball.
The crowd, too, seemed to dare not breathe, causing palpable tension to pervade the arena.

And then, all of a sudden, she broke into a slow clap.

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"I see just why you've taken that old fool's eyes now..
You're going to be very interesting.."

The audience slowly relaxed, and began cheering until the applause was rapturous.

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On a victory high, I moved to leave, before I just managed to catch a whisper of hers.

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"He's just like the old man..
Now, if I still had my natural hips.."

And so I ran like hell.

Chapter 44
nice! I'm at the elite four now too, although it'll pretty hard for me... I guess with my team :undecide:
Charizard lvl 86
Blastoise lvl 75
Blaziken lvl 78
Espeon lvl 74
Jolteon lvl 74
Sceptile lvl 69
The audience is going nuts!!
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