New update!
List of changes:
Headline changes
Bug Fixes
Old World Update #108 - Mohawk Games
List of changes:
Headline changes
- New Desert mapscript added and other mapscript improvements
- UI enhancements including a redesigned turn summary popup
- AI improvements
- Memory optimizations
Spoiler :
- New mapscript – Desert
- Hardwood Forest mapscript redesign. More Tundra and Mountains in the north and more resources in the south.
- Multiple Continents map script improvements. Continents are now placed east west rather than north south which works better with mirror and wide map options and
- is more consistent with other map scripts.
- Improved player start locations for team games. Teams will be placed near each other and on the same continent where possible
- Removed mirror map option from Multiple Continents 3-continent option in MP setup
- All opinion boosts from Laws are now +20 (previously ranged from +10 to +50)
- Purge Religion opinion modifier changed to -40 for 20 years (from -20 for 80 years)
- Added Mercenary Tribe Units hired to Records screen
- Leaders can no longer be courtiers
- Cities captured by Tribes start at 0 health and restore 20% per turn
- Event bonuses which damage units now never kill them
- Events which could give Governor or General related traits to characters ineligible for that role are no longer blocked
- Events which give traits no longer blocked by attribute prerequisites
- Roman shrines renamed. Vulcan -> Sol, Venus -> Feronia, Vesta -> Ceres, Mars -> Bellona
- Carthage’s Shrine of Astarte is now Shrine of Baal Hammon
- Can now only demand tribute from a nation once every 10 turns
- Found religion project production no longer decays faster than other production when queued
- Added fallback ratings to Sacred and Profane traits
- Visibility in completed hotseat games is now consistent with other multiplayer modes (the map is revealed after the game is won or lost)
- Generals can no longer be reassigned on the same turn as the unit they are leading is killed (only affects network MP)
- Tweaked event occurrence rates
- Build Wonder ambitions no longer fail when a Wonder is started by another nation. Instead, they fail when the Wonder has been completed.
- AI improvements
- Fixed AI anchoring indecision
- Improved AI tile improvement selection to better account for adjacency bonuses
- Memory optimizations, less memory held when changing save or restarting / generating new map
- Fixed memory leak between game editor and event browser
- Improved code maintenance and thread safety
- Unity version upgrade to 2021.3.24f1
- Gendered text refactor
- Exposed number of autosaves to player settings in options file
- Added categories and icons to turn summary popup
- Changed improvement ping (map tacks) popup dropdown to searchable dropdown
- Steam Deck controller improvements
- Added toggle to UI Options to Allow Keyboard Button Navigation, disabled by default
- Damage preview for non-hostile units when holding Alt now shows potential damage to cities as well as units
- Added Ctrl+Click option to agent cities list to sort by city base production
- Agent cities with no visible info always sorted to the bottom of the list
- Symbol for free promotions now shown even if you don’t have orders or unit is on cooldown
- Redo pans the camera to a moving unit’s destination tile instead of its start location
- Replay now skips animations of your own previous actions
- Changed city widget name/production text to use a less heavy outline/underlay
- Improved display of production, stockpile yields and breakdowns in city screen and global stockpiles, reflecting overflow & hurrying effects
- Queued production items that are prerequisites for other queued production can now be removed with ctrl+click, which removes all related production from the queue
- Added UI support for user IDs in cloud game setup to make cross platform cloud games easier to set up
- Added improvement filter buttons for disciples
- Skull icon will now be shown on units that will be killed by splash damage in attack preview
- Disabled options button for scenarios where it is not relevant
- Cleaned up Carthage campaign advanced options
- Improved city yield help text
- Improved layout of Mods Manage screen
- Trait bonuses listed in event text area are now less verbose unless hovered over
- Added validator log to Event Browser to check if newly created events are invalid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed localization issues with Chinese text
- Fixed highlight behavior for newly-enacted laws
- Fixed errors on starting Carthage 3 scenario
- Fixed game option toggles not appearing in advanced setup for scenarios
- Fixed family opinion graph issues
- Fixed issue that prevented Learn To Play 4 scenario from completing correctly when using automated scouts
- Fixed Alliance Proposal event option showing truce icon instead of alliance icon
- Fixed language detection from Epic and Steam
- Fixed found city incorrectly showing invalid nation tooltip instead of unit/turn warning when not players turn (MP)
- Fixed team color load/save inconsistency (MP)
- Fixed improvement ping list not showing lumbermills on cut trees
- Fixed improvement pings not working correctly with undo/redo
- Fixed missing requirement warning color coding for a project when all requirements are links
- Removed outdated hint about lack of urban tiles leading to discontent
- Fixed city discontent change log help
- Fixed maximum number of players issues in MP setup
- Fixed unique nations check in MP setup
- Fixed tutor event occurring and immediately becoming invalid
- Fixed current construction yield tooltip flicker
- Fixed disciple improvement list getting filtered
- Fixed technology screen tooltip text
- Fixed music manager null reference
- Fixed issue causing undo to perform slowly in Learn to Play 4
- Fixed tab panel tooltips overlapping right-click missions menu
- Tooltip sizing fix
- Learn to Play text fixes
- Fixed player opinion UI not updating when player leader opinion changes
- Fixed theology display showing in former religion slot after adopting state religion
- Fixed tile overlay widgets sometimes appearing on invalid tiles
- Fixed hover targeting issue for mission indicators
- Fixed multiple instances of Shrines by having your teammate build them for you
- Fixed hidden stacked units not being revealed when they should have been
- Fixed duplicate tribe leader in Carthage 4 scenario
- Fixed player list text not updating after changes in alliance status
- Fixed intermittent overlay button click handling issues
- Fixed icons in loading screen hints
- Fixed Event Browser causing input issues when loading a game
- Fixed free promotion icon showing on non-player units
- Fixed turn summary popup showing at incorrect time in hotseat
- Fixed some issues with production overflow display
- Fixed issues with family opinion graph on records screen not getting updated
- Fixed Sacred and Profane event frame not having offsets to avoid blocking the UI on the top bar
- Fixed save file browser prompting to delete file when using delete key while the input field is focused
- Fixed tooltip flicker on city widget
- Fixed server password field resetting on server list update
- Fixed found city archetype help bug
- Fixed broken encyclopedia links for religious improvement classes
- Fixed missing icon for victory messages in turn summary
- Can no longer use a unit with no fatigue left to swap positions with an adjacent unit Fixed popups sticking in Map Editor and Event Browser
- Fixed bug with character attribute tooltips
- Fixed character action panel showing missions for which they are always invalid targets (i.e. Convert Religion for Heads of Religion)
- Fixed UI bug with Found City button not updating on turn change in network MP games
- Fixed water control preview of other players’ units not updating immediately
- Fixed bug with luxury panel display
- Fixed nested link issue
- Fixed improvement pings
- Fixed map editor issues
- Fixed bug with scenario selection in MP setup
- Fixed turn summary undo behavior
- Fixed decision popups breaking undo/redo
- Fixed undo button tooltip
- Fixed missing anchor range preview
- Fixed material configurations for Cataphracts, Horsemen, and Palton Cavalry which prevented them from showing silhouettes behind widgets
- Fixed locked cloud game showing too much information
- Fixed decision popups remaining open if they become invalid
- Fixed crash affecting some Windows 7 PCs
- Fixed Head of Pagan Religion starting off dead in the Learn to Play 5 scenario
- Fixed crash caused by trying to start a caravan mission with no target player
- Fixed Steam achievements not syncing to local options file
- Fixed music player icon highlight behavior
- Fixed camera controls activating when navigating buttons and added restrictions on when and where button navigation is active. WASD no longer scrolls tech or
- inheritance screens.
- Fixed MP issues caused by authentication timeouts
- Fixed AI/UI threading issue
- Fixed rendering issue when navigating through buttons at some scales
- Fixed turn summary appearing before the turn has been fully processed
- Fixed expanded tooltips collapsing when locking with middle mouse button
- Fixed character action menu on family tree screen
- Fixed Tribe units not capturing empty cities
- Fixed issue with overlapping characters on Inheritance screen
- Fixed MP turn indicator text
- Text and event fixes