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Old World update #116


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
New update: https://mohawkgames.com/2023/11/22/old-world-update-116/

Headline changes

  • Lower difficulty levels are now easier and a new lowest level difficulty added ‘The New’
  • Many balance changes including nerfs to Persian UUs and Schemer leaders
  • Kush now available on the Middle East premade map
  • AI combat, strategic and performance improvements


  • New difficulty level added The New. Reworked AI penalties on lower difficulty levels.
  • Passive AI will not capture cities from a player who originally founded them
  • Persian Unique Units (Palton Cavalry and Cataphract Archer) now have a range of 1. This can be increased by effects which increase range (Hills, Marksman promotion etc).
  • Reduced Schemer leader orders per war from 2 to 1
  • Kush now available on the Middle East premade map
  • Reduced Desert mapscript size to be in line with other maps
  • Upgrading an improvement now also upgrades the specialist, if the existing specialist is less advanced than the starting specialist of the upgraded improvement
  • Garrison getting pillaged no longer removes existing governor
  • Autonomous rule now repairs damaged cities that cannot passively heal completely in a turn, even if it’s currently building something else
  • Collateral damage (pierce, splash etc) formula simplified. This now does the percentage of the damage of a direct attack to the same unit, rounded up. This change increases collateral damage dealt in some circumstances.
  • Tweaked a few trait inheritance outcomes
  • Added new trait flavor text and changed some to only appear dependent on character age. Reduced the likelihood of vomiting and diarrhea when characters become severely ill.
  • Tweaked tutorial events to make them less prone to cluster on the same turns
  • Generals of tribal units now get XP
  • Tribes now attack civilian units at a lower priority
  • Former regents now get a trait giving +1 wisdom and keep their King/Queen Regent title
  • In the Rise of Carthage scenarios, Balearic Slingers are now buildable on the islands instead of regular Slingers. Regular Slingers can upgrade to Balearics.
  • Rise of Carthage scenario 4 starting city happiness boosted


  • AI combat, strategic and performance improvements
  • Improved retreat and target selection.
  • Better AI coordination so it doesn’t get some units attacking a target while other healthy ones are retreating.
  • Better AI awareness of power shift when it moves its units
  • Improved AI evaluation of tiles for border expansion and buying
  • AI exploration and wood chopping improvements
  • Reduced AI fort spam outside of borders, especially for Kush
  • Revised AI Settler movement to force march when it has excess orders
  • Fixed the AI starting multiple Settlers at the same time, when it just needs one
  • Fixed AI not viewing rebels of other nations as a threat when they actually are
  • Fixed AI incorrectly estimating the cost of buying resources
  • Fixed AI risky behavior of attacking too close to the fog of war without protection
  • Fixed tribe AI movement bug
  • Fixed Hittite AI chopping trees too much at the expense of exploring
  • AI builds militia more frequently instead of festivals if it cannot build other units
  • Minor Stun/Push AI optimization
  • Minor AI exploration fix
  • One AI cache per player, instead of one per game
  • Units that require a non-buildable improvement are no longer considered a possible build, unless that improvement is present
  • GOG SDK updated
  • Starting location resource placement order shuffled, so players later in the turn order don’t always slightly benefit from rare luxury placement
  • Added Pharaohs of the Nile campaign source and XML to Reference folder
  • Added effectCity bAutoBuildUnits, which is like the current autonomous rule, but builds units instead of projects and specialists


  • Alt+right mouse button is now a shortcut for improvement pings
  • Mouse click no longer triggers when releasing button after drag
  • Loading a single player game as a network game now allows AI player reassignment
  • Dynasties are now shown and can be selected on the Choose Leader screen
  • Added option to only use default dynasties for AI players
  • Random nation now sets random dynasty for both SP and MP
  • Dynasty dropdown with Pick Later will use the dynasty name if available
  • Moved cycle button tooltips to right of cycle button UI
  • Added border expansion preview for under construction specialists
  • Added yields change from trade and tribute to war declaration effect tooltip and yield loss from connected cities to peace breaking effect tooltip
  • Revised cloud game host control popup to be more consistent. Replaced general save button with individual action buttons.
  • Improvement suggestions no longer take worker safety into account
  • Reduced spacing in yield display for tile/specialist widgets
  • Reduced tile text font and icon size
  • Negative changes in happiness/discontent now shown using opposite yield color
  • Added Deficit concept to Encyclopedia
  • Event Browser: The New Entry button now opens a new event the Wizard

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed events not triggering on clearing tribal camps
  • Fixed bug with cloud games not updating correctly when exiting without completing turn, causing them to need to be rewound
  • Fixed bugs causing replay data to get discarded unnecessarily
  • Fixed Kush Unique Units not applying Zone of Control
  • Fixed map script bug causing generation to sometimes fail on Desert maps with large number of players
  • Fixed last page of Modio mods not displaying in install tab
  • Fixed double folder names when mod name contains plus (+) symbol
  • Fixed simultaneous mode non-dynamic turn timer length
  • Fixed turn style and turn timer dropdowns in server host controls
  • Fixed AI assert
  • EffectUnit iActionsExtra are now applied immediately upon acquiring the effect
  • Fixed a few instances where the number of tribes were miscounted
  • Fixed the Sentinel dynamic tutorial triggering in the wrong player’s territory
  • Fixed collection modification during enumeration
  • Fixed reveal map division by zero when one of the players has been eliminated
  • Fixed city sites not keeping track of original tribe upon being cleared
  • Fixed tribe site visibility on the minimap when settlements are not city sites
  • Fixed improvement construction time remaining not updating when worker goes on cooldown
  • Fixed Spartan elimination event in Rise of Carthage scenario 2
  • Fixed idle councilor reminder showing when no missions available
  • Fixed Wonders being eligible for pillage by event bonuses
  • Fixed Cognomens getting replaced with lower value versions in some scenarios
  • Fixed critical hit icons not being immediately updated on ending turn or changing turn style in MP
  • Tribe units now actively occupy empty city sites to convert them to settlements again
  • City widget and culture bar update fixes
  • Fixed city attack damage preview for adjacent effectUnits
  • Nested link fix (affected anti-Melee, anti-Infantry etc links)
  • Fixed some null references for tribal invasion AI
  • Fixed leaderboard display in Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 6
  • Fixed families of starting units in Pharaohs of the Nile scenarios 3 and 6
  • Fixed issue with scenarios not getting unloaded correctly
  • Fixed Map Editor not setting mapWidth and mapHeight values on loading a map
  • A slot assigned to an AI when loading a MP game now gets full AI state
  • Fixed an AI cache issue for of existing improvements outside territory
  • Fixed no character UI issues
  • Happiness/discontent bar sign issue fixes
  • Fixed subject reordering breaking old saves
  • Fixed out of range exception
  • Fixed decision cycling sometimes not actually cycling
  • Worker selection cycling UI performance fix
  • Fixed client background task deadlock
  • Text and event fixes
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