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Olympia 3.1

To build?

  • Continue building Pikeman

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Build a Library

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Build a Wonder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


Take a break
Dec 5, 2000
Not sure whether I should just let Pellekan do these polls :confused:

Since this city is close to the Romans it will probably be a good idea to build a defensive unit.


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I forgot that this was Civ 2 and not Civ 3 where you lose shields for changing options so on all my polls pretend it says build another pikeman rather than finish the pikeman...So these polls are now for the next build option and all the cities will have to finish building their Pikeman.
This is going to be a great production city once that settler gets some stuff done!

Instead of another pikemen, this will be a great city for spawning crusaders. I'd like to suggest a barracks!! I'm not sure if we'll get Sun Tzu's anytime soon, and we may even lose out on building it. Building bunches of veteran crusaders here will be key - especially if we can improve a bit and tweak the production to where we can have 10 shields per turn!

By the way: :goodjob: to the governors and other cabinet people who are getting all of these polls up and running.
I would finish the Pikemen for our capital, and follow with a Library.

Pikeman, after that destroy horseman and do library.
Finish pikeman!
only an obsolite phalanx for defence??:rolleyes:
Dell, is the settler that Olympia is supporting working on it or is it off somewhere else? I think Olympia could definitely use some terrain improvement, and that settler should be brought back if it is currently working on another city.

For production build the pikeman, switch to a library, and then dispand that horseman so it doesn't take up support cost and so it will add to the library production.
Dear God, is this small outpost our capital? What a waste to leave our only corruption-free city in this miserable shape.

We need to build library, granary, caravans and aqueduct. I would start with either library or granary, voted library.

Bring that settler here ASAP. Disband horseman and phalanx.
Originally posted by Apollo
Dell, is the settler that Olympia is supporting working on it or is it off somewhere else? I think Olympia could definitely use some terrain improvement, and that settler should be brought back if it is currently working on another city.

Just checked and Olympia's settler is currently working in the province of Phobos and is quite away from Olympia. However Hippoville's settler looks like it is there to improve the land around Olympia.

I will start another poll as to whether we should continue with:

Hipppo settler improving Olympia's terrain
Dread settler improving Dreatown's terrain
Corn settler improving Cornmaster's terrain

Whilst Olympia's settler continues work inthe province of Phobos. Also Hippoville has already had 8 squares irrigated and only two settlers are improving terrain in the province of Phobos
Since I slightly messed up the polls, I think an update is in order:

Currently I will advise Corn to finish building the pikeman and then build a library.
Why does everyone want to kill that poor horse?!!?

Leo's will one day make him a mighty Cavalryman, so stop all this talk of waste!
I did think disbanding was a bit of a bad idea but I thought we needed a poll because of the amount of people who thought it was a good idea.
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