On modding naval unit behaviour

Lord Shadow

Oct 14, 2005
Buenos Aires
By now we're all well-acquainted with the difficulties AI faces when handling ranged units. So I had an idea to help computer opponents manage their ranged naval units better, but I'm not sure whether it'd work.

Basically, I want to allow cruiser-types (heavy ships) to melee attack. To that end, it's necessary to bring up their melee strength on par with their otherwise superior ranged strength, and then tweak the necessary AI flavours and related tags to have it treat them as melee units. Tinkering with those flavours might in turn help curtail the gunboat spam and encourage the AI to produce a more varied navy.

My concern is whether the ranged attack could be preserved, for the player's sake, while telling the AI to disregard it and charge ahead with its heavy ships. As a side note, I wonder what's the difference between ASSAULT_SEA and ATTACK_SEA AI flavours...

I also wonder whether the new, dual melee/ranged nature of ships would present UI problems to the player.

Submarines would likely remain exclusively ranged units, remaining unchanged altogether to better preserve their invisibility and lurking nature. Not to mention their land attack capability. As a bonus, I'd give them a +50% inherent advantage against naval ranged (other subs and heavy ships).

Any thoughts?
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