One City Challenge


Oct 26, 2005
I created a challenging custom one city challege scenerio and would like to post it and give others the chance to play it. This scenerio is a lot of fun and is a great change of pace. I am on my second time through it at the moment, the first time I got wiped out by the blasted greeks. This time I am doing much better and am holding onto a slim hope at a diplomatic victory. I would love to see how others fair at this.

Edited: Updated scenerio for balance purposes, and changed to scenerio save file.

Scenerio Details
> 9 civs
> Player as Egypt
> Player start in a Constantinople like area gaurding a channel
> Set to Prince difficulty
> Permanent Alliances enabled
> Aggressive AI enabled
> Spaceship victory option off (never liked it)
> One city challenged enabled
> Custom made map

PS if someone knows how to change this scenerio so the player can select difficulty and civilization that would be great!
( = thanks Junuxx, would love to hear what you thought and how you did

On my second try I managed to win with a time victory. In this game I spread christianity around the globe and eventually permenant allied with one of the larger civs, together we took out three of the other civs and were ahead in points when time expired. I find religion to be priceless in keeping the other civs from attacking you, getting gifts from them, and getting them to fight each other.
So, I played for two and a half hours and it's big fun.

The layout of the continents and the mountain ranges is really nice. Starting location is good, powerful but that's okay since its OCC.

I'm faring reasonably, it's 1750 and I'm in fourth place after Cathy, Gandhi and Alexander. The Inca and the French are no more. You might want to have a look at the Inca starting position. It is along a desert river, but the desert is NOT a floodplain. That makes for an extremely bad capital, I think.

By the way, there was an explored patch of land near the French starting position, why was that? Was that intended? I'm not sure about the paths of coastal waters all over the major ocean, either. Let's keep something to explore later in the game, with Astronomy.
Finally, I think you can better distribute this scenario as a WorldBuilder save than as a saved game file. Now, everyone who's gonna play your scenario will play as Brad ;)
Who better to play as? ;) Thanks for all the suggestions Junuxx, ill definetly look into the incan starting location and make it a little better for them.
Junuxx said:
By the way, there was an explored patch of land near the French starting position, why was that? Was that intended?
I think it's a bug, each game i did i had some explored patch of land far from my border without exploring the map at all... im not an explorator, i'm a map trader and this is happenning alot to me... like i says, probably a bug.

BTW, good job on this mods, this is big fun :)
PoetclyPathetic said:
Who better to play as? ;)

Oh, I don't mind to play as Brad, but the fact that there's now a Brad in my
High Score table... Well... I'm not so sure about that :p

I'm going to continue my game now, it won't be easy I think. The Russians, who have a significant lead in my game (they are at 3000 points, me, Gandhi and Alex are all around 2000) have been strong allies for a long time, but since they adopted free religion our relation deteriorated quickly, and now we're at war :eek:
Scenerio updated, see attached file in first post for download

Note, by opening world builder, saving there, and then reloading the scenerio you can now pick your civ as well as the difficulty level
I noted something else: Dozens of resources on the Greek continent are in one big heap just north of Athens, while the rest of their continent is completely resourceless. Firstly this hampers the growth of the Greek cities, who could use a nice food resource in their barren fields, and secondly, this makes them very vulnerable for invasions. An army that can take Athens and the town north of it takes out all of Greece's resources.

Going back to the game now. It's 1960, I have a perm alliance with India, Greece has been destroyed and Spain will be soon. Maybe I'll try a nuclear war with Russia. :D
The reason for the patches of explored land are because when you moved their original start positions you forgot to unreveal the tiles that they started on. When moving the start position of a civ you need to go into the reveal tile mode and right-click on the old area to unreveal that part of the map where they originally started.
Bugger the greeks, the conquered me in 1000BC! Shipped 2 Swordsmen over when I only had a warrior for defense, no copper, dunno bout iron though...
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