Operation "Classical Furiey" Russian Treachery War


Sage of Quatronia
Jul 21, 2004
MSAV Operation Proposal "CLASSICAL FURY" of 1495-1550

Remember, if now that war started, MSAV takes control of military operations, but since MSAV has democratized military planning, I will discuss and poll the potential conquests on Russias Indian East Coast.

I have been tasked to develop a plan for reconquering Huntington Beach, in the middle of the Russian Jungle. However, we need to assure the city's security for posterity, and to assure we get compensation for the economic loss to the Russians, estimated at 12000 Gold due to this unwanted war.

1495 AD - 1535 AD 4 Ironclads close in and bombard Sverdlovsk
1495 AD - 1520 AD Ocean crossing and landing Wave 1.
1520 AD - 1525 AD Fortification of Fort Furiey by Sverdlovsk

1535 AD - 1545 AD 4 Ironclads close in and bombard Punjab
1525 AD - 1530 AD Regroup and land workers at Fort Hero (road) by Punjab
1530 AD - 1535 AD Fortification of Fort Hero (railroad) by Punjab
1505 AD - 1530 AD Ocean Crossing and landing Wave 2.

Three Pulse attacks Sverdlovsk

Preceded by Ironclad naval shelling
1535 AD 4 Artillery Rain on Sverdlovsk
1540 AD 4 Artillery Rain on Sverdlovsk
1545 AD Depending on Garrison, Cavalry Charge, Infantry Assault, or Imperial Commando Storm

Three Pulse attacks Punjab

sustained by 4 ironclad naval shelling
1535 AD 4 Artillery Rain on Punjab
1540 AD 4 Artillery Rain on Punjab
1545 AD Depending on Garrison, Cavalry Charge, Infantry Assault, or Imperial Commando Storm

Depending on resistance and early successes, Elite Cavalry groups will attack any Cossacks, Knights, musketmen or Riflemen in Russian India. Elite Imperial Commando will handle Horsemen, Swordsmen, Longbowmen and Archers in the region. Also capture workers with Cavalry if they can retreat them safely.

If resistance is weak, early gains should be used in order to capture Lahore, now using the Cavalry and Infantry Armies supported by naval shelling and if situation permits, advanced and escorted artillery, and seize the City within turn 1545 or 1550.

Use Cavalry and Infantry Armies as a first wave shock to take away the two best units in defense stacks. Primarily send these Armies towards Lahore for Turnchat 2.

1520 AD - 1545 AD Ocean crossing return 4 Galleons from Wave 2.

From Furuyama to the Russian-Indian East Coast, there is 5 turns distance, which only applies to the initial landing of the Imperial Commando, which will shell down the cities with cannon/artillery and conquer them prior to infantry reinforcements arrive in wave two. This means, we can only deploy 16 units in the first wave, which will be conducted as an Initial Imperial Commando Mission lead by Grand Admiral Ali. If possible, we will conquer Sverdlovsk and Punjab in the first wave, and wait for the second wave to wrap up with Coal City and Lahore (LaWhore ? Crimso City?), Delhi and Bangalore. We will need to cash rush 3 more Galleons right away, so we can deploy 12 more units in turn 8, in order to reach Coal City and Lahore and secure the Russian-Indian East Coast.

The terrain is difficult, but may serve to our advantage, with a highly defensible terrain ideal to Infantry/Artillery/Naval Shore Bombardment, with brief use of Imperial Commandos and Cavalry to mop up units. Jungles, mountains, rivers and so on nullify advantages of the Cossacks.
However, this will make it a slightly longer war than the brief Zulu War.

Therefore I open this planning thread to open for citizen input on how to conduct this war and reach these war objectives in two turnchats, or 20 turns.

Map Legend:

We land on the Eastern Mountains, build roads with workers very quickly on these, protected by Elite Samurais and Infantry( 16 units, 4 Elite Imperial Commando, 8 Veteran Infantry, 3 Workers, Helloween Knight Cavalry), and then land artillery on the same mountains to cover future advances in Wave 2 (Light blue naval entry, Red landing zones, orange artillery range). This will allow us maximum defense bonuses and maximum utilization of our Elite Imperial Commando units. Primarily, following landing of Wave 2 (24 units, 8 Artillery, Elite Cavalry Army (4), Veteran Infantry Army (4), 5 Elite Cavalry , 3 Veteran Infantry)

Wave Two will potentially conquer Lahore and Huntington Beach, where the objective is to negotiate a peace settlement in two turnchats. However, I will discuss and poll the extent of our conquest here, based on the fact that the estimated losses are 12000 gold on this war.

Edit: The damages for the broken gold deal and ROP violation is 12 000 Gold.
Sverdlovsk, Punjab, Lahore, Huntington Beach, Bangalore and Dehli would reflect the violation of such a grand treason.

MSAV also recommends MPP agreements with the following nations:

China should be kept out of the war.

This will allow the Americans and Aztecs to conquer core Russian lands in the West, as well as splitting the Russian alliance, lands we cannot reach with more than a limited expedition as it stands now. France and Babylon agreements would keep our own continent secure.

Japanatica should strive to avenge the Indian genocide, and reconquer India in the name of retribution and Japanatican Honor. Japanatican Budo require a firm retaliattory strike. This war will last until Russia opens for a peace agreement, checking every 10 turn. As the Civ game dictates, we need to cause the reason for peace, as MPP partners will ask for peace bilaterally.

The real poll options would be

1. Indian Coast Only (Sverdlovsk, Punjab and Lahore)
2. Liberate Huntington Beach, also take Bangalore and Delhi (includes 1.)
3. Optional, raid on natural resources of Main Russia.

Just like i posted in the other thread I'll be frank, stick it to Russia very very hard, they must pay for their treachery to the point their nation is crippled and taken out of the picture, permanently
An MPP won't do anything here, unless Russia attacks us on OUR territory. And if we're planning to attack them, that shouldn't be happening should it?
Provolution said:
However, we need to assure the city's security for posterity, and to assure we get compensation for the economic loss to the Russians, estimated at 12000 Gold due to this unwanted war.

What....? 12000 Gold? Did this number just get pulled out of thin air?
Calculate the lost gold deals, lost city with future income lost, violation of Rights of Passage, utility cost of dislocated troops and impact on national economy, projected military losses, as well as the maintenance and again utility cost of our military that is taking part in the war. Add capital interest on the top of that. 12000 is an estimate, but you may come up with a enumeration of their economic impact. lost gold deals alone are close to 8000 Gold.
Yes, it apparently did get pulled out of thin air.

-- Ravensfire
IIRC, MPPs are just like Alliances. If War is active, then the peacemaker takes a rep hit as long as the MPP is still active. (If it expires, then all is good if no Alliances.)

My persoanl Recommendation: Prep the Galleons and send them to where our Ironclads currently are. Also, move our Northern Team back to its Galleon, and send it offshore for Operation "Wild Swan Chase", in case Ruskies try to pursue it.

However, keep our other Units holding the Defensive Sea Picket line. If the Russians do not pursue, War will eventually blow over. After all, Russia's the only nation that has lost units so far. (Then again, we have lost much GPT...)

However, if the Ruskies pass the line, then let loose the dogs! (This way, it would also allow any MPPs we sign to go into effect even if we don't settle in Germany. Russians would land 1-2 turns after the picket is breached, WE would have 2-4 turns to India.)

And I want like all of Russian India! Including Karachi. Any Russian city that does not have a Russian name is Fair Game for us if the line is breached.

Although, I would see a Phase 1 for Sverd, Punjab, and Hunington, as well as any other Indian cities with Strategic Resources not duplicated in Russian Homeland.
What are our plans for the cities we conquer once the war is over? I hope we don't plan on keeping all of them, as the current situation is proof that we shouldn't be on Atarashika.
At the minimum, we lost the following:


100/5 500
273/10 2730
267/20 5340

Total trades lost: 8500, assumingly reduced to 8000.

So about 8000 gold lost in hard currency.

Where are the 4000 left?

Here follows symbolic pricing

Coal City w/ Temple (try to estimate what a Coal City is worth) 1000 Gold
Rights of Passage Agreement violated 1000 Gold
Opportunity cost for funding war activities, maintenance and usage
20 turns X 50 units involved for the duration of the war 1000 Gold

Various capital costs on forced rushing, financial opportunity cost,
Interest, write-offs, dividends, insurance and legal penalty 1000 Gold

In a real conflict situation, a nation would seek to make such assessments for losses in
settling claims and compensation. So we have a solid 8000 direct loss of gold from trades, and 4000 more gold on the top of that, as a very moderate projection.

So it is not taken out of thin air. So if you want to argue, produce some other numbers.
Why do we even need to argue with it. Russia can't pay it back. No other nation can pay it back. Here's another number: 0. No one owes us anything, we haven't defeated them and make them pay war reparations yet.
Well, you tried to argue it. And since you are a dove, you would just zero it out.
But the news is, we are to fight this war, and the damage they incurred will be taken into consideration to the damage we incur to them, also for our own gain.

If we keep, raze, give or sell these cities is another issue.
Provolution said:
Well, you tried to argue it. And since you are a dove, you would just zero it out.
But the news is, we are to fight this war, and the damage they incurred will be taken into consideration to the damage we incur to them, also for our own gain.

If we keep, raze, give or sell these cities is another issue.

I'm a dove? :confused: That sounds like news to me.

Zero this out: They can't pay that much, we aren't in a position (yet) to demand that much.
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