Optimal City Placement

Originally posted by No.Dice
BillChin: Are you counting the square the city is built on? IE moving 2 squares and building on the third tile?

No, one blank tile between cities.

A dense build is good for tiles that can not produce much food such as hills, tundra, desert. It is also good when there are hostile enemies close by. I also suggest it for players that are struggling to survive the first age. It is hard to lose a game early when a player gets three cities and six warriors by turn 50 or 60.

I am rethnking the strategy because of the corruption associated with having a lot of cities. In the corruption, corruption thread, Zachriel's game had about 30% fewer cities in the same space.

On a huge map, a dense build may not be the best way to go. A new wrinkle is to disband the capital to get a free jump to a more central location and to relieve the overlapping tile situation. Disbanding is good for peninsula starts or coastal starts on a large continent. On Emperor difficulty, a player usually will not build wonders in the capital until later in the game.

I took a screenshot of my February Game of the Month, but even compressed it was like 250k, so I am not uploading it.
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