Other Civ's Bugged in Random Game?...


Dec 23, 2001
Sorry if this is a normal issue and has been discussed here many times before, but this doesn't seem right. I unfortunately didn't play Civ1 or 2 and just started playing Civ3.

It's 1964 AD in the game and I initially started out right next to another civ. After a while they attacked me because I put a town right next to theirs to steal their horses. I had searched the continent I was on and never saw another one of their cities. Anyway's they march troops in and a war starts. Usually I've been on the losing end but this time I did quite well. I didn't lose any cities and hardly any men. So I figured I'd give taking their capital a shot (It was the city I placed one of mine next too. Anyway's after I took it a couple of their troops were left and I quickly disposed of them. Then it said that I had defeated the Japanese. This seemed odd.

Then just now I finally found the other civ and they only have 2 towns right now (just traded territory maps) So is this a bug or something? Or can the game give limited territory maps or something?

I don't know if this was the right forum (Gen Discussion or whatever) to post this in or not but if you could please help me and let me know if this is a bug or not. If not I don't remember seeing in the manual about partial territory maps and would like to take advantage of this.

Thanks in Advance.
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