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Fighter Druid
Aug 6, 2001
Castle Gobs
The game keeps crashing my laptop due to overheating after a number of turns, no matter the graphic settings or the map size. It is a new MSI gaming laptop from 2020 with Nvidia Geforce RTX and 240Hz Ultra Fast gaming display. There is no error message. I've never had this with any other application.

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
Installed RAM 16,0 GB (15,8 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Could you attach your game log from a run, and the graphics options files?

The game log is under My Games/OldWorld/Logs/output.txt . The option files are one level up, GraphicsOptionsSave.xml.
00:00 - [LOG] Logfile is located at: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Logs/output.txt
00:00 - [App] TenCrowns Version: 1.0.54118 (8/12/2021)
00:00 -
-------------------------------------- Device Properties ---------------------------------
Unity Version: 2020.3.14f1
Unity Platform: WindowsPlayer

DeviceName: MSI
DeviceType: Desktop
ProcessorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz
OperatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit
ProcessorCount: 16
SystemMemorySize: 16200MB

GraphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design
GraphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA
GraphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
GraphicsMemorySize: 8031MB
GraphicsShaderLevel: 50
SupportsShadows: True
SupportsComputeShader: True
00:00 - [OptionsSave] Loading: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GraphicsOptionsSave.xml and C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
00:00 - [GraphicsSettings] Apply Options
00:00 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GraphicsOptionsSave.xml
00:00 - [GraphicsSettings] Apply Options
00:00 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
00:00 - [Rendering] Resolution changed, Previous: 1920x1017 (Windowed), Target: 1920x1080 (Windowed), Actual: 1914x1050 (Windowed), Monitor: 0->0
00:00 - [Epic] platform already configured
00:13 - [Epic] Successfully logged into Epic Online Services
00:13 - [Epic] Connect - CopyUserAuthToken succeeded
00:13 - [Epic] local ProductUserId=00021f57c9e94b959fd89888f86e3d0d
00:13 - [Epic] local EpicAccountId=6e9fbe313a0d4e258d9ab092f1dc5680
00:14 - [ModPath] Setting ModPath: Mods/Carthage1/
00:14 - Carthage Campaign Game One DLL initializing...
00:16 - Replay: discarded corrupt data
00:16 - Carthage Campaign Game One DLL initializing...
00:17 - [ModPath] Setting ModPath: Mods/Carthage1/
00:17 - GameSparks Autorization succeeded
00:17 - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at StartScreenUI.OnCloudGamesReceived (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] games) [0x0000a] in <f4b36bfe11194487a96039bf5f852948>:0
at CloudStorageGameSparks+<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<GetPlayerGamesWrapper>b__0 (GameSparks.Api.Responses.LogEventResponse response) [0x00127] in <f4b36bfe11194487a96039bf5f852948>:0
at GameSparks.Core.GSTypedRequest`2+<>c__DisplayClass1[IN,OUT].<Send>b__0 (GameSparks.Core.GSObject response) [0x0001a] in <79321fd2ae8d4d868c0d2575f0d311f2>:0
at GameSparks.Core.GSRequest+<>c__DisplayClass4.<Complete>b__1 () [0x00000] in <79321fd2ae8d4d868c0d2575f0d311f2>:0
at GameSparks.Platforms.PlatformBase.Update () [0x0006d] in <131a990b8658492ab21415edb2942cca>:0
00:17 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :https://us1-mm.unet.unity3d.com/json/reply/ListMatchRequest
00:18 - MatchMakingClient ListMatches :https://us1-mm.unet.unity3d.com/json/reply/ListMatchRequest
00:39 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-4.zip
00:39 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
08:00 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn35.zip
08:00 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
08:06 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-5.zip
08:06 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
10:33 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
10:34 - [PlayerOptions] SyncLocalAchievementsToEpic - unlocked achievement ACHIEVEMENT_CARTHAGE_1
13:26 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn36.zip
13:26 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
13:53 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-6.zip
13:53 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
14:08 - Warning: Decision Skipped, no Longer Valid (CHOOSE_RESEARCH)
19:18 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn37.zip
19:18 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
19:50 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-7.zip
19:50 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
20:48 - Warning: Decision Skipped, no Longer Valid (CHOOSE_RESEARCH)
28:57 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn38.zip
28:57 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
31:01 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-8.zip
31:01 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
35:48 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn39.zip
35:48 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
36:07 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-9.zip
36:07 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
44:40 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn40.zip
44:40 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
45:09 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-0.zip
45:09 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
50:38 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn41.zip
50:38 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
50:51 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-1.zip
50:51 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
59:12 - [Epic] AuthExpiration - login status=LoggedIn
59:13 - [Epic] local ProductUserId=00021f57c9e94b959fd89888f86e3d0d
59:13 - [Epic] local EpicAccountId=6e9fbe313a0d4e258d9ab092f1dc5680
60:28 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn42.zip
60:28 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
60:37 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-2.zip
60:37 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
61:10 - Warning: Decision Skipped, no Longer Valid (CHOOSE_RESEARCH)
72:47 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn43.zip
72:47 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
74:33 - [Epic] Received Stomp Connection Closed Message. LocalUserId=[6e9...680] Reason=[]
74:33 - [Epic] Lost connection to Stomp on 'wss://api.epicgames.dev/notifications/v1/d7adc5aa85fe488baf5823464bf12f24/connect' () - will attempt to reconnect after 6.2 seconds. LocalUserId=[000...d0d]
74:33 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
74:33 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
74:33 - [Epic] 00000194B2246CB0: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
74:33 - [Epic] 00000194B2246CB0: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
74:33 - [Epic] Retry exhausted on https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents
74:33 - [Epic] Lockout of 2.231086s on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
74:34 - [Epic] 00000194DB547440: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/dataroute...am&SessionID=337053024CF47FBE081AB699A872A5AD, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
74:34 - [Epic] 00000194DB547440: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
74:34 - [Epic] Lockout of 2.764245s on https://api.epicgames.dev/dataroute...am&SessionID=337053024CF47FBE081AB699A872A5AD
74:34 - [Epic] Failed to connect to EpicConnect. Error=[Could not initialize connection] LocalUserId=[6e9...680] StompClient=[00000193CE827A60]
74:34 - [Epic] Failed to connect to EpicConnect service due to EOS_UnexpectedError. Trying again in 5.00 seconds.
74:36 - [Epic] Retry 1 on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
74:36 - [Epic] Success on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
74:37 - [Epic] Retry 1 on https://api.epicgames.dev/dataroute...am&SessionID=337053024CF47FBE081AB699A872A5AD
74:37 - [Epic] Success on https://api.epicgames.dev/dataroute...am&SessionID=337053024CF47FBE081AB699A872A5AD
74:58 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-3.zip
74:58 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
80:55 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn44.zip
80:55 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
80:58 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-4.zip
80:58 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
82:00 - Warning: Decision Skipped, no Longer Valid (CHOOSE_RESEARCH)
87:30 - [Epic] Lost connection to Stomp on 'wss://api.epicgames.dev/notifications/v1/d7adc5aa85fe488baf5823464bf12f24/connect' () - will attempt to reconnect after 5.3 seconds. LocalUserId=[000...d0d]
87:32 - [Epic] 00000194DB0B18F0: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
87:32 - [Epic] 00000194DB0B18F0: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
87:32 - [Epic] Retry exhausted on https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents
87:47 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
87:47 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
87:47 - [Epic] Failed to connect to Stomp! Could not initialize connection
87:47 - [Epic] Lockout of 3.367840s on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
87:47 - [Epic] Received Stomp Connection Closed Message. LocalUserId=[6e9...680] Reason=[]
87:50 - [Epic] Retry 1 on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
87:59 - [Epic] Failed to connect to EpicConnect. Error=[Could not initialize connection] LocalUserId=[6e9...680] StompClient=[00000194C93D9080]
87:59 - [Epic] Failed to connect to EpicConnect service due to EOS_UnexpectedError. Trying again in 5.00 seconds.
88:01 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
88:01 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
88:01 - [Epic] Lockout of 6.398511s on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
88:08 - [Epic] Retry 2 on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
88:11 - [Epic] 00000194B22483F0: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
88:11 - [Epic] 00000194B22483F0: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
88:11 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: invalid HTTP response code received. URL: https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo, HTTP code: 0, content length: 0, actual payload size: 0
88:11 - [Epic] 00000194B2247E20: request failed, libcurl error: 6 (Couldn't resolve host name)
88:11 - [Epic] Failed to connect to Stomp! Could not initialize connection
88:11 - [Epic] Retry exhausted on https://api.epicgames.dev/telemetry...ppEnvironment=Production&UploadType=sdkevents
88:11 - [Epic] Lockout of 13.284585s on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
88:16 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/CarthageTurn45.zip
88:16 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
88:24 - [Epic] Retry 3 on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
88:24 - [Epic] Success on https://api.epicgames.dev/epic/oauth/v1/tokenInfo
88:25 - Saved C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/Saves/Auto/OW-Save-Auto-RiseOfCarthage-GameOne-5.zip
88:25 - [OptionsSave] Saving: C:/Users/Ribannah/Documents/My Games/OldWorld/GameOptionsSave.xml
Spoiler :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GraphicsOptionsSave xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks. A GS65 laptop or very similar, I presume?

The game definitely has a bunch of known performance problems, but in this case I think it's largely due to the game trying to run at your native refresh rate, which is a very high 240 Hz, so it maxes the CPU and GPU trying to reach it. I recommend you set a frame limit in the graphics options. If capped to 60 FPS, it should stop all the overheating.
You have a GeForce, so can use the GeForce Experience overlay to see some stats. What's your FPS, CPU and GPU utilization when running the game? And roughly how long can you play before the machine overheats?
It varies from 5 minutes to an hour. I'm not getting any overlay but the task manager says 14% CPU and 47% GPU.

Edit: overlay says the same, and around 33 FPS. GPU temperature starts at 79 and then begins to slowly rise.
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I have noticed that EpicGamesLauncher continuously uses a significant amount of power and CPU in the background, whether a game is running or not.

Edit: OK, I think I have found the problem. The launcher, when the game is running, interferes with the battery, increasing GPU temperatures by 20-30 degrees when the battery is charching which normally doesn't affect temperatures at all.

Edit 2: GPU utilization when the game is running drops from 90% to 35% when the battery is charging.
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Gee... yes, the Epic launcher has had recurring problems with CPU usage. I think the worst ones were fixed last year, but they probably still crop up every now and then.

You don't have to launch Old World through Epic. You can launch the game executable directly, without even running the launcher. Or quit the launcher after starting the game.
It's probably a shortcut that makes it start with the launcher. Directly launching OldWorld.exe shouldn't start the Epic launcher at all.
Default created shortcut is a .URL file towards com.epicgames.launcher://apps/...............................%3ANightjar?action=launch&silent=true

The executable is in
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\OldWorld
and it does NOT start the Epic launcher
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