Palace upgrade

ahtsun said:
on a slightly different note, is there a way to go back and look at your palce nonce you've completed it?

( i only know how to trigger a screen when i get a higher score..)
Just click the little screen/image of the castle in the grey menu/bar (with all data... and it says "End Turn") to the left. Hope that helps!
Well fine! Prove me wrong :p
Of course, anybody who uses pure keyboard controls can't (me) :(
I've been wondering the same thing about what increases it and how to monitor how close I am to the next Palace upgrade. This thread has certainly helped in telling me what I need (eg i've got all wonders so I guess I just need to keep 'breeding' & getting future techs).

However in regards to watching your progression to each upgrade I've always wondered if that tiny little white bar in the palace box and/or if the long blue bar in the Civ score screen (see attached picture) has something to do with telling you how close you are to the next upgrade. Although the blue bar could just be score 'rank name' progression. Someone feel free to clarify/correct me on this one as I'd love to know!

Would be great if someone has built a table of what the score total required (under each difficulty) for each upgrade level all the way up to the max palace is. Figured something like that would be in the Civ wiki but no luck finding it.


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As far as I know, the white bar on the palace increases with the number of peaceful turns.
to top that up.
i believe the blue bar is just a smaller version of the research "bar" (if you prefer light bulb queue) in the research advisor.
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