Patching to 1.52?


Jan 25, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Do you have to install other patches first?

I purchased the game online (downloaded it) and everytime I try to run the patch I get an error message indicating that the patching program doesn't think I have Civ 4 on the computer.

Also, how does one get a game manual from an online purchase?
I am pretty certain you need to get the patch which is specific for the download version.

I downloaded a PDF version online somewhere, but it was November and I can't remember where it was now or if it was here or over at Apolyton.
If this is the Direct2Drive version, you'll need the specific patch from them, as the normal ones won't be compatible. The 1.52 version is out (I think) and should be on the D2D site somewhere.
if you don't want to have problem with patching, let the game do it itself.(it's in a menu on the first screen when you start the game)
No. I did a clean install and went directly to 1.52 with no problems. but I have the CD version. not a downloaded version.
Downloaded (purchased) versions (mainly D2D) require their own patches because of the altered copy protection code, which AFAIK means the autoupdater won't work. The patch on the D2D site should work, though.
For some reason when I try to patch from the online game screen it never works...I always have to download it myself and then install it. I bought it a boxed version, so I guess that's not a problem.
Could be you need to open some port or other on your firewall/router, or try putting Civ 4 on the allowed list for Windows firewall. TBH, downloading it yourself isn't really any more effort though, and you might get a faster d/l speed if the update server is busy (right after a patch is released, for instance).
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