PBEM Warlords, anyone?


Oct 24, 2007
Hey, Civers:king:

I'm kind of tired of beating up on the AI and would love to try playing with some amiable, fun loving laid-back human opponents. However, work and uncool things like that make schedules kind of complicated, not to mention time zones ( i live in the Land of the Rising Sun ) so Play by E-mail seems to be the only realistic option for people like me who don't have heaps of free time in convenient bunches.

If anyone out there is like-minded, let me know~

Sure i'll join as Churchill. I did not see any settings but I think it would be best if we were on the same continent
From what I've read about the upcoming patch, it doesn't change/fix all that much.
Plus, I'm a mac user so the patch won't come out for a while for me...:(

Anyway, 3 players plus a few Ai's sounds fine to me. Do either of you know how to set up the PBEM?
I know how to set up a PBEM game and I would also like to play.

I need to know three things:

1. Which nation you want to play.
2. What name you wish to use as a leader.
3. What your e-mail address is.

Post the first two in this thread and if you do not want to post your email on this thread then send it to me privately and I will forward the emails to the other players.

I think Terra with the basic default stuff should be good.
The four of us and four AI's.

If you guys want something different then post it here se we can debate it.
Sounds good, 7of9,

My only contention is that I think standard Pangea would be better than terra for balance reasons. Actually, my ideal would be archipelago, but it seems that most of us prefer continents or Pangea so I'll go with the flow.

Anyway, having said that, here's my choice -

Nation = The Romans ( the Julius Caesar leader model, not the Augustus one )
Leader name = Marcus Aurelius
e-mail = lifecry@gmail.com

BTW shouldn't we check to see that we're all running the same version of Warlords? just a thought.
I'll be interested if you do not have too many players already.
Any civ will do. timezone is Greenwich meantime (i.e. UK)
I would like to participate if I'm not late and there's room.
gmt +0
BtS 3.13
play as: Wang Kon / Korean Empire
email throgh PM soon
BTW, what will be the victory conditions?
We have a small problem, Lifecry is using a MAC and does not have the latest patch. I am using Windows and bought my CIV IV/Warlords/BTS from Direct2Drive and it came prepatched so he and I can not play together.

Everyone who wants to play with Lifecry on the Warlords without the latest patch post here so he can organize it.

I do not want to hyjack Lifecry's thread so I will post a new threadfor those with the latest patch.

My apologies that I did not think to work out the details earlier.

Best wishes to Lifecry.
Hey 7of9,

Thanks for your considerate attitude. You rock.

To all the rest of you, if there are any Mac users or Warlords version2.0 players among you, let's get something together. If you already have the patch/don't want to play without it, please follow the capable and highly organized 7of9's thread.

Civ on!
hey 7of9 i have the pc version with the latest patch so i am interested but i cant find the thread, maybe you havent made it yet
Have you guys started yet? If not, I'd be interested in joining a BTS game patched up to 3.13

Let me know.

Ben E Gas
hey ben im looking for bts 3.13 too maybe we can orginize it but i dont know how to do the techinical stuff
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