Pillaging still rewards Science and Culture.


Oct 12, 2016
Started a fresh game last night, started receiving science and culture for pillaging. Is anyone else still seeing this? I thought it was removed for everyone except Norway..
You'll still get Science and Culture from Campuses and Theater Squares, of course. You just don't get those resources from pillaging other stuff.
They changed pillaging mines, luxe’s and resources but still allowed district pillaging. They did reduce the raid and total war cards to 50% so for those of use who used those cards it is noticeable.

What this has stopped is a flip and pillage exploit which is great.
If you are going to take a city you may have pillaged the districts to reduce the city strength and now get a good/great bonus but repair does take some time.
If you just want cash or more science then pillaging without capturing cities slows down the opposition as well as gets you what you want. It has devalued the demand ability. Rock up to someone’s border and they may give you 10 GPT to not attack them but what you can pillage from their lands is much greater. I guess few people used the demand mechanic anyway, it is relegated to a useless mechanic that is annoying because the AI spams annoying demands.
Yep, it only affects improvements; which is why Norway's "buff" is somewhat overrated.
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