Pioneers and Improvements?


Jul 15, 2008
Okay, maybe I'm just tired or something, but it says you're supposed to be able to build improvements like farms and roads with a pioneer. How? I can't find anything that lets me build anything with a pioneer... I just started playing this game tonight, and I'm figuring everything else out, but I can't see the option to build improvements. Any help on this stupid, simple question would be greatly appreciated.
Just move your pioneer out of your colony onto a space and build what you want. You can build a road anywhere (press "R") but to build farms, mines, etc., your pioneer has to be on a tile under your control and that tile has to be of the terrain type required to build your desired improvement; you can't just build a mine or a farm anywhere. You also have to have the money (20) in order to build an improvement.

I hope that helps you out.
OK. Duh. I see now. I had assigned the pioneer to be a farmer or something in the town for a while, and when I moved him out I assigned him as a colonist. So he wasn't actually a pioneer anymore. He still had the hardy pioneer expertise, but he was being seen as a colonist. So I changed his profession back to pioneer and there ya go!

Greybriar, thank you for responding to my simpleton question :D I played Civ IV enough that it makes it a little trippy when you try to pick this game up. It's just different enough...
You're welcome, ElephantRider. All of us were new once.
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