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Plains-Cow and Shikhar Agrawal Play Earth18Civs India on Monarch


Best Resource; Always Wins
Oct 25, 2022
In Your Capital's Starting Ring
Hello, civfanatics! I started up an India game to see how I like playing with a civ I don't typically use, and I asked if @Shikhar Agrawal would be interested in playing with me as well because he likes to play as India. I typically like the RP value and challenge of digging a minor civ's way out of their hole in the 1000AD scenario, but this time, the scenario will be 18civs on Monarch difficulty. We will be using different seeds (separate save files). I'll possibly be playing much faster than Shikar, so expect a few more updates as I've already started my game. However, this will be a casual playthrough, so there's no clock pressure for when or how to update. I will also be putting update pics and AARs after this post into spoilers.

This thread's in the same vein as:

for reference.

If you'd like to play along, the settings are:

Earth18Civs BtS version (you can find it under "PLAY A SCENARIO")
Every so often post screens/action reports.
No mods in use.

....and of course, we start off with THE BEST TILE/RESOURCE COMBO IN THE GAME.

What would be the fastest way to domination?

Kill everyone asap and then rely on Stonehenge?

Tech up to code of laws and then use the artist specialist?

Tech to drama and music?

If our gold per turn is negative, which units will not get disbanded? If we have the construction technology and spam roads everywhere, can all the settlers be produced and then settled immediately before they are disbanded? Doesn't work for settling the Islands in the Pacific because, as soon as the settler is unloaded, it gets disbanded next turn.

Or, can we pillage all strategic resources, build lots of archers every turn, and then let the archers get disbanded before the settlers?
What would be the fastest way to domination?

Kill everyone asap and then rely on Stonehenge?

Tech up to code of laws and then use the artist specialist?

Tech to drama and music?

If our gold per turn is negative, which units will not get disbanded? If we have the construction technology and spam roads everywhere, can all the settlers be produced and then settled immediately before they are disbanded? Doesn't work for settling the Islands in the Pacific because, as soon as the settler is unloaded, it gets disbanded next turn.

Or, can we pillage all strategic resources, build lots of archers every turn, and then let the archers get disbanded before the settlers?

What are you talking about lol All you need to do is own ~52% population on the planet and ~50% of non-water tiles, so just regular conquering and settling is good enough. Why feel like you need to rely on Stonehenge or specialists?

Besides, if you want to expand culture borders QUICKLY, just wait until you research techs that allow you to adjust the culture slider and then push it up at the end of the game to make your borders expand faster into tundra and other less-than-ideal places to settle.
Things are going pretty smoothly in this update. To be fair, I typically play on higher difficulties, but playing Monarch is pretty fun because it allows for more experimental/zanier/sillier strats to come out on top.
Spoiler Update 1; lots to report already! :

I am not very familiar with 18civs starts, let alone India, so because I don't want to have mountains in my capital's working area, I move southwest and into desert. Oh well lol. It does add tiles on net that can be worked in the future, at least. I have my immediate neighbors, Cyrus and Qin, but I don't have any beef with either of them. I want to be on Qin's good side first since I assume Persia will be pressed by Arabia and I plan on expanding deep into East Asia rather than the Middle East. If this map is similar to 1000AD, then China will have some of the best land and resources in the game, so I plan to make use of it for my economy. by rolling up Qin first. I know I'm settling deep into the jungle, but it's Monarch, and I plan to rush Iron Working so that I can actually use the land around me in general. It does put me a tad behind other early-ish techs, but it doesn't matter once my cottages start getting worked. A barbarian slips past my spawn busting somehow and makes its way towards Bombay, but I had a warrior in Delhi ready and it intercepts him.


Here is a shot of my current capital. I am focusing on working commerce tiles so that I can get Iron Working faster. I plan to be flexible with how I develop Delhi in the future. Since I am spiritual, I don't need to worry about anarchy, and I flip into slavery right away as well. I'll actually end up doing the granary later when I want to whip more when I can grow quicker. At the happiness cap, I plan to make nothing but settlers out of Delhi and rush them all into Southern China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, in roughly that order.


...............aaaaaaaaaaaaand Germany is dead. What? Who? How? Why???

Also, I'm settling so as to maximize my cultural borders while not orphaning resource tiles. I'm going to need A LOT of worker turns to clear out this jungle, so I want to make sure that the tiles each city can work will be to my greatest advantage as it grows. I can already see China coming southward, and I want to get as much as I can of that sweet, sweet grassland-forest and out of this steamy jungle!


Here's a look at my border with Cyrus. He's not getting any good land by cramming against me, and he has a pathetically small hope of having a decent economy in Pakistan or Afghanistan. I am making military units on occasion to garrison open cities and to take out barb cities around Myanmar that are garrisoned pathetically with just warriors. If you take a peek at my mini-map, you'll see that I'm settling directly into Southern China. It's going to be a great place to stage an invasion into Qin's territory. I am keeping my borders mostly CLOSED to my immediate neighbors because I don't want them slipping a settler or two past me into Southern India or Indonesia. Once I backsettle some, I open borders with them both.


Hello Everyone

I hope you all enjoy this post. It's my second time playing Earth Map (I played Earth Ice Age before) and I am not a strong player so bear the mistakes I make.
So Let's get started,

Things are going quite fine but was very annoyed due to lack of forest and abundance of jungle. It kinda threw me off.
Spoiler Update 1 :

I can see there are mountains up in the north so I settled on the Ivory.


I settled my 2nd city on the west, to prevent persia from getting to close to my capital. I am not planning on building army and focusing on settling as much as I can on the east.


Spoiler Update 1 Final Position :

I rushed for the Iron Working and then going for the calender. I settled two east cities on spicies to get the 2 extra commerce which resulted in my income increasing rather than decreasing. My fog busting was very effective and I didnt spawn any barbarians near me. I wanted to settled where nanjing is but china beat me to it. Though I guess doesnt matter, he will be the primary target, his land is too juicy. I am eagerly waiting for someone to give me Bhuddism, I want my relations with persia to be good and since he has horses too, immortals would be pain in the ass and will dommed my economy and his land isnt really good.

Overall a very peaceful game, expect few, everybody is in bhuddism so no war going on, as far as I know.





Spoiler Tech Position :





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Interesting to see different approaches. 1400BC
Spoiler :

I don't want to spend time clearing jungles too early if I can avoid it.

A settler costs 100 production and one population in a captured city is worth around 30 production. At this stage, chariots are more cost effective than settlers.



  • plains cow response BC-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    199.7 KB · Views: 3
Interesting to see different approaches. 1400BC
Spoiler :

I don't want to spend time clearing jungles too early if I can avoid it.
View attachment 691847

A settler costs 100 production and one population in a captured city is worth around 30 production. At this stage, chariots are more cost effective than settlers.
View attachment 691848

Very cool! Are you going to play though the entire map with us? If you're going to do so with regular and detailed updates, I'd be happy to add you to the group in the title so long as @Shikhar Agrawal was OK with it. You're going to have a lot of civs on your borders now with diplo considerations. I wanted to minimize my borders touching too many different civilizations until my snowball was too big to stop from turning into an avalanche. Plus, crushing China gives you better land and resources than Arabia, imo. You have a lot of places to expand, but so does Russia, Greece, and Rome now. What are you going to do next?
Thank you for your kind offer but I don't want to commit. Not regular, not detailed.

No clear plan except that I will use horse archers later.
Thank you for your kind offer but I don't want to commit. Not regular, not detailed.

No clear plan except that I will use horse archers later.
So you'll be posting irregularly with cryptic-esque updates of horse archer attacks? Sounds like TOP BILLING to me! Keep us posted, please and thank you.
Time for the next update! I had a loooooong time with pretty much nothing happening but more of the above, so I only took pics of relevant happenings once things started to pick up steam.

Spoiler Update 2: War with China! :

.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand America is dead. I don't know who for sure killed them, but I have a hunch it'll be a man with lots of feathers in his hat. Also, religions have been spreading like wildfire, but everyone is Hindu. After my neighbors convert to Hinduism, so do I for better relations. All the major powers are Hindu, and the minor powers flip-flop between faiths randomly except for Hatty who sticks with Christianity (which she founded). I was able to settle successfully into Southern China and all the way through Thailand and Indonesia. Japan already has claims on Australia, but that's OK because I have started to spread around religions in cities that are getting culture pressed. I plan on attacking at rifling, and China's Qin is always reluctant to be a civ that techs military as a priority. I have an orphaned crab inside my cultural borders, but I don't care since I'm pressing harder into the mainland with my cities. Despite being originally full of jungle, I knew that with fast workers (quickly becoming my favorite UU), the land would be amazing once developed. I'm using science from religious buildings and organized religion civic to get the most out of my whips to race to rifling. The tech trading is pretty slow between everyone, but I try to speed things up when I can. Basically feels like I'm speed-civing my way through this Monarch campaign lol


Here's a shot of my core territory. Hinduism has been slow to spread, but it's not bad considering I have so many happiness resources. Been slapping missionaries into border cities to make sure I can build cultural buildings; it seems like China is pushing culture. Persia is no threat at all. I plan to sweep counter-clockwise to take out as many civs and get as much land as possible to just snowball my way to domination. It feels good to get back into posting games here, and this has been a fun way to stretch my legs thus far. Eagle-eyed minimap spotters will see that I've also settled a city in the middle of South Africa for the memes.


Someone get the cooks to start frying up some khichdi! We have some draftees to feed! The Globe Theater is placed in my capital because I am clinically insane when playing Monarch (and I want a nice stage to show off my plains cows), and I whip-draft constantly. I also make trebs because I haven't gone to steel and railroads yet, but I plan to zip to there next. They also upgrade fairly cheaply into cannons. I rally two armies at the border of China. Also, the world is more and more Hindu over time. It's a great opportunity to soon beg for gold from "pleased" AIs so that my flanks are secure as I crush the Chinese. I also have built a lot of windmills, which are perhaps my #2 favorite tile improvement not only because they offer food in hilly areas, but they're also pretty fun to watch spin around, which is way more important than any strategic value a tile improvement could have.


The War of Cow Liberation begins! The southernmost army, the Army of Govinda, surges to Nanjing to free the holdout moo'ers to the north while the northernmost army, the Army of Shiva, beelines for Shanghai and the Chinese capitol city. Tianjin will be picked off by a third force that forms later after it's confirmed that the Indian forces will steamroll northward. In prep for railroads, I am routing my fast workers together and forming them in pairs before putting them in a line through my core territory so they can start building rails as soon as possible. The Army of Govina gets hit with a much larger force than anticipated, but holds out against the archaic Chinese hordes.


The southernmost Chinese cities fall to the waves of Indian riflemen. Sun Tzu DEFECTS to India after discovering the flame for bovine liberation in his heart and hearing the percussion instruments of the Indian armies as they chant their battle hymns. He's put to use making a Super Medic III recon unit for faster healing. I am also rallying troops for a few turns to take Tianjin, whip-drafting them into existence with little happiness penalties via careful timing and plenty of resources.


The Chinese capitol, Beijing, falls within 5 turns of starting the war. The current plan is to take as much as possible without going far into nowhere land. I want to swing back and hit Mongolia, then Persia before they get anywhere near rifling themselves, and I don't have rails to quickly move them back to the Middle East from East Asia. Also, Alexander is behaving rather strangely, and is vassaling-unvassaling a lot to random civs.


Mansa Musa is also one to frequently vassal and un-vassal himself, seemingly always looking for a new master. Also, the English are brainiacs in this game, apparently. We'll see if that pays off for them in the long run.


There are my updates for now. I hope that you find them entertaining; I'm looking forward to reading those of the other player(s)!
So you'll be posting irregularly with cryptic-esque updates of horse archer attacks? Sounds like TOP BILLING to me! Keep us posted, please and thank you.
I was not being cryptic, I had nothing else to share! Religion, wonders, wars, settling, great people; depends on random. 1400BC was too early to tell anything.

For example, comparing our games,
Spoiler :

In your game, Germany and America died, Hinduism spread everywhere. In my game, Hinduism and Stonehenge was not in the old world.

I play up to 200BC / T107
Spoiler :

As I said last time, I would build the Oracle.

Great prophet or great engineer, I didn't care. I thought that a forge will payoff in Persepolis because it had enough production.

The Mali are far away and not connected to anyone. I had to build the road myself.

Another road to connect to the Far East. Europe is closer, so I want to expand into Europe while trading with Asia. As much as I prefer units, I built a monastry to spread Buddhism to Greece and on the way to Russia. I wanted Rome and Greece to have different religions, Germany and Russia to have different religions. I wanted to reduce the likelihood that, when I attack someone, that they bring in some friends to help.

One point about economic management. I delayed granaries. I won't need them until I have a military unit that costs more than 30 production. Mecca is my only coastal city so far. Explore with fishing boats!

Now that I have captured the Great Wall, I can free up some units that were previously on patrol duty. I posted this picture to explain a strategic decision. I attacked across the river, against a city with walls, immediately. I did not waste one turn going across the river. I wanted to attack before the enemy can reposition their units.

My next targets are probably Germany and Russia but everything depends. I still have some chariots left over.



  • plains cow response BC-0200.CivBeyondSwordSave
    317.5 KB · Views: 1
I was not being cryptic, I had nothing else to share! Religion, wonders, wars, settling, great people; depends on random. 1400BC was too early to tell anything.

For example, comparing our games,
Spoiler :

In your game, Germany and America died, Hinduism spread everywhere. In my game, Hinduism and Stonehenge was not in the old world.

I play up to 200BC / T107
Spoiler :

As I said last time, I would build the Oracle.
View attachment 691883
Great prophet or great engineer, I didn't care. I thought that a forge will payoff in Persepolis because it had enough production.

The Mali are far away and not connected to anyone. I had to build the road myself. View attachment 691884

Another road to connect to the Far East. Europe is closer, so I want to expand into Europe while trading with Asia. As much as I prefer units, I built a monastry to spread Buddhism to Greece and on the way to Russia. I wanted Rome and Greece to have different religions, Germany and Russia to have different religions. I wanted to reduce the likelihood that, when I attack someone, that they bring in some friends to help.
View attachment 691885

One point about economic management. I delayed granaries. I won't need them until I have a military unit that costs more than 30 production. Mecca is my only coastal city so far. Explore with fishing boats!
View attachment 691886

Now that I have captured the Great Wall, I can free up some units that were previously on patrol duty. I posted this picture to explain a strategic decision. I attacked across the river, against a city with walls, immediately. I did not waste one turn going across the river. I wanted to attack before the enemy can reposition their units.
View attachment 691887

My next targets are probably Germany and Russia but everything depends. I still have some chariots left over.

Wow, love your approach. I generally don't wage wars in early era because I am afraid of war not going my way and then falling way behind others and so focuses solely on economics.

Please keep us posted, would love to watch more.
Very cool! Are you going to play though the entire map with us? If you're going to do so with regular and detailed updates, I'd be happy to add you to the group in the title so long as @Shikhar Agrawal was OK with it. You're going to have a lot of civs on your borders now with diplo considerations. I wanted to minimize my borders touching too many different civilizations until my snowball was too big to stop from turning into an avalanche. Plus, crushing China gives you better land and resources than Arabia, imo. You have a lot of places to expand, but so does Russia, Greece, and Rome now. What are you going to do next?
Sure, anyone who feels like joining can join. I would love to watch more styles of playing and learn and incorporate them. I am especially very weak in using spy(I just ignore the whole spy thing) would be great if someone won using heavily spies.
Time for the next update! I had a loooooong time with pretty much nothing happening but more of the above, so I only took pics of relevant happenings once things started to pick up steam.

Spoiler Update 2: War with China! :

.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand America is dead. I don't know who for sure killed them, but I have a hunch it'll be a man with lots of feathers in his hat. Also, religions have been spreading like wildfire, but everyone is Hindu. After my neighbors convert to Hinduism, so do I for better relations. All the major powers are Hindu, and the minor powers flip-flop between faiths randomly except for Hatty who sticks with Christianity (which she founded). I was able to settle successfully into Southern China and all the way through Thailand and Indonesia. Japan already has claims on Australia, but that's OK because I have started to spread around religions in cities that are getting culture pressed. I plan on attacking at rifling, and China's Qin is always reluctant to be a civ that techs military as a priority. I have an orphaned crab inside my cultural borders, but I don't care since I'm pressing harder into the mainland with my cities. Despite being originally full of jungle, I knew that with fast workers (quickly becoming my favorite UU), the land would be amazing once developed. I'm using science from religious buildings and organized religion civic to get the most out of my whips to race to rifling. The tech trading is pretty slow between everyone, but I try to speed things up when I can. Basically feels like I'm speed-civing my way through this Monarch campaign lol

View attachment 691871

Here's a shot of my core territory. Hinduism has been slow to spread, but it's not bad considering I have so many happiness resources. Been slapping missionaries into border cities to make sure I can build cultural buildings; it seems like China is pushing culture. Persia is no threat at all. I plan to sweep counter-clockwise to take out as many civs and get as much land as possible to just snowball my way to domination. It feels good to get back into posting games here, and this has been a fun way to stretch my legs thus far. Eagle-eyed minimap spotters will see that I've also settled a city in the middle of South Africa for the memes.

View attachment 691872

Someone get the cooks to start frying up some khichdi! We have some draftees to feed! The Globe Theater is placed in my capital because I am clinically insane when playing Monarch (and I want a nice stage to show off my plains cows), and I whip-draft constantly. I also make trebs because I haven't gone to steel and railroads yet, but I plan to zip to there next. They also upgrade fairly cheaply into cannons. I rally two armies at the border of China. Also, the world is more and more Hindu over time. It's a great opportunity to soon beg for gold from "pleased" AIs so that my flanks are secure as I crush the Chinese. I also have built a lot of windmills, which are perhaps my #2 favorite tile improvement not only because they offer food in hilly areas, but they're also pretty fun to watch spin around, which is way more important than any strategic value a tile improvement could have.

View attachment 691873

The War of Cow Liberation begins! The southernmost army, the Army of Govinda, surges to Nanjing to free the holdout moo'ers to the north while the northernmost army, the Army of Shiva, beelines for Shanghai and the Chinese capitol city. Tianjin will be picked off by a third force that forms later after it's confirmed that the Indian forces will steamroll northward. In prep for railroads, I am routing my fast workers together and forming them in pairs before putting them in a line through my core territory so they can start building rails as soon as possible. The Army of Govina gets hit with a much larger force than anticipated, but holds out against the archaic Chinese hordes.

View attachment 691874

The southernmost Chinese cities fall to the waves of Indian riflemen. Sun Tzu DEFECTS to India after discovering the flame for bovine liberation in his heart and hearing the percussion instruments of the Indian armies as they chant their battle hymns. He's put to use making a Super Medic III recon unit for faster healing. I am also rallying troops for a few turns to take Tianjin, whip-drafting them into existence with little happiness penalties via careful timing and plenty of resources.

View attachment 691875

The Chinese capitol, Beijing, falls within 5 turns of starting the war. The current plan is to take as much as possible without going far into nowhere land. I want to swing back and hit Mongolia, then Persia before they get anywhere near rifling themselves, and I don't have rails to quickly move them back to the Middle East from East Asia. Also, Alexander is behaving rather strangely, and is vassaling-unvassaling a lot to random civs.

View attachment 691876

Mansa Musa is also one to frequently vassal and un-vassal himself, seemingly always looking for a new master. Also, the English are brainiacs in this game, apparently. We'll see if that pays off for them in the long run.

View attachment 691877

There are my updates for now. I hope that you find them entertaining; I'm looking forward to reading those of the other player(s)!
Great, just one question. Was there any particular reason you went for rifleman instead cruis or cavalry.
I was not being cryptic, I had nothing else to share! Religion, wonders, wars, settling, great people; depends on random. 1400BC was too early to tell anything.

For example, comparing our games,
Spoiler :

In your game, Germany and America died, Hinduism spread everywhere. In my game, Hinduism and Stonehenge was not in the old world.

I play up to 200BC / T107
Spoiler :

As I said last time, I would build the Oracle.
View attachment 691883
Great prophet or great engineer, I didn't care. I thought that a forge will payoff in Persepolis because it had enough production.

The Mali are far away and not connected to anyone. I had to build the road myself. View attachment 691884

Another road to connect to the Far East. Europe is closer, so I want to expand into Europe while trading with Asia. As much as I prefer units, I built a monastry to spread Buddhism to Greece and on the way to Russia. I wanted Rome and Greece to have different religions, Germany and Russia to have different religions. I wanted to reduce the likelihood that, when I attack someone, that they bring in some friends to help.
View attachment 691885

One point about economic management. I delayed granaries. I won't need them until I have a military unit that costs more than 30 production. Mecca is my only coastal city so far. Explore with fishing boats!
View attachment 691886

Now that I have captured the Great Wall, I can free up some units that were previously on patrol duty. I posted this picture to explain a strategic decision. I attacked across the river, against a city with walls, immediately. I did not waste one turn going across the river. I wanted to attack before the enemy can reposition their units.
View attachment 691887

My next targets are probably Germany and Russia but everything depends. I still have some chariots left over.

KEEP PLAYING. It's like a reverse of Lord Indra lolol
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