Plan for Next Turn

Go to 70% max Science Rate. We have 3 Entertainers. Every year or two, a city somewhere will grow and face rioting, Castle Jayne indeed in 3 turns! Consider checking all cities each turn for the need for an Entertainer, move a worker to maximize trade or production, you know.

The Elysium Entertainer will be resolved in 1 one year by the Legion. Similarly, RC by the Temple. Mordhiemia will remain a problem for some time, because its output is need to guard the newborn M1, Octavia's Point. Castle Jayne will also need entertainment, and other cities perhaps as well.

The populace wants to maintain a cash horde, but approves special IPRB projects. Castle Jayne, one Phalanx after another, seems to warrant $8 once for each Phalanx. Not so sure about RC building the RC Diplomat.

From Aonia RC Poll:
With Temple, no more Elvis, Regia Civitas works in ocean until Road is built.
RC to build Diplomat, spend $11 twice (or once?) to complete in 4 turns.
LN Settler to build one more Road
(East of LN, charging the Settler in LN will save a turn, then move RC worker),
do not finish connecting road at this time, go found F2 quite quickly.
We need about 60 gold at all times, otherwise IPRB $8 as needed.
Then send RC Dip to Dellham or M1, somewhere West or North

The RC Temple will be done in 1 turn, the Dip 4-5 turns later, then what?
There was 1 vote for Library, and one for Wonder. MonkE & I choose Library.

Move Little Nemo serfs north, to newly built Road. Give TFalls the lower GLS.

From Aonia Elysium Poll:
Legion to escort Queen Jayne in to Elysium to guard our great statue (in addition to the one measly Warrior). Since we can rehome the Legion later, lets not rehome it now. Put workers on Gems. At 30% Tax, that will be 12 Trade, 4 tax + 8 Science. Then spend $11 (IPRB War=10) to complete a Phalanx in 3 turns. Then build a Temple. Upon completion (8 turns, far future) the Warrior could be released to control riot in F2, and we might then build a Library, or Wonder...

Castle Jayne spends $4 to speed Phalanx, so completes its own Phalanx in 5 turns, with Elvis for the last couple turns. Then start a Phalanx to send to Iron City, again IPRB $4 or $8. LN Settler will found F2. TFalls Settler will walk over here and build a Road for Castle Jayne serfs (badly needed), then Road for Elysium serfs in lieu of Gems.

From the Aonia TF LN Civ poll:
Little Nemo IPRB Warriors=$2, change to build a Settler instead
TFalls to complete Settlers in 5 turns
Send TFalls Settler to road Elysium - whatever that means
Civvium to complete Settlers in 5 turns
Civvium to support Warrior (currently TFalls)
Civ Settler to build 1 road, in GLS at N NE spot
Civ Settler to proceed N to F3 and found city on Forest (S of hill)
Send RC Dip to Dellham or M1, somewhere West or North

I then elaborate in that thread, comes down to this:
In 5 turns, TFalls will have completed a Settler.
Walk 2 N and build a Road.
Then NW if the F2 Site, do not build a road.
Then NW is the Elysium Silk, build a road there.
Then NW? again and the road to Elysium is complete!

Little Nemo is building another Settler.
That will begin by finishing the Road to Regia Civitas!

Civvium and TFalls are building Settlers. Then Civvium to start a Temple, TFalls to start another Settler, I guess.

Regarding naming F2, F3 and G2NE. You may not get that far. Each of those Settlers has a bit of work before founding a city. If one does found a city, I'd recommend using the symbolic name, and start construction of a Settler (or Warrior? Archer? depends.) If required to furnish names, how about this: G2NE Neuma, F2 Lucy's Way, Duke's Way, or ... Nemo's Way, Gabba Gabba. For F3, Serutan suggests Nautilus! Or Fort Anarchy, Gabba Gabba etc.

Regarding Boreum Province:
Please name the new M1 city the people's choice: Octavia's Point.

In Boreum Settler MultiPoll at 9:23 PM I posted starting:
Jayne, you mean, "A Road for every Serf"? I like it!
There I describe a plan for Boreum, which provides for the safety of M1 Octavia's Point, two roads, and the founding of a city now called G2NE by Rout and me (further down the thread).

You can also see where Leowind and I discussed sending a Phalanx to our northern shore, the B1 Whale Site. But My Queen, we have no such Phalanx at this time. That is the problem with the B1 Whale Site. Same problem with the Iron City Site. Enemy, no Phalanx, no Archer, "Give me more Units!". Those plans need to wait, seems to me.

Regarding Chryshe Province: MonkE's plans appear sound.

Report respectfully submitted, Ready to Move, Your Domestic Advisor.
Hot news from the duke:
Can I just ask why we haven't uncovered the black square to the east of Dellham and the north-east of Reneaux yet? It does come into Dellham's city radius and we'll be kicking ourselves if we find that there's either a hut there or further land.
Good point, duke! For one turn, Reneaux is tied up with police action. Then it builds a Settler (destined to quickly found M1), and the Reneaux Chariot could dash up there and peek, then come back.

We have a similar problem W SW of TFalls, with a similar solution after the Settler is built in 5 turns. But we may need an entertainer for one turn to explore it!
Sorry if I've not done anything you've put in your post. I was actually playing when you posted it, but couldn't get online until this morning! I had a straight forward turn, the only problem being that CJ rioted, when I thought it would be OK because I thought the phalanx would build at the same time!. Anything I've missed this time, I shall do next!
..we should go look at W SW of TFalls

The special will lie due west, not within TF boundaries, a city would need to be sited where the forest is NE of TF.
Sorry if the diagram is a bit misleading;)

If it's not too soon, I'll go again tomorrow at about 1900GMT. I still have lots of stuff from the previous turn to do. Anything else/new post below.

You're right, several old plans are in place. Can I take a look around Saturday Noon (16:00 GMT?) in 23 hours, and write up a few new plans?

Open: RC Library? Found F3 on Forest, or irrigate first? Plan for Castle Jayne and Iron City. Diplomats. Name for M1 seems Octavia's Point, send guard and let Mordhiemia suffer. Name for F2 seems Gabba Gabba. Boreum & Chryshe. Can you grant us Tax Relief?
The will of the people would appear to be Currency as the tech to take as our "free" one when we get Philosophy. That should make Trade our next research goal. The voting in the alternate tech thread is still too close to call, but at this juncture Horseback Riding has a bit of an edge over Map Making :eek: My suggestion, my queen, would be that if Trade should be unavailable for research when the time comes, to check the Alternate Tech thread and see how the voting stands there, as it could change by the time you play and I'll likely not have time to make another report.

Philosophy (currently researching)
"free" tech when we get Philosophy: Currency
next tech to research: Trade
alternate tech to research: Horseback Riding, but double check the poll.
Originally posted by MonkE
Isn't Trade the next one?
:blush: yes, that's what I meant to say. Don't know where my brain was at that moment, but obviously not with the rest of me :rolleyes: I've edited my post, and thank you for pointing out my error.:cringe:
Foreign advisor report:
Still the same...
Exchange of useless techs (so no bronzeworking, warrior code or monarchy) but nothing else.
Don't give money, don't ask for it.
We don't need their maps, once we've got mapmaking we'll find out where they are soon enough.
Go to 70% max Science Rate. There were quite a few votes for RC Library, it is our largest beaker producer, and nothing else but a Dip or Wonder makes sense. Let's build the Library. TFalls to start another Settler. Send Dip to Dellham or somewhere up North.

Found F2 on Gap Plains, Gabba Gabba. Little Nemo completes Settler, and starts another; new Settler completes Road to RC on GrassLandShield. New TFalls Settler, walk N N to complete the Road LN to F2. Then go road the Silk. TFalls to start another Settler, Civvium an Archer or Dip. Civvium Settler to build the One Road on GLS and head up to F3, Forest S of Hill. Perhaps you can stop making game turns so we can carefully decide, Irrigate or Found first on Forest.

Regarding Boreum, I feel the Mord Phalanx must march right now up to M1 to guard the new City, Octavia's Point. Mord will need Elvis. Ditto for Dellham, Phalanx to march south now fastest way, escort Settler to found "Iron City" (Temp name, ainwood, where ARE you?)

MD Settler, take Road, walk W NW NW NW to Road One GLS (for use by Mordhiemia, then proceed to G2NE site.

Mordhiemia, since Phalanx is released, it will immediately need a guard. A Warrior would be ok, but $19 Rush Buy Phalanx seems warranted. A better all-purpose unit, but no time for an Archer right now. Then start another unit.

Dellham, since Phalanx is marching south to guard Iron City, change to Phalanx in 2 turns. Or build an Archer if that makes sense.

CJ may need Elvis for one turn to complete Phalanx. Not sure.

All new cities to start units. M1 Settlers? F2 Caravan? F2 will get a warrior police from Elysium in time (March after the Temple of Elysium is completed)

Perhaps no IPRB? Seems we need $19 in Mordhiemia right now. If money becomes available, spend $4 or $8 wherever you feel we have a priority. If not CF or the North, consider funding the Civvium Diplomat. (Civvium will build its Temple next, but a Dip or Archer for now). Where else in the North can we build a Diplomat? Then let treasury drift up to $100.

I'll move again tomorrow at approx 1930GMT. Please post instuction including: techs wanted, route to send Viking Exploratory Team, new city sites and names, any build queues and production changes. Please make it concise so I don't make any mistakes.

After Trade is researched, our goal is Astronomy. This means reasearch:


(Edited) Horseback Riding actually has won out over Map Making as our alternate tech to take if none of the above are available. HBR leads to Monotheism, and I think we should do all we can to get Map Making from the Vikings, either by trading or by stealing/conquering.
The new foreign advisor comment:
From what I've heard around here people want us to take any Viking settlement on our continent. We want our reputation to remain spotless (for the time...) so when we encounter Vikings just demand tech (mapmaking) or gold. If they give it it would be nice, otherwise they declare war which will allow us to take any city they founded on our continent without hurting our reputation.

Don't give money or tech.
Demand mapmaking and gold, get them to declare war on us.
Take any city the founded on our continent.
That's what is intended. I'm not usually that bothered with reputation unless I'm trying to make the game harder for myself and fairer for the AI, but we can do it here. It may be useful if we find that the Russians are far stronger than we are and have spread widely, as the white civs often do. Can I suggest that we goad the Vikings before any of our units have moved rather than after our turn, letting them have a free shot at us first. :goodjob:
I prefer taking their city by inciting a revolt: you get all their units and you don't destroy the city when it's small. When you destroy the city you don't get mapmaking either! :eek:
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