• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Planning ahead - announcement


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
If you've been around past demogames you may remember that I start asking for announcement material about this point in the planning stage. I have the capability to post the main page update, but not the literary style or creativity to do a good job on making it enticing to prospective players. That's where you come in -- give me ideas, preferably in the form of already written material. I'll take input, edit it, and post it on the main page when we're ready.
So this is something that would be posted on the front page of CFC as a kind of advertisement to encourage new players to join, correct? Just making sure I've got the right end of the stick. :)

Maybe it'd be an idea to refer back to the last announcement about the last demogame starting, and use that as a rough guide. I'll look into it.
I think we'll want more than one announcement.

  • 1st one very soon to say that game prep is underway and preliminary team formation
  • 2nd one a few days later, after we've seen whether more teams will be formed as a result of the 1st announcement, saying that official signups are open
  • 3rd one when we're completely ready to start the game

Need material for the 1st one as soon as possible. Thanks! :)
Can anyone provide me with a link to a previous preliminary message so I can see the style? I'll draft one up then :)
OK DaveShack, How about this for a start?



This is an announcement of the second CIV BTS Multi-Team Democracy Game (MTDG).

The game is currently being planned, and teams are being formed. If you would like to participate, please visit the BTS MTDG forum and sign on to one of the teams listed.
[Insert Link to Forum Here]

All are welcome


What is a Multi Team Democracy Game (MTDG)?
A Multi Team Democracy Game (or Demogame) is a game played by a large community of players who split up into a number of teams, each team choosing a civilization to control. Each team gets to discuss their teams strategy in their own private forum. How each team operates within their private forum is entirely up to them, but as a general guideline, some form of discussion is held via posting, to decide upon the best course of action for their civilization. Once they have decided upon a course of action, one member of their team physically plays the turn.

What version of the game are you using?
Civilization IV Beyond the Sword, patch 3.19.

Is this a single-player or multiplayer?
This is a Multiplayer game using the PitBoss technology to take the turns.

What is PitBoss?
PitBoss (Persistent Turn-Based Server or PTBS) is a piece of software that enables people to login and play their turn at their own pace. It incorporates an internal timer that can be optionally used to set a time limit within people should play, ranging from an hour to days. The turn rotates as soon as all have played their turn or the time limit is reached, what ever comes first. If the time limit is reached PitBoss will automatically end the turn and proceed to the next one, so everyone that hadn't played up to that point will miss the turn.

How do I play?
That depends on how much you want to get involved. The Steps are as follows:
1. First you have to join one of the teams (or start your own).
2. Decide what level of participation you wish to devote to your team. Participation can range from passively reading the posts made by other people and contributing your thoughts where appropriate, all the way up to actively posting and creating new threads in your private team forum, and playing the turn on a regular basis. Of course your level of activity could be anywhere between the above two extremes, but as a general guideline, the more you put into your team the more you get out of it.

How much work is involved after I join?
No obligations are made unless a particular team specifically demands more involvement from its members. Each team and each individual decides how much they will be involved. The only exception, is that at least one member of the team will need to log into Pitboss and physically play the team's turn.

By joining the game do I commit to finish it?
We encourage everyone in the game to play all the way to the bitter end... however, participation is purely voluntary. Activity levels generally ebb and flow as real life commitments dictate...

What kind of people play this kind of games?
There is no experience requirement to participate. Everyone is welcome, and all kinds of CIV players with all kinds of experience levels play. Expect to meet fun people, people who like to talk, people who like team play, people with ambitions, curious people, civ addicts, all kinds of people who love CIV just like you!

How many teams are participating?
There are currently six teams, however, if there is sufficient participation, more teams may ultimately be added. The six teams currently slated to participate are:

[List all the teams with links to the Team threads here]

Are any rules in effect?
Each team will have a set of rules and there will be another set of rules common to all. Most of the rules are still being defined as the teams form.

Do I have to own a copy of the game?
No, you do not need a copy of the game to participate. Even without a copy of the game, you can still post in the forums and participate in team discussion. There are always several Demogame players that do not actually own a copy of CIV BTS. However, it will be useful to own a copy in order to have a better understanding of how the game works. Also, if you want to be a turnplayer, you must have the game installed to be able to log in to Pitboss and play the turns.

Do I need to install any special software or alter my files?
No. The game is being played with the standard version of CIV BTS (patch 3.19). You will not need to install any Mods or other special files to play.

Alot of this language is adopted from Apolyton... feel free to edit or revise to make it a suitable announcement for CFC.:)
My 2 cents: Seems a little long... personally I'd probably try and incorporate several of the things in the FAQ section into the blurb at the top. But that's just me. Nice work anyway. :)
Looks pretty good -- maybe a little too long, thoughts on splitting it into an attention grabbing front page article and an information FAQ as a forum sticky?
Any graphics oriented folks wanna take a shot at a nice eyecatcher image?
Shaka WANTS... YOU!​

The Game to end all Games is here!- CIV BTS MTDG II lets give CIV the sendoff it deserves!​

This is an announcement of the second CIV BTS Multi-Team Democracy Game (MTDG).

The last CIV BTS MTDG was won by Team Kazakhstan, in a sudden, controversial finish. This can not stand! The grudge match is on, and teams are already being formed.

Which team will emerge victorious? Only you can decide that… The game will be starting very soon.

If you would like to participate, please visit the
BTS MTDG Forum and sign on to one of the teams listed.

All are welcome! For answers to the most common questions click here to get the MTDG F.A.Q.s.

For other questions, visit the BTS MTDG Forum.
:lol: That came directly from HUSch's suggested language (which I included, especially since HUSch was the only person who actually submitted some suggested language)... but now that you mention it:mischief: May as well call em like you see em'...

Anyway... That statement sounded better than... "the last game ended in an unsatisfying collapse over controversy, where everyone quit except Kazakhstan..."

At any rate I hope it does create controversy, because that is the whole idea... to stir up emotion, interest, egos, and get everyone's fighting spirit going so that we can have a game... and soon.

So I hope we can get an announcement posted soon... that's whats important. Let's focus on the steak, not the peas.:goodjob:
Aside from the obvious point that the last game was actually unfinished and thus not won by anyone (thereby making the "win by Team Kaz" not actually true, and likely to be inflammatory)... ;)

...I also think this part should be skipped:
lets give CIV the sendoff it deserves!
"Sendoff"? It's not as if this'll necessarily be the last Civ4 demogame ever. After all, I believe Civ3 demogames are still going on to this day. Just because Civ5 might be coming out at the end of the year, doesn't mean that everyone is suddenly going to abandon Civ4 immediately. So I'd change this. ;)

I do like the picture of Shaka and the caption, though... very nice. :D I just hope they can keep it in the post on the homepage (maybe scaled down a bit if necessary). :)
Looks like Rik did it, though not as front page.
Wasn't the intention to have it as a front page announcement? :confused:

Also, the formatting on Rik's version needs to be... ah... fixed a bit. Looks like he just copy-pasted the post, not the actual code from when you click "edit" or "quote". Hence run-together sentences and uncentered items. ;)
Hmm, when I go into edit mode the formatting seems fine. I suspect it's in the rendering for the announcements.

The announcement shows above the threads on every Civ4 forum.
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