Planning of our second city


Oct 29, 2005
It's time to start planning our second city. At hand are two issues:

1. When to build our second Settler
2. Where to let him settle

During the last Game Session (GS 3 played by DP ravensfire), this topic has been briefly discussed. The citizen present there has - at least according to my impression - reached a consensus that:

1. The training of a Settler should start as soon as Boaring Wallow grows to size 3;
2. Once build, he should settle at the end of the large peninsula where our civilization has started, near the newly discovered Horses:

More details to the idea above:

During the last Game Session, as soon as we finished our second Warrior (the first one we build ourselves) and started training a third one, we switched Boaring Wallow's working tiles back to the two Flood Plains in order to maximize Population growth. It's planned that we switch one of them to the Pigs once the Worker completes the Pasture. That way, Boaring Wallow should grow to size 3 in 7 turns. At that time the third Warrior won't be finished yet, however we may start training the Settler nonetheless - another combi-build like we've done with the Worker. After the Settler finishes, let the Warrior currently guarding Boaring Wallow escout him, while we finish the third Warrior.

The suggested settling location shown in the map above has numerous strong advantages:

- It helps us secure the Horses;
- It "seals off" the peninsula where our civ has started, so we can have it all for ourselves;
- It functions as a good front post towards the Mongols;
- It's coastal, providing great development opportunities and giving us an early start on naval advancements;
- It has a Wheat within its working border to help it grow fast.
Your propsal sounds good
It not only secures horses, it denies the Mongolians from their apparent nearest source of horses. Which means they may also want that spot, and we need to get it settled quickly.

Should we send our warrior there now, or is it too early? The next warrior can stay in BW. The third warrior won't be built in time to protect the settler, and it would be devistating to lose the settler this early.
GeorgeOP said:
Should we send our warrior there now, or is it too early? The next warrior can stay in BW. The third warrior won't be built in time to protect the settler, and it would be devistating to lose the settler this early.

This is definitely worth discussing. We don't want to send out the Warrior *too* early, because the Settler would then have no protection until he catches up with the Warrior.
Certanly a location to look into. I would also like to present a proposal for any future cities we plan to build. The Yellow indicates the current decided settler area (A) while the red (B) indicates the possibility of a third city area.

Note: The X is the same as A, I only made the X during the time of drawing this map so that I would know the center of the city circle
CivGeneral: I'd slide that location "B" 1 tile southeast, not only does it cut down on overlap with the capital, it snags the clams and gives us a port on the opposite side of the peninsula.
I'd go a then b because a allows b but b does not neccarly allow a. Its simple math. ALso I was about to propose that!
Mr. G said:
CivGeneral: I'd slide that location "B" 1 tile southeast, not only does it cut down on overlap with the capital, it snags the clams and gives us a port on the opposite side of the peninsula.

Exactly. B1 (SE of B) has Clams and is coastal, it's every bit superior than B.

But, we should limit this discussion to our *next* city. And I don't think you would suggest settling at B (B1) *before* A.
Blkbird said:
And I don't think you would suggest settling at B (B1) *before* A.
Not at all. I was commenting on a second location only.
Mr. G said:
Not at all. I was commenting on a second location only.

Sorry, when I said "I don't think you suggest..." I meant CivGeneral, not you.
No problem. I had assumed CivGeneral meant A before B because his post mentioned the proposal was for "any future cities we planned to build", and because he referred to your location as the "current decided settler area (A)".
Those locations certainly are desirable spots for settling. If I am elected MoI I will push for the settlement of both of these locations in the near future. Building the first settler then a defensive unit, then another settler currently seems like a good option.
Bengeance, way to be a total politician and choose neither.:rolleyes:

the area for 2nd city seems fine, however for the 3rd city i think we should build nearer the pigs on the opposite side to the east of where city 2 would be as where our capital is now we dont have tonnes of space to build more cities and land around us will fill up reasonably fast.
I believe we shouldn't decide on the second and the third cities yet, because:

1. We haven't revealed Bronze and Iron yet, which may be relevant for the city's location.

2. We haven't scouted along the coast west of Boaring Wallow yet (I started to do so with the Warrior in Game Session 2, but the next DP ravensfire gave scouting the southern region a higher priority), there may be fishing resources in the caostal water tiles which may also influence our settlement decision.

For now, it's best if we just agree on the location of the second city and the procedure of how to get it built soon. Then we'll hopefully have more information to help us find the next best city location.
I would not move the horse site inland. We'd lose access to the sea. Plus, since we're creative, our culture will grow and capture the wheat in a few turns. The site is a longshot, but seeing that it's a bottleneck, AND has horses, I say grab it!! We'll need to protect the worker building the road down to that site.
Blkbird said:
I believe we shouldn't decide on the second and the third cities yet, because:

1. We haven't revealed Bronze and Iron yet, which may be relevant for the city's location.

2. We haven't scouted along the coast west of Boaring Wallow yet (I started to do so with the Warrior in Game Session 2, but the next DP ravensfire gave scouting the southern region a higher priority), there may be fishing resources in the caostal water tiles which may also influence our settlement decision.

For now, it's best if we just agree on the location of the second city and the procedure of how to get it built soon. Then we'll hopefully have more information to help us find the next best city location.
Yes, but once we set up the Chokepoint, the entire Penisula will be ours to settle at our own leisure.
Just remember, the AI knows how to use galleys now.
Chieftess said:
I would not move the horse site inland. We'd lose access to the sea. Plus, since we're creative, our culture will grow and capture the wheat in a few turns. The site is a longshot, but seeing that it's a bottleneck, AND has horses, I say grab it!! We'll need to protect the worker building the road down to that site.
Please, madam, I don't believe anyone suggested to move it?
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