Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

## Show Natural Wonders with CTRL F ##
			if theKey == int(InputTypes.KB_F) and self.bCtrl:
				return 1
## Show Natural Wonders with CTRL F ##
		return 0

	def showNaturalWonders(self):
		iPlayer = CyGame().getActivePlayer()
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		for i in xrange(CyMap().numPlots()):
			pPlot = CyMap().plotByIndex(i)
			iFeature = pPlot.getFeatureType()
			if iFeature == -1: continue
			if CyGame().GetWorldBuilderMode() or pPlot.isRevealed(pPlayer.getTeam(), False):
				FeatureInfo = gc.getFeatureInfo(iFeature)
				if FeatureInfo.getType().find("FEATURE_PLATY_") == -1: continue
				sText = FeatureInfo.getDescription() + " (" + str(pPlot.getX()) + ", " + str(pPlot.getY()) +")"
				CyInterface().addMessage(iPlayer,True,60,sText,'',0, FeatureInfo.getButton(),ColorTypes(11),pPlot.getX(),pPlot.getY(), True,True)
Thanks platy, your Planets mapscript solution is working great!:cool::scan:
(behold.. Swamp Planet!)

Looking over your code, I see that in generateTerrain you let it choose a type for each Planet (Area) with iType = iArea % 2 ; it's a good solution that I hadn't thought of in my past attempts. I would guess that to add new climate types, the modder would update this to iType = iArea % n (where n is the number of types), and then add the required number of elements to the arrays at the end of initFractals. Nice job, it's truly an advance of galactic importance. :scan::cool::goodjob:
Have fun.
Not sure if it is intended, but your marsh desert check is only checking the vertically and horizontally adjacent plots. Diagonal ones are ignored.
Hi, Platyping. Have a nice day :) I have question. I use your True Prophets. It works fine :) Unfortunately, I also use great female persons by Saibothlieh. Is here some way how add Great female prophet in your script, please?
Is there a way to change a civ's name, adjective, and/or color through python?
The BUG mod allows you to change the colour of your nation so changing a nation's colour is possible. Not sure about the rest - but interested in the answer.
Everything is sdk work, unless you only care about the scoreboard and foreign advisor which is python
Ultrapack Tech Screen

1) Fix BTS bug where switching players in debug mode will NOT change the UU and UB shown.

2) Adds 2 buttons to A) Hide Researched Techs, B) Hide Cannot be Researched Techs


It will work if the female ones are same unit class prophets.
Temporary fix for techscreen for new techs gained when hide researched activated
This should be correct, if I understand it. However, for female Prophets found religion still does not appear :(
Tried and tested...
Even war elephant with prophet unit class can do it.
Unless you are not using the latest version...


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