Played Turns


Jul 7, 2003
Arizona, USA

This is where whoever played the turn will post what happened/Screenshots. Everyturn take at least 1 screenshot to help us know whats going on.

Turn 0: 4000BC
Settled on Spot, Moved Worker SE, Started IW at 100%.

City View:

Turn 2 3900 BC

All I did was to change worker to warrior, city growth is due in 5 turns and warrior is due in two turns, so we can begin to discuss our initial exploration.
Security is not needed, as we are to produce a worker right away.
This early worker will assure us an early industrial lead, indirectly compensating us for not having the agro trait.

About the demographics, we are the strongest economy due to our industrious trait, and all cities are even..


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Turn 3.

Warrior is one turn from completion, so we need to discuss where to explore, and have in mind we are researching for ironworking, so it is critical we observe as many highrises as possible. I suggest to send the warrior Eastwards, towards the barely visible hill along the coast.


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Turn 4

I sent the warrior south as a slight majority wanted, remember I was torn between East and South, so I did this democratically. I roaded the Cow with the worker, which will last a couple of turns. The plan now is to irrigate and road the wheat with the worker, and use the new worker to road up the ivory, this choice will net us 3 more or more foods, in case we dislocate the worker for a project while waiting.

About ranking, as we lead militarily, we can only assume the Iroqis, lead by Daveshack, did not produce a warrior, but a worker. As we as player 2 are now ranked one in military service.

So I guess the builds are

Doughnut Worker - Warrior
TNT Warrior - Worker
MIA Warrior - Worker
KISS Worker - Warrior


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Turn 5.

Xerxes went southwards, and we see a lot of foodplains along the river...
I also amended the tech slider from 100 % to 90 %, and added 10 % luxes in order to accomodate more growth, we turn to Pop2 next turn. We will have one more worker in a couple of turns. Hopefully, the team agrees on the next builds as planned in the spreadsheet.


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Turn 8 counts, but strider added no graphics.

If he followed my instructions, we should have the new worker sent to the Elephant tile for roading, and irrigating wheat with nr 1 worker, the warrior went farther south and discovered a southern mountain range and some forests. Also, I assume he turned slider back to 100 % research. Please check on this.

For future reference, anyone playing the save must post demographics and the map, as well as writing an action log.


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Provolution said:
Turn 8 counts, but strider added no graphics.

If he followed my instructions, we should have the new worker sent to the Elephant tile for roading, and irrigating wheat with nr 1 worker, the warrior went farther south and discovered a southern mountain range and some forests. Also, I assume he turned slider back to 100 % research. Please check on this.

For future reference, anyone playing the save must post demographics and the map, as well as writing an action log.

I did add graphics...
well the sites did not work out...

attach files instead the normal way please.
Provolution said:
well the sites did not work out...

attach files instead the normal way please.

I did orginally try, neither of them work ;).

The only thing that I really did was move the warrior onto the hill. I figured we can continue south from there, and also get to see some of our western area also. It was abunch of forest/grassland with another river.

Everything else is the same.
Anyways, I played as Strider could not post screenies, and did the exact same moves as he did. It seems we got a river complex to the Southwest of Dancing Banana. We also lost 10 % on the slider (23-20 turns, loss of 3 turns for Iron Working, reestimated at a loss of 3 % research effectiveness with an index reduction from 100-97, I suggest to look closely on the happy faces in each city and adjust slider painstakingly accordingly to maximize output).

I will not let the slider slide again, and keep the slider at the optimal max from now on. Except for the slider, everything went by the book, and Strider was wise to climb that mountain for maximizing intelligence gains.

About the early and many workers. Trait industrious suggests that we we can build more and better roads and make the Immortals transit where and when at our whim. Immortals require a strong road system to make us win, so we can choose timing, setting and allocation for battles. In fact, a intelligent and thoughtful road system shall win us the way, as well as better tile improvements, we got a 33 % stronger efficiency on workers, let us maximize it.

We are also one population down to Team Doughnut, which also suggests our strategies parted. They know we made workers, but will never suspect we can make two settlers that fast with limber subsidies, so I have good hopes in spite of the very marginal slider loss.

Also, we got more units than anyone else with that worker, and we got the smallest population. Yet, we got the strongest economic growth, as you will see turns 15-20. Be certain we will lead by turn 30.


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Turn 9 Demographics

But look! :)

We are the only one with the early worker. Now we are the only nation capable of roading up the road for our new settlers and save new city production time, as well as rush settlers with chopping wood! Our double worker capacity is no less than 266 % to their 100 %, cross indexed 2 2/3 to 1.

In this period, turn 9-30 (21 turns), 56 workerturns to 21 workerturns.
This is now our key advantage, yet, we need to rushbuild those two settlers with chopping and develop two new settler factories with these. Hopefully, one on each river, both next to forests in order to rushbuild new improvements.

I also got our slider back to 100 % science.


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Turn 9 Map

Going south, we see forests and hills, suggesting good riverine sites for limber-rushed settler factories, suggesting we may need pottery and ceremonial burial in quick sequence, then wheel, and possibly we should get mathemathics and construction. Now we are producing a warrior.


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Turn10 Demographics

We are still the only team with the early worker, which suggests the other teams go wholesale with early settlers, in particular the agro civs, Iroq and Celts. Yet, we have the highest output per capita and largest military force (that extra worker).
They do not know we will rush two settlers very quickly, with lumber.


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Turn 10, Map

The wheat irrigation and the connection of the ivory completed this turn, so I changed the tilemanagement from Cow to Wheat, making the city grow in 2, not 3 turns, but delaying garrison warrior from 3 to 4. Yet, our 100 % approval rate means that our 17000 inhabitants are rich, fat and happy. We are preparing for chopping the forests for churning out two quick settlers, and ample forests farther down suggests we may logrush further granaries in the two new settler factories and conceivably make Dancing Banana a wonder city at a later stage.

Our present dilemma for scouting warrior (Xerxes) is to turn West, follow mountain to the end, turn East and follow to the end, or continue south.
Another dilemma, should we continue on the inner or the outer rim.

I have now renamed the warrior Xerxes, and the workers in the Dancing Banana tradition (I am to name workers inspired by the city they were produced) for Josephine Baker and Banana Joe.


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Turn 11 Map

Demographics are the same, except that all civilizations but us are up to Population 3. However, the map reveals an enormous Himalaya-like mountain range. We need a decision on if we should go alongside Westwards or Eastwards, or go through directly south.

Our new warrior next turn, we are free to send either West or East around Dancing Banana for a short reconnaisance trek until city reaches size 4.
We are heading for two successive settler productions after this last warrior.


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Turn12 Demographics

Curious enough, Team Doughnut, Iroqi, has produced a settler, whereas the Greeks may have produced a worker. Hard to tell, they are not at 3 POp anymore, but the Celts. I may guess their opening will be a settler as the Iroqis.
Also, we got the highest population growth now, as well as having the most military units. This will mean that we for 2 turns or so may have to use the lux slider as we complete the two settlers via logrushing, but at the same time, our two warriors will have collected ample amounts of data for where to find the critical iron. Iron Working is a little worth tech unless we find iron, and as soon we locate iron, the better city planning we can make.


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Turn 12 Map

We found the very source of the Nitro River in the southern foothills of the Blast Range, directly South, Southwest of Dancing Banana, Xerxes will go directly South from now on.

We also sent the warrior Cyrus Eastwards to that coastal hill. I would recommend him to follow the inland for some distance to the ocean, in order to make a later naval exploration worthwhile, and turn directly southeast after that hill.

Our Population will now rise in 3 turns, and production of settler will take 10 with the present population. However, timberrushing will net us 10 more shields, which require 5 shields per turn for 4 turns more, enabling us to complete the settler one or two turns after we reach Pop3, voila :).

This settler will go Southwards in order to take advantage from Dyno Rivers Foodplains and commerce bonii.


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Turn 13

Nothing new, but that we are now #3 in population with two, assumingly, we will see the other civs drop in population this turn for their settlers. Iroqis made the first.

Doughnut 1 POP, Settler and Warrior
TNT 2 POP Worker and 2 Warriors, soon settler (logrushed)
MIA 3 POP, possibly warrior and worker, very soon settler
KISS 3 POP, same as MIA I guess


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