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Playground Mod

Hmm, well I personally don't like the units for the girls that you picked out in that post, because they are a little bit mismatched size wise with the other units, and unfluid in their motion.

And then Char, Horse, and UF?
Exactly. :p

Seriously. Char is out of units, unless if someone makes a guy that is cloaked in flames or something.

And Horse has almost all of the types used up. Rifle Cavalry, Cavalry archers, Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Medium Cavalry, Lancers, Really Heavy Cavalry... What's left?
Ok, now I'm actually compiling the list.

Chase (1st unit)
Char: (none can be found ATM)
GWC (3rd unit)
Horse: Civ III Siphai

(If you note, I'm trying to make the gender mixed civs to be a bit more gender mixed in terms of the units, such as the Staff, Senso and Chase.)

Their names will probably be:

General (<insert civ name here>)
Okee, I've had a buncha real crazy ideas for mod. Many of them probably won't work, but dats okay.

1) Increase unit costs. Especially the earlier units. The main problem is the AI, it goes, "Hey, look at this! Units with stats of 4/3, and only costing 10 shields! Let's build 20 in each city and completely ignore our economy, or expansion! Huzzah!". And Omega also likes the idea of smaller armies.
2) You misspelled "Chieftain";)
3) Decrease cost of some of the super expensive wonders, such as toy store. AI tends to focus entirely on building them, despite the fact that it'll take them 40 turns to make. To compensate for the cheaperness, we could weaken the wonders a bit.
4) Increase stats of forest/allow forest to be irrigated or mined. Don't really care which one, as they both make forests more valuable and decrease the need for them to be cut down (When did you last see a group of kids take axes and cut down trees in large numbers?)
5) Decrease cost of planting spy, stealing plans, and exposing enemy spies. Increase cost of steal technology and sabotage production.
6) Increase appearance ratio of mercenaries.
7) And here's the really craziest idea. Disallow cities on inhospitable terrain (Deserts, Tundra, Jungle, Marshes) and lower the value of those tiles to 0. Dis is mainly to lessen expansion by a bit, keeps the world from being filled up with useless cities, and actually makes colonies useful, for the first time ever. Plus it keeps rouge kids around for longer periods of time, and makes the mod an even more different play experience than normal civ3.
8) If we do 7, then increase the value of flood plains by alot, making them tiny islands of worthwhile land in the middle of wasteland.
9) And Omega still wants to find some way that we can use music other than the normal civ3 music.;)
1) Increase unit costs. Especially the earlier units. The main problem is the AI, it goes, "Hey, look at this! Units with stats of 4/3, and only costing 10 shields! Let's build 20 in each city and completely ignore our economy, or expansion! Huzzah!". And Omega also likes the idea of smaller armies.
2) You misspelled "Chieftain";)
3) Decrease cost of some of the super expensive wonders, such as toy store. AI tends to focus entirely on building them, despite the fact that it'll take them 40 turns to make. To compensate for the cheaperness, we could weaken the wonders a bit.
4) Increase stats of forest/allow forest to be irrigated or mined. Don't really care which one, as they both make forests more valuable and decrease the need for them to be cut down (When did you last see a group of kids take axes and cut down trees in large numbers?)
5) Decrease cost of planting spy, stealing plans, and exposing enemy spies. Increase cost of steal technology and sabotage production.
6) Increase appearance ratio of mercenaries.
7) And here's the really craziest idea. Disallow cities on inhospitable terrain (Deserts, Tundra, Jungle, Marshes) and lower the value of those tiles to 0. Dis is mainly to lessen expansion by a bit, keeps the world from being filled up with useless cities, and actually makes colonies useful, for the first time ever. Plus it keeps rouge kids around for longer periods of time, and makes the mod an even more different play experience than normal civ3.
8) If we do 7, then increase the value of flood plains by alot, making them tiny islands of worthwhile land in the middle of wasteland.
9) And Omega still wants to find some way that we can use music other than the normal civ3 music.;)
1. Well... 4/3/1 is pretty much the basic attack, and I don't think it would change it. In fact, if we increase it, it would make the AI spend more time building units to guard their cities. (staff have mula expensive units, and that restricts their growth by a lot)
2. I will fix that.
3. Yeah... But others will remain expensive. And isn't the Toy Store, Leonardo's workshop combined with Shakespeare's Theater? So thus has to be a bit expensive?
4. Ah, but the AI will chop them down anyways. And that'll only allow FA even larger of a bonus in the scenario.
5. Why? It's set at Civ III standard.
6. Eh, why not.
7. If jungle is, then the West side of FA's empire in the scenario will be useless. I like the idea for Deserts and Tundra though. Marshes... Meh...
8. Yeah, but it'll mostly be a specialist factory.
9. Go find some that aren't copyrighted.
Just find something we might be able to use for Char, with a few modifications. Take this unit, and recolor the lightning so that it's fire-orange colored instead of white.

I would, but the DL link is broken.
1. Well... 4/3/1 is pretty much the basic attack, and I don't think it would change it. In fact, if we increase it, it would make the AI spend more time building units to guard their cities. (staff have mula expensive units, and that restricts their growth by a lot)
2. I will fix that.
3. Yeah... But others will remain expensive. And isn't the Toy Store, Leonardo's workshop combined with Shakespeare's Theater? So thus has to be a bit expensive?
4. Ah, but the AI will chop them down anyways. And that'll only allow FA even larger of a bonus in the scenario.
5. Why? It's set at Civ III standard.
6. Eh, why not.
7. If jungle is, then the West side of FA's empire in the scenario will be useless. I like the idea for Deserts and Tundra though. Marshes... Meh...
8. Yeah, but it'll mostly be a specialist factory.
9. Go find some that aren't copyrighted.

1. Well, we need some way to keep the AI from building 10 units per city, and only starting to build improvement halfway through 4rth grade.
3. I understand why it has to be expensive, but I still remember when I did that story as the Staff, and when i built embassies in everyone's cities, I found that every single civ was building the Toy Store in their capital, despite the fact that it was taking them at least 40 turns.
4. Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?:mischief:
5. Cause being different than standard civ3 is fun. And cause it would be more like what happened on Playground (Sending spies and stealing plans really wasn't that hard. At all.)
7. Ah. I forgot about dat. And with marshes, they'll just be cleared anyways, so all it's really doing is forcing the people to actually make the land they're settling in worthwhile before they settle there.
8. Yeah, but otherwise cities on flood plains will be useless, as deserts won't be producing shields anymore, and flood plains don't produce shields on their own.
9. Bah, copyrights. We don't need no stinking copyrights.
1. Well, we need some way to keep the AI from building 10 units per city, and only starting to build improvement halfway through 4rth grade.
3. I understand why it has to be expensive, but I still remember when I did that story as the Staff, and when i built embassies in everyone's cities, I found that every single civ was building the Toy Store in their capital, despite the fact that it was taking them at least 40 turns.
4. Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?:mischief:
5. Cause being different than standard civ3 is fun. And cause it would be more like what happened on Playground (Sending spies and stealing plans really wasn't that hard. At all.)
7. Ah. I forgot about dat. And with marshes, they'll just be cleared anyways, so all it's really doing is forcing the people to actually make the land they're settling in worthwhile before they settle there.
8. Yeah, but otherwise cities on flood plains will be useless, as deserts won't be producing shields anymore, and flood plains don't produce shields on their own.
9. Bah, copyrights. We don't need no stinking copyrights.

1. The AI always does that in Regicide to safeguard the king. Are you playing Regicide?
3. They do the same with The Pyramids in regular Civ III.
5. Ok, I'll consider it.
7. I'll just keep it at Tundra and Deserts.
8. How about increasing the food output of irrigated Flood Plains, and increasing the benefit of the Oasis resource?

And for the unit, I've already posted a complaint. And I found a female unit for Senso's Champion. (Just by staring at the Civ's units currently, you'd think it's an all male civ.)
Darque made a cool blue unit that if recoloured red or orange would look like he's cloaked in fire.
1. The AI always does that in Regicide to safeguard the king. Are you playing Regicide?
3. They do the same with The Pyramids in regular Civ III.
5. Ok, I'll consider it.
7. I'll just keep it at Tundra and Deserts.
8. How about increasing the food output of irrigated Flood Plains, and increasing the benefit of the Oasis resource?

1. Nope. Normal game.
8. Still would be rather pitiful shield output. I just think we should keep food the same, but raise shields to either 1 or 2.
Darque made a cool blue unit that if recoloured red or orange would look like he's cloaked in fire.

I'll take a look into recoloring it. Though my pallet skills aren't very good.

*adds yet another thing to my list of things to do*

1. Nope. Normal game.
8. Still would be rather pitiful shield output. I just think we should keep food the same, but raise shields to either 1 or 2.

1. Don't know.
8. Then make desert make 1 shield, and when mined, 2 (or 3). But unsettleable. That way it can be used for shields, and the floodplain be used for food.
Fine, we do it your way.

And as for music:
For the first era, we could use the Mesoamerica Conquest music. The World 2004 scenario had some really good music, too, that could be used for the last era (Shame I uninstalled it from my computer.... Now one of us would have to download the whole thing just to get the music.)

I'm not DLing it. My computer has less than 1 gig of space left. And I've purged most of the unnecessary files already. Curse pre Y2K technology...
Ok. And don't forget to tell me who made said files so I can put it in the credits.
Well..... I try and use easy upload button, and den I browse for files, then I click upload, den I wait. And wait. And wait. And leave computer and have good hearty meal. And den come back and wait some more. And nothing happen.
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