Playing faster late game


Dec 31, 2014
What could I do to play the turns faster?

I seldom go for a domination victory because it takes a long time to play the last turns. In my current game, I am going for a domination victory, standard sized highlands map, deity. I'm taking longer than 15 minutes per turn (2-3 minutes for the AI). I have already quick movement and quick battle on.

I find hard to keep the battlefield organized. It's a mess right now. I can do that at the beginning, but late in the game, there are too many differences in movement, plus GG and supply wagons. Besides everything moves fast. The planes that were organized in one airport and one air field, they are now scattered about.

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

I'd use a different and faster army composition. Several bombers and a few modern armor armies are enough to capture multiple cities per turn. There's no need to move that many units each turn. Also plan your angle of attack to capture capital cities as fast as possible and ignore the rest.
Looking at your low resolution, I would also deactivate as much of the UI as possible. It's very distracting.
Check out my deity domination guide:

Read your guide. Is good. I just disagree on you advocating not pillaging for gold. I found this is the only reliable source of income for upgrading units, since the rest of your economy is a warmachine.

I also noticed the missing obvious tip on attacking on two or more fronts simultaneously. My fastest pangaea conquest win was With Alexander where I spawned in the center, and then first built an army to go west, and the next one to go east. This puts additional strain on your economy and puts more emphasis on pillaging, but it's worth it. It's a helluva lot more efficient to spawn a new, more modern army 20-30 tiles closer to the next target, than to drag the giant blob half across the map.
I think my dread of having to organize and deploy that many cities and units is why I try to win quickly. It's an odd source of motivation but it's the one I have.

Blow the cities defenses to shreds with artillery or air support then swoop in with a fast moving unit to capture. Set up a production queue in your cities and check back in twenty turns. You are outstripping your opponents to such an extent in your examples that I'm not sure why you haven't already won.
Go for fewer turns, not faster turns. Try to win a domination game in under 150 turns. Check out my deity domination guide:

I read your guide. I agree with lot of it and I had already done part of it. I'm not sure about the district part. As far as I know, the discount takes into account the districts you built or captured, not the districts you pre-placed. So pre-place a district with discount is always advantageous. This is also harder with Gaul. I could not built districts next to the city center.

I'd use a different and faster army composition. Several bombers and a few modern armor armies are enough to capture multiple cities per turn. There's no need to move that many units each turn. Also plan your angle of attack to capture capital cities as fast as possible and ignore the rest.

I thought a little through. I could indeed have used more bombers and buying military engineers to build new air strips would be easy. Two other things: I delayed the upgrade of GDR to bombard cities. They do a lot of damage and move quickly. I could have prioritized nuclear bombs. They spoil the land but its fast and a good way to wrap up the game.

Blow the cities defenses to shreds with artillery or air support then swoop in with a fast moving unit to capture. Set up a production queue in your cities and check back in twenty turns. You are outstripping your opponents to such an extent in your examples that I'm not sure why you haven't already won.
When I posted the thread, I was less than 20 turns from winning the game and three capitals to conquer. I started warring late, end of renaissance era. I started snowballing modern era and won the game beginning of atomic era.
Go for fewer turns, not faster turns. Try to win a domination game in under 150 turns. Check out my deity domination guide:

Your post inspired me to go into the game and get rolling.
I randomly roll Victoria and settle on the coast.
Decent enough start.
All Standard Pangaea with Low Sea settings.
No modes selected.

Turns out I have no farms, iron or horses.
And I mean within 20+ tiles from coast on inward.
Does maize count as a farm for irrigation?
I do have vast land though.
Enough land for 10 to 16 hard built/chopped cities.
Easy enough to win and just a very easy start IMO.

Not at all what I wanted to do.
The game is funny like that.
I quit after turn 80.

My closest AI neighbor had 4 iron and 3 horses, in one city alone lol.
She was about 16 tiles away from my capital.
Your post inspired me to go into the game and get rolling.

I’m flattered ha.

Here’s one thing about civ 6: the time is takes to win is very much dependent on your start/map/civ. It’s unfortunate that you rolled Victoria on a Pangea map.

What I think you should do next:
  • Stick with Victoria
  • Lower the difficulty
  • Choose a water map such as island plates, continents and islands, etc.
  • Pick legendary start in the pre-game setup
  • Re-roll maps until you get a start you like
Basically, stack the deck in your favor. This may seem like cheating, but what you’re really doing is teaching yourself to play faster. Once you figure it out, you can ramp up the difficulty in future games.

Edit: go for galleys into caravels with Victoria. The guide I wrote is more for land-based dom. If you’d rather do that, try civs like Mongolia, Macedon, or Persia.
As far as I know, the discount takes into account the districts you built or captured, not the districts you pre-placed.

Pre-placing districts uses the discount. I’m sure of this. Welcome to GotM btw!

Read your guide. Is good. I just disagree on you advocating not pillaging for gold. I found this is the only reliable source of income for upgrading units, since the rest of your economy is a warmachine.

I also noticed the missing obvious tip on attacking on two or more fronts simultaneously

I stand by what I said! If you think losing turns to pillage gold is worth it, then come over to GotM and throw down!

Your point about multiple fronts is a good one. I may edit it in if I can think of a good movie quote.
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