Plea for an interface with non-blocking pop-ups, free access to info and a task list.


the Counsellor
Nov 8, 2002
The Netherlands
One of the things that has always bothered me in Civ4 is that the pop-ups are blocking, that is: you to deal with them or else the game doens't proceed. Furthermore, while dealing with a pop-up you cannot access other sources of information. There are several ways of dealing with this, that I'd like to propose.

Snooze on Diplomacy.
Typically, when Elizabeth is asking you to stop trading with the vile Vikings, I'd like to be able to consult my advisors to find out what trade - if any - we have with the buggers before making a decision. But no, she demands an answer then and there. A solution would be to have a 3rd option "Uhm, let me think. Please come back at the end of the turn".

Waiting room for diplomats.
Then, when I'm done with Elizabeth, Asoka shows up asking me to support a war against Elizabeth. Instead of having the visiting diplomats barge in at the start of a turn in their order of choosing, I'd like to have a waiting room (with a nice blinking icon or so) where visiting diplomats lounge until I have time for them in the order of my choosing. That would allow me to prepare some research into their backgrounds before receiving them, too. (See also the task list below).

Access to info.
As said, when Elizabeth is pressing for an answer, I'd like there to be info of which deals I have with said Vikings. Rather, I'd like to be able to see in all advisory screens before returning to the diplomat with an answer.

Task list.
Similar things can be said about the build orders of cities and selecting a tech to research. It'd be great if there was a task list (again with a lovely blinking icon :yeah:) with things that needed to be done rather than the game popping these tasks in my face. And the diplomatic waiting room can be integrated into this. Many games use such a list for (optional) objectives. Example:
  • Done researching Feudalism. Pick a new research target.
  • Done building a temple in Rome. What's next?
  • Done training cavalry in Naples. What's next?
  • An emissary of Elizabeth of England is waiting for you.
  • An emissary of Asoka of India is waiting for you.
That way I could be in control of what I'd like to do when. Of course the game should cycle through the list if it's not empty by the end of the turn and ensure that all tasks have been completed before you can advance.
It would appear that your prayers have been answered. . .
You can actually do this already in civ4; you can access the advisor screens during diplo by hitting the Fnumeral keys. But yes, a way to be sure to reference other information pertinent to a decision is nice, city screens, advisors etc...

Tech and unit builds can already be changed freely at any point in a turn though and I don't see that model not being continued.

Oh, and one more thing about diplomacy - you're never going to get a system where "an emissary of England is waiting for you" because the diplomacy has to happen during the AI's turn. If they initiate the contact it happens during their turn; it's not going to wait for your next turn most likely, though again just a clearer button/way to go to other screens could be all right.
Oh, and one more thing about diplomacy - you're never going to get a system where "an emissary of England is waiting for you" because the diplomacy has to happen during the AI's turn. If they initiate the contact it happens during their turn; it's not going to wait for your next turn most likely, though again just a clearer button/way to go to other screens could be all right.
I don't agree with this. Diplomacy may be started during the AI's turn, the pop-up doesn't happen until it's my turn again. The AI's turn doesn't stop and wait for me to be talking to Elizabeth. They all queue until it's time for my turn, and while you're giving unit orders, there's a pop-up about Elizabeth. So in that context I don't see a reason why I cannot decide the orders in which I'm talking to the emissaries.
Oh, and one more thing about diplomacy - you're never going to get a system where "an emissary of England is waiting for you" because the diplomacy has to happen during the AI's turn. If they initiate the contact it happens during their turn; it's not going to wait for your next turn most likely, though again just a clearer button/way to go to other screens could be all right.
I'm not sure I agree with this. Why couldn't it wait?

Otto wants to trade (his iron for my horses); he sends emissary & I get icon notice; I ignore it for several turns; by then, he has acquired horses from someone else, and politely (or not) informs me that the opportunity has passed.

The only way it would have to take place during the opponents turn would be if the program committed the resources when the trade was offered. As long as the program is able to re-evaluate the request when I respond, it can happen any time.

This would actually streamline multi-player, too. Diplomacy wouldn't have to hold up your turn: make the offer, leave diplo, go back to their reply when you have time.
I like the idea of diplomacy being taken out of sequence so you can respond at a time of your pleasing. Of course it would have to workboth ways so that your own requests are not always answered immediately.

The number of times I've caved in to a demand then realised a turn later that I'd made the complete wrong choice is just silly!
Diplo is an immediate thing, just like combat is. As things are, you send your emissary asking for OB because you want to walk into their territory NOW. Or you want to declare peace before he gets to counterattack NOW. Or you want to DoW NOW. Or you want to strike up a trade agreement because you need gold NOW. Etc...

I totally agree that it should be a lot easier to see what's at stake when someone comes banging on the door, but you're not going to get what you're looking for until Civ changes drastically.
Diplo is an immediate thing, just like combat is. As things are, you send your emissary asking for OB because you want to walk into their territory NOW. Or you want to declare peace before he gets to counterattack NOW. Or you want to DoW NOW. Or you want to strike up a trade agreement because you need gold NOW. Etc...

I totally agree that it should be a lot easier to see what's at stake when someone comes banging on the door, but you're not going to get what you're looking for until Civ changes drastically.
Except that when AI initiates diplo, they wait for it to be concluded in your turn and their turn doesn't resume after you've answered. The AI doesn't ask for OB and then if you agree immediately move units into your terrain before the start of your turn. If you agree to OB, AI won't put units into your land until the next turn. So from AI perspective, it doesn't matter if you answer at the start of your turn or later in your turn when it suits you.
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