please sir, i need some help


Dec 14, 2003
I'm new to your forum, so im sorry if i've put this thread in the wrong place...

But, nevertheless... my problem still exist and i really need some help and i cant think of a better bunch of people to help me than you lot. ;)

Right, my situation is this...

I'm customizing a scenario (Ancient Mediterranean) so that i can only build ancient units & i also added a few spectacular units aquired from civfanatics. now, i finished editing it and i started to test it. around about turn 30 or 40, it came up with this message.

missing entry
"text\pediaicons.txt!! won_splash_19"

now, i have looked in the pediaicons file. and, blow 'n' behold... it was missing.

now, a matter of deductive logic... it worked before i added the units, got rid of city improvements which weren't around in the ancient era and also got rid of many techs... so i gather that a file is asking for something which isnt there.

(i haven't edited the pediaicon file at all)

now, i dont spose any of you would know what i've done to make this error occur? or what particular file is asking for that icon?

if you do, please post here or contact me via e-mailey

thanks for your help;)
By deleting improvements, you have broken the numbering used for wonder splashes (the pictures that are shown when you build a wonder) You see, regular Civ3 identifies the correct wonder splashes by the position of the wonder in the list of improvements and wonders (the list you see in the editor)

Play The World (and Conquests) makes this a lot easier to mod as you can direct wonder splashes with #BLDG_ tags.

What you have to do is deduct the correct number for each wonder. It is difficult and annoying. Basically, you have to change their numbers accordingly to how many improvements you have deleted from above them in the list. I recommend you to test each wonder by making them have no tech requirements and zero cost and building them yourself in the first turn of the game.

BTW, since you have deleted improvements, have you edited the buildings-large.pcx and buildings-small.pcx to get the correct build icons to show up?

Edit: as a clarification won_splash_19 means that you have built a wonder that is placed 19 in the list and the game can't find its splash as there is no such line in the pediaicons.txt So find the wonder's line in pediaicons and change the number to 19.

Le'ts assume the wonder you were building was Pyramids. Here is its wonder splash line in pediaicons.txt

art\wonder splash\pyramid.pcx

Now just change 30 to 19

Then check the wonder that is right below Pyramids in the list and change its number to 20. If there are wonders above pyramids in the list, give them smaller numbers.

If you haven't edited the buildings-small.pcx and buildings-large.pcx, you can find them in City screen folder under Art. Just make sure the images correspond with the list. If you have deleted a modern improvement, delete its images and move the images below it one step up.
Oh, i feel so veryy inadequate now... thank you fo ryou help ;)
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