Pokemon Explained

I have questions:

Who's paying for ashes medical bills

can we assume Pikachu and the rest of his pokemon have died of starvation while ash was out

if ash has been in a coma the entire time, what does ash do when he has to take a dump

why does ash ditch every chick he meets to stick with Brock, does this mean hes subconsciously gay

has anyone stolen his money while he is out

If they chose to pull the plug on him, will he come back as a Haunter

if I get put in a coma will i be able to warn ash that hes in a coma

is Yoshi a pokemon

if not what about Glen Beck
I have questions:

Who's paying for ashes medical bills

can we assume Pikachu and the rest of his pokemon have died of starvation while ash was out

if ash has been in a coma the entire time, what does ash do when he has to take a dump

why does ash ditch every chick he meets to stick with Brock, does this mean hes subconsciously gay

has anyone stolen his money while he is out

If they chose to pull the plug on him, will he come back as a Haunter

if I get put in a coma will i be able to warn ash that hes in a coma

is Yoshi a pokemon

if not what about Glen Beck

They are probably using public health care

It is not only ash that is capable of taking care of pokemon

It goes into a nappy and the nurses clean him up, just like what everyone else in a coma does

Bros before hoes

Probably not

More likely a ghastly

I don't know, you go find out



Happy now?
They are probably using public health care

It is not only ash that is capable of taking care of pokemon

It goes into a nappy and the nurses clean him up, just like what everyone else in a coma does

Bros before hoes

Probably not

More likely a ghastly

I don't know, you go find out



Happy now?

I know I am! :goodjob:
:eek2::eek2:That's... just... so... EPIC ON AN EPIC SCALE!!!!!!!1!!11!!!1!:eek2: Spektakulär, sage ich.:goodjob: (German= 'Spectacular, say I')
Actually that's not true, since in one episode Ash and the gang go on a bike trip across the bike bridge, it's the episode with the biker gang.
Basically this disproves the whole thing since if he has a fear of bikes why would he not take a bike ever except for this one episode, and the bikes weren't anything special there, they just heard "oh we must ride a bicycle to go through that bridge? ok".
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