Post-patch brainstorming thread


Wizard in the Making
Nov 25, 2005
Western Australia
This thread will enable all of the brilliant ideas for this mod to be posted here, that will be incorperated after the next patch is released. this will enable the more relevant material to be more easilly accessable by the ringleaders of the mod.:)

So if you have any ideas for stuff that will not be put into the next release, please post it here;)

Post 2: wonders and buildings summary
Buildings and wonders
In this post i will collect all (civ-specific) wonder and building ideas. Don't be shy to comment and post your ideas ;)

Spoiler :

Dark Elves
Cauldron of Blood
- building that gives the surrounding tiles more strength
Altar of Ultimate Darkness
- wonder that increases the hapiness produces by the sacrificing pit
Sacrificing Pit
- building that gives extra happiness
- building that produces a slave every couple of turns
- let this slave be a worker or sacrifice him in the pit (for extra happiness)
The raiding docks of {cityname}
- wonder that makes raiding parties extra profitable and makes ships sail faster

Anvil of Doom
- building that gives the surrounding tiles more strength
- only a few can be made (like in warhammer)
Dwarfs brewery
- little better than the regular one (dwarven beer is the best ;) )
The Hall of Karak {capitol city}
- wonder that gives defending dwarfs extra defense
The library of Grudges
- wonder that gives extra strength
Longbeard tavern
- a drinking spot for old experienced dwarfs
- gives new units extra experience

Spawning pool
- 'building' that gives creature production rate
Mirror Pool of Tepoc
- lizardmen wonder that gives higher growth rate
Stellar Pyramids
- lizardmen wonder that gives higher movement rate in jungle
- can be build after navigation
Jungle Traps
- increases monster production
Sacrificing altar
- building that gives extra happiness

High Elves
Tower of Hoeth
- elven wonder
Teclis' Magic Academy
- wonder that makes all wizards stronger
The Vortex
- magical creation of Caledor to drive the daemons back

Nippon Japanese-like
Tower of the Rising Sun
- Nippon wonder
(Sumo) wrestling arena
- gives happiness, and maybe upgrades to a certain troop type
Shinshukyo-academy (don't like the word academy here)
- builds assassins
- shinshukyo is a religion (cult) in Japan
Rangaku (translation: western learning)
- a Japanese late-medieval plan to get technologies from Europe via the Dutch
- let's the Nipponese steal technologies

Cathay chinese-like
Seat of the Dragon Throne
- wonder that improves Palace benefits
Mount Tai
- one of the five sacred mountains of China
Axis Mundi
- the belief that china is the connection between heaven and earth
Opium house
- gives happiness

Empire german-like
The Moot
- necessary to build halflings
Reichstag (Empire is germany-like)
- wonder that gives improvement of Palace benefits
Witch execution stand
- gives city happiness
The Suidock
- in Empire cause Westerland shouldn't be a fraction IMO
The Order of The blazing Sun/the broken sword/the everlasting light etcetera
- the specific knight can be build as an better normal knight
- the ultimate would be The Order of the Knights of the Inner Circle which is the farbest order!

- building that gives Orcs health (they like meat)
Troll country
- necessary to build Trolls
- or an 'building' that makes them cheaper
Goblin village
- living space for goblin ‘slaves’
Totem of Gork/Mork
- living place of Snotlings
Orc bully house
- increases production
- ‘encourages’ the Goblins to work faster
Goblin arena
- place where goblins can fight
- gives the Orcs happiness

Troll country
- necessary to build Trolls
- or an 'building' that makes them cheaper
Elven Prison
- building where goblins can torture elves
- gives goblins more happiness
Squig 'farm'
- building that makes squigs cheaper
- living place of Snotlings
Totem of Gork/Mork
Fungus cave
- gives extra health
- gives benefits to shamans (nightgoblin)

Tilea ( italian-like
School of war
- building that makes it easier/cheaper to produce/hire Dogs of War
- only available to Tilea: home of the mercenaries
Merchant house
- increase profits
Palaces of the Merchant Princes
- increases profits even more
The Council of Fifty
- democratic leaders of a Tilean city
- could do something like the courthouse
The Five Graces
- is a sculpture in Trantio
Tilean Bastion
- tileans are very well defended; their bastions are superior
The Island of Sartosa
- is the pirate island (at a later time Dark Elves took the island)
- enables Tilea to build pirates and pirate ships
The Marketag festival
- gives happiness
The tournament of Ravola (or Racola)
- a tournament where tilean knight defeated bretonnian knight
- gives happiness and unit upgrades/experience

Greasus Goldtooth's Arena
- wonder: a super-fighting pit that gives extra experience in every city
Fighting pit
- Building that gives an extra experience upgrade for new units
- Building that is required to build Butchers (Ogre's magic unit)
- building that gives Ogres health (they like meat)
Ogre scrapheap
- attrackts gnobblars; increased gnoblar production
Gnoblar Arena
- place where gnoblars fight for their masters
- gives happiness

- building that makes undead units cheaper
Battlegrounds of Sylvania
- Vampire wonder that gives benefits to undead creatures
The Blood Keep
Bat Cave
Book of Nagash
- contains the art of necromancy
The elixir of Nagash
- makes you a vampire
The birth of the master vampires
- 12 or 13 people drank the elixir to form the thirteen races of vampires

Tomb Kings
Casket of Souls
- catches souls and keeps them in a coffin
Small pyramid
- building that makes undead units cheaper
Crater of the Dead
- Tomb Kings wonder that gives benefits to undead creatures
Valley of the Kings (like the one in Egypt)
- Wonder that increases the chance of appearence of a general

Vaul's Anvil
- can be found in Naggaroth and Ulthuan .. possible to let the elves 'race' for it?
- Wood elves got it too! ;)

Wood Elves
Waterfall palace
- Wonder that increses palace benefits
Oak of Ages
Tree of woe
The wildwood
Tower of the eternal wood
The wild heath
The vaults of Winter

Albion celtic-like
- gives happiness
The chronicles
Druid college
Druid hill
Druid forest
Centre of Rhyme
Burial rites
House of Vates
- prophets/seers
- to sacrifice holy animals


Lake of 'The lady of the Lake'
- wonder
Grail Chapel
- buidling that enables Grail knights
Jousting arena
- Gives happiness and gives new units experience points


House of (Tzeentch, Khorne or Nurgle)
- building necessary to build the appropiate units and buildings
- each house replaces the other; it's not possible to worship Khorne and Nurgle at once

House of (Tzeentch, Khorne or Nurgle)
- building necessary to build the appropiate units and buildings
- each house replaces the other; it's not possible to worship Khorne and Nurgle at once
Storm of Chaos
- is the name of the summer campaign
- gives choas a temporary extra-everything to attempt an attack on the 'civilized' world
- should be hard to get; special character and many shields
- attacking in this period will cause 'banding'. Diplomacy points will divide the world in good, bad and neutral. the building causes extra diplomatic minuspoints with the 'good' races and pluspoints with allies of Chaos
- in other words: this thing will cause a MASSIVE war!!! and i like that

Chaos Dwarfs
- building that produces a slave every couple of turns


The sewers
- wonder that connects all cities (rats like sewers)

We don't only think of buildings in the future, so I'll post the 'other' ideas here too. This can be anything civ-specific I pick out other threads (where they aren't allowed ;) ) or come up with myself. And off course all add any ideas that you come up with in this thread.

Spoiler :

- There is a discussion going on about Chaos and the units they must have. Some would like 'the old chaos' with beastmen, daemons and 'humans' in one army, other would like them all seperate. IMO we follow the 6th edition army books; Beastman as an separate fraction and Daemons and humans for the other fraction called Chaos.

Tree huggin' races
What to do with the tree huggin' nations of Athel Loren and Lustria? The Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Amazones and even the Beastman like forests very much and depend on them. In civilization at a certain point it's possible to harvest these forests. IMO it shouldn't be possible for this fractions. BUT to create possibilities (just like the others have with clearing forests) they should be able to build forests! Because they love nature they shouldn't build roads either; they don't need them! They walk and run swiftly through the forests, stalking others that enter it. Maybe it's an idea to let them have the +movement in forests within their empire. That way Wood Elves (for example) won't have roads (maybe a few, only to connect the cities for trade?) and have an Empire full of forests. That sound quite realistic .. if it's possible to program.

To make it clear for the races;
- Wood Elves love nature, forests and depend on it for survival.
- Lizardman live in the jungle and adepted to coexist with it (note the Lustria campaign)
- Amazones .. well .. the same as for the Lizardmen
- Beastman need the forest for protection and a place to raid from

This is the way Games-Workshop is trying to portrait these races. Maybe not the way we like to interpret it, but IMO it sounds good!

Dwarven Slayers
The slayers should be escpecially stronger against tougher opponents .. and normally strong against same or weaker units (just like in the armybook ;) )

Warpstone is dangerous, because of it's mutating capabilities. Still it is harvested by all the fractions for different purposes. Wouldn't it be a nice thing to give a unit a 5% chance to turn into a Barbaric Chaos Spawn if it stands on a tile with warpstone in it? And a 1% chance for all the 8 surrounding tiles?

Orders of Magic
Building a specific order will give access to specific spells. There are many different lores of magic. Some races can use only one, others a couple and some can even choose from 8 or so! Can we put this in the game? For example: playing the empire i choose to build the order of Shadow Magic, which gives me specific spells to build and arm my wizards with.

If your fraction can't choose, you still can build the wonder 'the 8 colleges of Magic' which allows you to choose from your race-specific orders AND the 8 'normal' lores.

Dwarven Magic and special characters
Dwarfs don't like magic and they don't use it. It shouldn't be possible for dwarfs to build spells in a regular way. Only the anvil of doom can use spells. BUT dwarfs are kinda immune to magic too! So spells only affect them 50%. In the case there's a (alternative for dwarven mage) on the attacked tile, the units are affected only 25%. Also, the dwarfs should have engineers. When on the same tile as a organ gun, cannon or other technical device, it gives the device a bonus.

Bretonnian Spearhead and defenses
Bretonnian spearhead (not the correct name) is the formation in which the knight attack. Is it possible to make the bretonnian knights ranked while standing still and in spearheid formation while running/attacking?

Bretonnian archers got the possibility to create a anti-knight-wall-thingy in WH. Would be nice that they got a worker-like ability to make these. And if they leave the tile it will be gone.

Psychic_Llamas said:
Vaul's anvil is also in Athel Loren By the way;)

also, Waterfall palace for wood elves
increses palace benefits

:goodjob: Got me there! .. didn't see it on the map :(

Shall we use my previous thread to summarize al the ideas? I added the Waterfall ;)
not too sure exactly, ill do some research and report back soon;)

(EDIT: )
Ok, here you go, not too sure how valid it is, but it sounds good:)

Spoiler :
Gromril (a.k.a. Meteoric Iron) is also from the warp. As the gods of Law originated from certain eddies in the warp (Law being one of the many possibilities of Chaos), so did gromril. Gromril also falls to the Warhammer World through the Old Slann warpgates. Dwarves have discovered it in several places where meteors have struck the World. In fact, gromril is only found in the presence of warpstone. The reverse, however, is not true.
Raw gromril is a silvery metal that is incredibly rare and valuable and only dwarves know how to work it.

Gromril actually has more than one state. There are three methods of refining it and each method has different effects on the metal. The first method is widely known among the dwarves and turns raw gromril into the refined gromril that is used for coins, armor, shields, and weapons. This refined gromril is sometimes called Mithril by Old Worlders. The second method is not widely known among the dwarves and its secret is jealously guarded by the dwarven Master Smiths that do know it. This second method turns raw gromril into Adamant. The third method turns raw gromril into a crystalline metal known in legend as Laihtero.


Spoiler :
Ithilmar is the famous High Elven metal used in the High Elf armour. The name Ithilmar means Sky Silver. This metal is so light for its strength that even High Elven heavy armour does not encumber, so there is no penalty to movement for High Elves wearing heavy armour. This does not apply to barding, as the barding penalty is applied due to the bulk of barding causing loss of mobility as much as it is for weight.
Psychic_Llamas said:
i like your opinions on the "tree huggin races" in the second post. good ideas and i agree with them all (but unsure about beastmen, though you appear to be of beastman expert;))

Im certainly no expert, but the 6th armybooks are very well written an give you an awesome idea of the world that race lives in, and what opinion that race has on the world. next to that .. the warhammer novels are good .. really good ;)

Indeed it's had to imagine beastmen loving the woods and they don't!; they won't ask the forests for forgiveness when they need trees for chariots or something :) .. The beastmen need the forests in another way than the Elves (who hate the beastmen btw ..) Throughout the warhammer world Beastman live in forests only, hiding there until their numbers are sufficient for raiding the plains and the 'civilised world'. As we decided for the Orcs, beastman love raiding parties an war, their goal is to end civilisation.

I certainly understand if we choose the beastmen not te be forest friendly :)
Actually, you just gave me an idea. how about making race related promotions, that make certain races stronger against other races. Eg Wood elves hate beastmen, dwrves hate goblins, High elves hate dark elves etc etc.
Psychic_Llamas said:
Actually, you just gave me an idea. how about making race related promotions, that make certain races stronger against other races. Eg Wood elves hate beastmen, dwrves hate goblins, High elves hate dark elves etc etc.

that would really make the game even more Warhammer-realistic .. but it sounds very future-like (well .. this is the appropiate thread ;) ) .. the programmers have to decide if it's possible ..

another example idea: Beastman and Chaos can build the specific wonder 'The coming of Choas' which is the name for the failure/destruction of the gates of the Old Ones that unleashed Chaos in the Warhammer World. This could give them some benefits, but it also triggers the Wood Elves to hate Beastman .. or something like that ..

another example: Goblins can build the 'Goblin Wars' which let's the Night Goblins hate Dwarfs. In return the dwarfs hate all greenskins. And the High Elves could built something that let's goblins fear them ..

and yet another one: Dwarfs can build 'The war of the beard' (which is the first war of betrayel between the High Elves and the Dwarfs) which let's them hate Elves ..

wooooooo .. that sounds nice .. if i may say so .. :mischief:

gives me another wonder idea: The Vortex! It's the High Elven magic construction that Caledor opened to keep Chaos in the outer regions of the Warhammer world
Psychic_Llamas said:
Actually, you just gave me an idea. how about making race related promotions, that make certain races stronger against other races. Eg Wood elves hate beastmen, dwrves hate goblins, High elves hate dark elves etc etc.

I think those animosities are more something for Diplomacy (giving a negative modifier) than a promotion thing.

And I don´t like the idea of building wonders to get you´re race to hate another one - that should be that way from the start IMO.

But the general idea of certain "Great" Wonders triggering something that effects the whole world sounds very interesting to me - We would just need some very good events that could occur.
Thats part of the psychology plan. (animosity and hate). We certainly will have it eventually as promotions for different units which will start off with them.;)
As for Diplomacy we could adopt the alignment system from FFH.
Duke van Frost said:
I think those animosities are more something for Diplomacy (giving a negative modifier) than a promotion thing.

And I don´t like the idea of building wonders to get you´re race to hate another one.

But the general idea of certain "Great" Wonders triggering something that effects the whole world sounds very interesting to me - We would just need some very good events that could occur.

that's true .. let Dwarfs hate Goblins form the beginning .. also in diplomacy ..

The coming of Chaos is a rather big happening .. "it rendered the skies and even mountains, and caused a layer of dust to cover the whole world and everything it touched mutated horribly" (from the dwarven army book)

We could also use it as a specific thing to happen at a specific time (or a random time) .. 1000 years before the birth of sigmar (for example) the 'coming of chaos' happens .. and at that moment daemons (barbaric)spawn everywhere and units can die of mutation (like they die of the plaque) or become choas spawns!!!

is this realistic or am i fantasizing too much (maybe acid in my tea .. ) :crazyeye:
what do you think of this one:

Storm of Chaos
- is the name of the summer campaign
- gives choas a temporary extra-everything to attempt an attack on the 'civilized' world
- should be hard to get; special character and many shields
- attacking in this period will cause 'banding'. Diplomacy points will divide the world in good, bad and neutral. the building causes extra diplomatic minuspoints with the 'good' races and pluspoints with allies of Chaos
- in other words: this thing will cause a MASSIVE war!!! and i like that :)

Araby could have a similar thing .. causing the 200 year war and crusades with the old world.

Even Tomb Kings could have it .. representing nagash creating the undead land of Khemri from the 'living' lands of .. i forgot the name :s
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