Prettying up the game little by little

I’ve kinda fallen off the face of the Earth recently, haven’t I? I got a bit burnt out on the project and also my Civ 1 itch was scratched enough for the moment, so I moved on for a while.
But the love for Civ 1 never dies completely, and this fine morning I woke up and chose violencedecided to redraw the battleship because I never liked what I had that much anyway.


Instead of trying to fit the whole thing, this time around I chose to keep only the bow of the ship and have two turrets in the front with the superstructure, black funnel, and the radar/everything mast in the back.

Still not done with this.
Looking good as always :-) If you ever fancy working with double the number of pixels, I'm always happy to share the raw tilesheet for the windows port. I have a version with functional river/ shore animation I need to get round to publishing!
I’ve kinda fallen off the face of the Earth recently, haven’t I? I got a bit burnt out on the project and also my Civ 1 itch was scratched enough for the moment, so I moved on for a while.
But the love for Civ 1 never dies completely, and this fine morning I woke up and chose violencedecided to redraw the battleship because I never liked what I had that much anyway.


Instead of trying to fit the whole thing, this time around I chose to keep only the bow of the ship and have two turrets in the front with the superstructure, black funnel, and the radar/everything mast in the back.

Still not done with this.

you hit the nail on the head. Can you take a screenshot of that unit in the game?
Oops I disappeared again lol; big sorry for that. Guess I’ll only have the cruiser to redo/revamp/resomething and I can properly™ release this thing with a complete redesign of the first post and stuff. I’ll get to it, I really will.
@Vaximillian, can I ask which graphics editor you used to make these? GIMP served me well for CivWin but for some reason I cannot get it to leave the palette alone when I edit the DOS stuff (after jcived pic conversion). Just curious if you were using something else?
A whole bunch of us in the Civ2 community still swear by good old Paint Shop Pro 7 from the 90s for palette management as it doesn't override your file with some generic palette and very nicely keeps it safe and even allows you to save it as a palette file. So I've got like 20 different palette files saved for different parts of Civ2. It's almost becoming a running gag over there in that someone embarrassingly admits to using this 25yr old paint program and then 5 other dudes show up and say they're using it too lol. :lol:
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