Preturn information


Low level intermediary
Mar 6, 2001
Rochester, NY
Turn 1:

F11 screen:

F7 and F8 have nothing useful that I can see.

Our worker moves:

Nice work Mr. First Councilor :thumbsup:

seems obvious to me to settle in place and irrigate that cow!!
Nothing worth moving for that I can see.
Looks good to me. No reason to change course.

And now it's off to bed for me.
Played turns thread is up, with screen shots. :)

Oh, this message was with the save:

Hope you have half the start that we have :p

Teame Babe
I saw it in the fog, after zyxy posted his opening moves

turn 6: cow, sugar. f 4/0/20, s 3/4/10, c 5/24/60.

I thought he had seen a sugar on the river, that's why I looked for it (and found it). Recalculating now I think he used the other one, he already had 4 commerce in turn 5... :crazyeye: :lol:

:aargh: My company's internet policy blocks access to
No pictures for me during work :cry: is another free upload site. Maybe work doesn't block that one?

[I prefer picsplace, for the lack of pop-ups] is another free upload site. Maybe work doesn't block that one?

[I prefer picsplace, for the lack of pop-ups] is also blocked. Seems to be a source of misuse during worktime :nono: :hmm:
Everyone has settled:

I think all we have to do is start zyxy irrigating that cow:

I'll play the turn soon unless someone objects.
Go for it! :thumbsup:
Yes, the first five turns should be uneventful.
Interesting data from teh demographics screen:

There are 3 agri civs, but we are 3rd in family size, which makes me think that one of them is either working a forest tile or didn't get fresh water.

We are also 3rd in productivity, which makes me think that someone didn't get a cow.

It's really, really early, but not being 4th in these measures right now is a good sign.
After turn 3 we are 4th in productivity and 2nd in GNP, which means someone has roaded something. Either BABE, or an industrial civ.
Don't forget - in case of a tie, we show up ahead. So if we are listed as 3rd in MFG, there may be up to two other teams working the same number of shields as us. :)
....moved from the naming stuff thread...

zxzy said:
Maybe this first scout will be long range (for meeting other teams), and the second one short range (finding city spots & defense)? Or vice versa?

I think we would do best to have the first one explore deep, and the second warrior scout locations for our second settlement location. The earlier we get a guy (or girl) out there exploring, the better. Once land has started to be settled by others, we won't be able to scout their terrain.
....moved from the naming stuff thread...

I think we would do best to have the first one explore deep, and the second warrior scout locations for our second settlement location. The earlier we get a guy (or girl) out there exploring, the better. Once land has started to be settled by others, we won't be able to scout their terrain.

I agree, I think the warrior can start off following the river NW then maybe switching straight north to find other nations?
Good plan. Course, with Y wrapping, we might find them faster by going south. This y-wrapping is confusing!!

An interesting idea, it could confuse our opponents as to our actual location, however what if there is no land wrapping from the bottom of the map to the top, only water?
water can stop us in any direction.
But jumping the poles might cause some confusion which is always good. :crazyeye:
Here's the map:

And the mini-map:

Need a direction to move for this turn. We can name him next turn if we want.

It seems we have five possibilities worth considering: N, NW, W, SW or W.

I vote for W. After we see a bit more we can decide on a northerly or southerly direction.
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